General Discussion

General DiscussionBest comebacks

Best comebacks in General Discussion

    Played this game: where we were 11-1 down on kills and 14,000 XP down at one point and even with an afk Naga for 15 minutes or so we managed to come back and win. Turning point was as they went Rosh, we noticed and when they were low I dropped Warlock's rock on them and Sniper and Enchantress picked them off.

    Having a spectre helped as well of course, just drag the game out as long as possible and she can win single handed...

    Any similar stories please, maybe people will see this thread and not give up after a kill or two but fight to the end!


      Void and I were in ez lane and we lost it hard, I feed like 8 deaths. Other lanes had a shitty time as well. All our T1s and T2s went down without us taking a single tower and we were forced to turtle. Later we even lost couple of T3s and rax but we managed to get back mostly thanks to void being able to get farm. Funny thing is, the entire time he was like "I got this guys, don't worry". One of the best games I had.

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        Get inspired people, get inspired. Always the best and most fun games are the comebacks, no question. Stomps are all well and good and maybe quite funny and what not, but nothing gets the adrenaline pumping more than coming back from certain defeat to win.


          @Monkeh, Totally agree with you. The most fun games are the comebacks. I just played a game yesterday. I gave first blood in the lane. Was level 4 i guess when the top tower was gone. At first I thought it is gg. But with the continuous support and coordination we won. :D Was so happy.


            Too long to find the match, but i had a game, where foes left ~50 hp of our ancient and we defeated them =)

            dookie daddy

              A long time ago but I will remember both these games till the end of my dota2 gametime, both games throne was nearly dead and there was crazy comebacks.



                lol badger have you tried playing in aus server



                  I will remember this game for years. It was the game that stopped me ranting about Dota 2 not having a concede button XD. Besides it is also the game where I died most often.

                  Bottom lane fed TA horribly, and like 20 min in the game she could one-hot me and two-shot anyone else. We lost raxes pretty soon after, but I/we managed to keep Sniper alive. They could not finish the job and eventually we turned it around 4 v 5 (Timbersaw had to stay behind to defend against megacreeps)

                  Cykapath 传说中的猫龙

                    I just had the biggest comeback ever, dire phantom assassin free farming almost all game, our drow ranger manage to take out dires top rax, and then bot, by back dooring in every possible time, our naga who fed (including me) started to get seriously scary, and the next moment we went middle and took rax, they could have finnished it in the 20 min mark.



                      there was a game where me and swift were behind in gold and exp and i went afk for like 4 minutes but enemy SF bought a dr so we killed him and basically won while our throne had somewhere between 20% hp left for 20-30 minutes (SF bought dr when our throne had 20% hp)

                      you're my greatest ally enemy SF

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                        had a comeback , at 35min 2 of my rax were down, opponent had 13k gold lead. drag game for 50 mins and won with 30k gold lead xD



                          had to solo hard lane with es aagainst kunka and tuskar lost lane in less than 10 mins with our team getting smashed our smalk talking axe put their mind out of the game none of them bought bkb and focused axe my es combo destroys them we win lol

                          and a drow game where their warlock with aganim and refresher was dominating us i decided to man up while they were throning and gg'd the game haha

                          dookie daddy

                            @standin I was on AUS the other day playing with some friends, you aren't on that much though probably due to the time difference.