Blademail returns pure dmg, MoM then amplifies all dmg you take afterwards. So if you hit axe with a 1000 dmg crit and he has used call...his armor is +40, he probably takes about 200 dmg. Blademail returns the 200 dmg axe took as pure dmg. MoM amplifies and you take 260 dmg.
However you also lifesteal 34 hp back with MoM. In summary Axe takes 200 dmg and you take 226 dmg, unless he also procs a counter helix..which with MoM on would do another 205 dmg, reduced by svens armor to maybe 80 dmg, amplified by MoM up to 104 dmg.
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Does blademail takes amplified damage into account?
Ex: I m playin Sven nd used MoM nd attacking Axe with blademail.Does it return amplfied dmg?