General Discussion

General DiscussionHighSkill team.

HighSkill team. in General Discussion

    Searching for the high skill smart players ( 1 or 2)
    - EU servers.
    - Really good skill level. Include good WR and KDA.
    - All roles. U must be universal player (u can play support/carry/mid/offlane). Or at least u have to be good support.
    - We play different modes: AR, SD, RD and sometimes CM. AP rarely, cause it is boring.
    - Skype preferably. English understanding at least.
    - No kids and other retards.

    My main profile:
    My steam:

    My friends profile:

    Add me plz. We play from 15-16 CET to 21-22.

    big dick player pussy slayer

      well i could try but i dont really have a good kda


        you are bad


          @SToRMBoRN GTFO smurf. We are in different level layers. If u whant i can add u and teach u some dota=)


            He got better dbr than u,and he playing in higher mm,so u shuda stfu,not he :)


              hmmmm haven't played in like 3 months but i play invoker HEAAAAAPPSS!! i can be a backup player if yous want when i get a new pc .. the one i used was a wooden one which laggs every single time with perfection but tried LOL on my laptop and it works and yer i play pretty good .. i think i can play better if i was to play dota 2 . btw dota 2 doesn't work on my laptop , windows vista which sucks :(


                ''must have good winrate''
                and your winrate is shit

                dookie daddy

                  I don't have a smurf or redone account so my account shows a lot of the "bad times" but would be nice to play with you after seeing you kicking up havoc around the forums.

                  The only thing I can say for myself is I can play all the roles quite efficiently and have played DotA 1-2 a long time so I have a firm grasp on how to play.

                  Add me if you wanna

                  Sōu ka

                    kikoni lmao being part of the beesa stack on not having >70% WR lmao why are you even talking?


                      kegel you are bad

                      Sōu ka

                        keep making new accounts to play on page 50 of dotatv with 5 man stacks tryhard picking same heroes every game against ppl who random, gj baddie


                          keep playing same account to play on page 1 of dotatv with solo q non tryhard different heroes every game against ppl who pick, gj goodie

                          Este comentario fue editado
                          Sōu ka

                            aight i don't even see your point here, but i guess there is none

                            Chill out ma boy

                              I would like to play with you , but my kda / wr are bad and i only play 5 heroes , sorry hf


                                aight i do see your point here, but im pretty sure there is one


                                  we could try few games i play support


                                    if mr. SToRMBoRN said u are bad, it must be true !
                                    // no fun allowed. tryhards gonna tryhard

                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                      @kegel you flamed someone for not having %70+ win rate. you just go full retard.


                                        add me

                                        Sōu ka

                                          why wouldnt i you got >90% and ur fucking awful


                                            its only a game, why you have to be mad


                                              smurfers gonna smurf

                                              Sōu ka

                                                don't confuse madness with pity

                                                Josh  :D

                                                  KDA + Win Rate don't always mean a good player or a bad player.


                                                    Most ingorant kid EVER!
                                                    It's a russian telling US to speak ENGLISH? LOL

                                                    Este comentario fue editado
                                                    Biskit the Brave

                                                      High skill? More like no skill *YEEEEEEAH*