General Discussion

General Discussionanywhere I can find a guide for picking and banning heroes is CM mode?

anywhere I can find a guide for picking and banning heroes is CM mode? in General Discussion

    and u can also add your suggestions, tenk yu all


      Just watch competitive games, and u will be able to draft after watching some decent amount of games

      Gelatinous Blob

        It is a very complex subject that changes all the time as different heroes and strats become popular. I have never seen an actual guide for it. I know that many of the top pro teams break down drafting possibilities against specific teams before a game. But even then there can be surprises.

        But every draft will revolve around 3 important factors.

        [1] What heroes can you play? What heroes can the other team play?
        Everybody, even pros, really can't just play any hero picked and do well. If you know what heroes the other team likes to play and ban them, often they will be stuck with a hero they have far less experience, knowledge, and skill using. If you get heroes your team really knows how to play they will be far more capable. If you or the other team can't play wisp there is no point banning or picking it, even though it can be an amazingly powerful hero.

        [2] What is the overall strategy? If you want to win by pushing early you need to pick heroes with the ability to take down towers quickly and safely. If you want to win by split pushing, you need heroes who can threaten multiple lanes at once without getting picked off. If you want to win in a big teamfight you need to be able to not only win a teamfight, but force it too. If you want to win by picking off heroes with ganks, base your whole lineup around it.

        [3] What are your lanes? What are the enemy lanes? Can you win them? What do you need to get out of the lanes to execute your mid-game strategy? If one of your heroes needs almost no farm and only needs to get to level 6, is hard to kill...they can play offlane. Some heroes can solo mid and just survive, that may be all they need to function mid game. Some heroes are very strong solo mid but really need to outright win mid to function mid-game, just getting some cs may not be good enough. Some carries farming absolutely must be protected early. Some just need to get a little xp and can catch up on farm quickly. Also what will work out very well against a dual lane might be terrible against a tri-lane. You have to figure out what your opponents lanes will be.

        One thing I love about dota is that every game presents new challenges. Besides all these things the order or phase of the draft in which you pick a hero is very important because it reveals what you plan to do or hides it depending on when you ban or pick.

        If you have a particular situation in mind I would be happy to address it.

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          @Relentless can you add me please, I want to gift you an item for your answer :)


            At very high skill lvl, Batrider, magnus, Io (west only), LS (Life Stealer), LD (Lone Druid), SD (Shadow Demon), kotl, nyx assassin are most of the time either picked or banned

            ofc u won't pick Io, kotl, nyx, Bat, SD in one team, u would have to think a bit how things works, how to lane those picks, blablablablabla

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              heh, just came across this posted about a year ago. Maybe it will help!


                u pick riki