General Discussion

General DiscussionMeracle proves the power of wisp in the Eastern Qualifier

Meracle proves the power of wisp in the Eastern Qualifier in General Discussion
Gelatinous Blob

    Game 2 FD vs Rsnake

    Meracle on wisp-ck combo comes back from bad start early game, even a weak mid game...some of the most amazing wisp plays you will see.

    replay will be posted when it is up

    Bot Tyrone

      More like extremely shitty play by RS.

      Gyro goes for Aghs when they have almost no DPS, and clearly cannot deal with both LD or CK. With a BKB Kunkka and QoP there, Gyro could have gone for a straight DPS build and easily taken rax at 25 minutes.

      As for Wisp, it was mainly RS playing shit, and having no idea how to play against Wisp rather than Wisp actually being that strong. QoP could have killed Wisp (both blink and scream were off CD) before he blinked back to base, and then when he relocates back, the tether to the creeps was so fucking obvious, yet they completely ignore it and as a result Wisp gets away.

      There was no chance of RS winning that game with the builds they had going into the 20-25 minute mark. No one had any carry potential with the item builds they want for, either Gyro or QoP needed to go for a carry build, instead no one did.

      And now RS are playing even worse in game 3, they decided to pick Alchemist at 3 for no good reason, and then lane in the most retarded way possible.

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        I thought he played well, but RS gave him the opportunity to do it. That wouldn't have worked in the west where he is more popular.

        Gelatinous Blob

          I guess you lose your Rares again Casual while I win. Better luck next time.

          Bot Tyrone

            Congrats, you just got enough to supersize another meal? You must be swimming in money now.

            Next time try to respond to the argument, right now everyone here thinks that you are an idiot lmfao.

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            Gelatinous Blob

              You have to make an argument first casual. All you did was whine about how mad you are that you were wrong. Its disrespectful to both teams to claim that Firt Departures success was only due to the failure of their opponents. Its also dishonest. Both teams played well.

              I realize you do not understand the picks and the item and laning choices, but maybe someday your attitude will improve and you will be able to appreciate when someone does something excellent and learn from it.

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              Bot Tyrone

                What was there to understand exactly?

                QoP had blink and scream both off CD, and could have blinked to Wisp and killed him easily, but waited a few seconds for no reason at all, and Wisp got away. Then when Wisp was moving away from the creeps, it was very obvious that he was going to Tether back to the creep wave, and RS didn't pay any attention to this whatsoever. This wasn't the hero doing a good job, this was RS making a ton of wrong decisions and mistakes after the laning stage and in their item choices.

                And I am completely right when it comes to the way that they tried to siege at the T3 around the 20 minute mark, there was a massive lack of damage coming out of the team to deal with LD and CK. This was a result of 2 BKBs on Kunkka and QoP, a Vanguard on Clock, and an Aghs on Gyro. What was needed instead, was a Clock slowly building up his own Aghs, because they simply could not punish FD without it. They would find a pick off here or there, and they couldn't capitalise because Clock's ultimate would be on CD. If you had watched any other recent match that involves a Clock, you would understand the kind of difference that Aghs does make. And then the 3-core failed horribly, not one of them decided to go for even a semi-carry build. Either Gyro or QoP needed to take it upon themselves to carry. For Gyro it would be straight DPS, as he does have a Clock, Kunkka and QoP with BKB ready to go, or the QoP going for Hex or Orchid before going for BKB, essentially try to do what Icy did in the match before. The loss was inevitable given the lineups and the way that RS tried to play.

                Game 3 was an absolute joke, pathetic laning choices by RS, resulting in the Alchemist not getting that much farm, SD being level 1 5 minutes in, and pretty much losing every single lane. They needed to ruin either a 3-1-0-J or a 3-1-1, but as long as they got Alchemist free farm, they would be able to deal with whatever RS threw at them later on. Heck even their draft was disgustingly poor, other than babysitting Alchemist and getting him immensely fat []- but RS decided, hey you know what, let's not give Alchemist absolute free farm, lets pick Alchemist against a hero that he can't deal with (Nyx can pop carpace to stun Alchemist whenever he wants, not to mention dodging Unstable Concoction), but also try and get kills on a fucking VISAGE + LD trilane while going even on the top lane. Without a free farmed Alchemist, they had absolutely no way to deal with Spirit Bear, especially with Juggernaut by his side, and that really was what happened. LD just walked around taking towers while RS could do absolutely nothing.


                  Why would you make power threads on wisp?