General Discussion

General DiscussionDR #2 for western qualifiers?

DR #2 for western qualifiers? in General Discussion

    RoX.KIS rolls over Empire in game 1 picking up a divine on gyro at 23 min. Does this count for the compendium since it was after the gg call?

    Also LightofHeaven DS gets destroyed bot by Dread on weaver... he never even levels Wall of Illusions while they lose teamfight after teamfight. Who knows why people don't adjust their build when the teamfights come points in Wall at level 10.


      Game 2 LightofHeaven trys weaver and does even worse. Gets traped on a cliff at level 1 by rubic...ends the game 0-6-1. RoX.KIS wins all 3 lanes decisively.

      Vanskor on Rubic outplays Scandal Mag 4 times in row telekinesis the instant he RP, steals and returns. Empire is the first team eliminated and, sadly, played like they deserve to be the first team eliminated losing every single game.

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        Empire sucks really

        really bad games ,, and LoH is the worst one .


          Funny, because I keep hearing everyone blame twista and saying he's the worst one. I don't know if it was the team just not coming together or having enough time to play together but in it's current incarnation it's not working. So what's next for them.. keep playing and hope it gels, wait until after TI3 and hopefully pick up a couple of players from the inevitable roster shifts that happen or be happy playing at a Tier 3 level.


            Twista got outpicked and he's clearly not at the IQ - level of the rest of the captains. He's either stupid or stubborn (even mroe of a reason to not have him as a captain -Stupid fuck).


              By the words of LOH about Na`Vi being a sinking ship, I thought he is going to join a team that is better than iG

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