General Discussion

General Discussionso i played hon and LoL just now

so i played hon and LoL just now in General Discussion
Ming (Zufälliger König)

    -no brainer, every1 just pick nukers and go nuts on the enemy = win
    -retarded game
    -graphics are sh*t
    -hp bar too fking thin, cant last hit for sh*t
    -attack animation are trash, cant last hit for sh*t
    -stopped playing halfway when my team (fucking pinoys) fed like shit then blame me

    -hp bar too fking thin, cant last hit for shit
    -units are not dual colors, but multiple colors, cant differentiate enemy and ally
    -hero models are too fucking small, cant see shit
    -mouse cursor too fucking big, creeps too fucking small, always misclick
    (eg: at the tower, 1 hero and 3 creeps clumped together, cant click the hero for shit, kept clicking the tower)
    -sure announcers are fancy, but the gameplay..........
    -shop is fucking complicated
    -courier is like a fucking ant in the map, cant find it for fuck sake
    -hero attack animation like, lack frames. cant last hit for fuck, even worst when paired with problem no. 1 and 4
    dewarding? what the fuck is that? the wards are so fucking small u cant fucking see it unless ur playing at 4980 x 3650 , ultra quality
    -scout > all

    i kept getting paired with fucking trash russians / pinoys even when the mm queue slider is all the way to the "fair" side instead of "quick". and my friend's account has a rating of 2800 , still gets paired with retarded pinoys. - hon

    fucking pinoys every fucking where - LoL

    so conclusion :
    i love dota 2, i love valve, first day i played dota2, i immediately became a pro on the third day. as for hon and lol, fuck these bullshit games.

    doto the best, steam the best ,valve the best, much loves <3<3

    fuck all of you who said valve mm is trash. fuck you, yes fuck you.

    It's alright

      i feel a little just a little hate on lol and hon :|


        ^^ Amen to that


          so i played lol and it was fine other game with other features

          so i didin't played hon and never will bother to do so

          dota2 mm still shit as fck

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Actually DW punch > Scout
            And yes I played HoN before.

            ❤ Ashley ❤

              LoL is better than dota 2


                DotA 2 MM is retarded. I've been playing inhouse games recently, and the autobalance feature is bullshit. Given that it's supposed to be based on our hidden MMR, clearly Valve isn't doing a good job with the evaluation of that value.

                Ming (Zufälliger König)

                  well hon is even worst

                  Ming (Zufälliger König)

                    well u know pinoys, eastern russians

                    they let scout farm battle fury , heart and deso then complaind the team is shit

                    ... ...

                    Autism is great

                      both games have superior match maker and last hitting in them is easier due to smaller/non existent delay between key input/animation

                      Este comentario fue editado
                      Ming (Zufälliger König)


                        dookie daddy

                          Yeah "di existence" if full of shit. I still avidly play DOTA2, HoN & LoL and they all have some features that would be nice if they were combined into a universal system but that won't happen.

                          DOTA2 has the most superior last hit animation of any of the 3 games but all of them are still pretty good and I can't really tell cause you just get used to it.

                          Match making in games such as these will always be flawed in a good number or ways more often than not the common smurf account. It is hard to quantify skill level vs game level vs WR% vs time spent. It does sometimes give you the raw end of the stick but at least for the most part it is good enough.

                          Losing games is part of gaming if you won every game you played there would be someone else on this forum raging about the MM.

                          Autism is great



                            i cant find video like that with lol/dota 2 but if u play lol for qite some time and then go back to dota 2 you can literally feel/see the delay between key input/model reaction in game

                            Este comentario fue editado
                            dookie daddy

                              You have just hit the nail on the head with what you just said. If you play ANY game for an extended period of time you will become used to it and unable to easily adjust to the others on the fly.

                              Autism is great

                                if you have some shit friends explain to them what last hitting (without spells) is and let them play lol/hon/dota 2 i bet they are going to have highest amount of creeps in lol/hon and dota 2 is going to be nr.3

                                visible delay in games isnt something normal (lag hard only)

                                Este comentario fue editado
                                dookie daddy

                                  Again another nail on the head, you are on a roll today. That is exactly where people of this gaming caliber tend to go because both those games are easier to break into that DotA2 is.

                                  DotA2 has a steep learning curve due to following the genres' creed from Blizzard of easy to learn, hard to master.


                                    I haven't played LoL/HoN since I got my Dota 2 invite, but all this talk about last-hitting to me looks like people not understanding the varied attack animation delays between heroes that Dota 2 incorporates on purpose.

                                    Are the attack animations in these other games more fixed between heroes or solely dependent on some other attribute that would explain the discrepancy?


                                      For the first time i agree on youre statement as its not some bullshit version of you showing off :D


                                        Scout > all