General Discussion

General DiscussionNerf Spirit Breaker.

Nerf Spirit Breaker. in General Discussion
❤ Ashley ❤

    Fucking OP as fuck

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Lol Huskar more Op.


        ^ 2 noobs detected


          ok nerfed both o next patch


            OkBroYouPro trolling, I am sure

            dookie daddy

              I could find you different threads where someone is complaining about a hero being "OP as fuck" sounds like you just had a game where an SB raped your face and you got mad.

              Shit happens and a SB can be annoying early/mid and provided you guys counter him (e.g. stick together, deward so he can't charge junglers, have disablers, blademail etc.) then he shouldn't be hard to take down in the late game provided you have picked your team wisely.

              Good counters to SB are anything that can kite around, you don't want to be standing up to him with a MoM and BkB as its just plain suicide.

              World Emperor

                This dude (topic owner) been crying about the balance of dota 2. The shit you cried about are completely fine, also this is not where valve or icefrog collect opinion to change the game, so GTFO and cry at dota dev.

                World Emperor

                  He's mad cuz his team got owned by SB