General Discussion

General DiscussionTips certain heroes.

Tips certain heroes. in General Discussion
dookie daddy

    I blatantly suck at the following heroes and would like players who are good at the hero (I will check) to add constructive comments on builds/lanes etc.

    Slark, Drow, Troll, Void.

    I find it impossible to play well with farming right clickers, I am ok with Troll but suggestions do help out but the rest, Jesus tap-dancing Christ it is almost sad that I can't play the easiest heroes well. Guess it comes from more skill/utility based heroes that I play.


      don't die

      farm 24/7


      dookie daddy

        Isn't that boring? I think that is where I fall over as I am used to being in fights from quite early on so playing a farming carry like that doesn't always work.


          hey havoc! ;D

          normally for me when I drow this is what I do

          Lane: mid & safe

          skill build:
          Frost Arrow-2,7,10,13

          Item build:
          (608 normal gold)
          Early game
          1 tango
          1 slipper
          3 branches

          Mid game
          Shadow balde
          Wraith Band(S) [up to you]
          TP scroll [common sense lol]

          Late game

          dookie daddy

            I always kill off drow's who mid so I wouldn't dare. FYI I am exceptionally shit with drow


            I just can't play heroes without something to throw at the enemy early enough.

            Drow for me is 3 steps.

            1. Farm
            2. Right click enemy
            3. Sit back with a cigar, brandy and a smoking hot babe while watching a 5 team getting raped.

            I just can't seem to do it which means no brandy, cigar or smoking hot babe, guess some heroes are not for all.

            Este comentario fue editado

              this is my games so far with drow.. lol never knew i was shit with drow.. lol


                never had a game with drow with the items I put up.. awks.. but yeah thats my build now since i dont like squishy heroes to begin with since always gankable

                dookie daddy

                  I honestly think people will be surprised but how bad they actually do more often than not with Drow as she is so easy to shut down against a focused 5 man.


                    With void, all you need to do is have safe farm (you are really depending on your supports) and only go for sure kills when your chrono is up. Late game you will just melt stuff if things went well.

                    Este comentario fue editado

                      I go mass stats on DR
                      I rarely play her,
                      1 lvl of frost arrows for orb walking (near towers/creeps), 1 lvl of silence, max aura, and get 2-4 lvls of stats, then max silence, I get Shadow Blade (obvious in pubs), then manta/lifesteal(1v1 enemy carry?)/crits/butterfly
                      Troll, I go phase boot>drums>yasha(upgrade into manta/s&y)>bkb (get it after drums if many disables that don't go through magic immunity)>any DPS item (mkb,Daedalus)
                      Slark, get anything, ShadowBlade > S&Y/Skadi/orb of venom > basher (upgrade into abyssal)
                      Void, I hate this hero, 12 minutes not a single bash, have many items, and can't kill the couriers with one hit (sarcasm), other players would have ONLY MoM and own the shit out of me (3bashes in a row)


                        drow is hard to use!
                        until you get level 6 you will get focused hard and the last hitting animation is fucked!!!!! its super hard to farm kinda like a mortred without the use of dagger.
                        only skilled players like me win with drow in high levels

                        dont max aura, go for ice arrows level 1 silence a probably increase it to 2 by level 11 depending on the opponents!

                        sidepush because your att speed and damage is IMBA!! you can take towers down fast! tp back on time and continue farming etc!


                          I start lvling aura up at lvl 3 and after, because ranged creep would have a higher attack dmg than me, and better attack animation


                            just lh every creep if u have enough items own the enemy team ;) , different story with slark ofc

                            Ming (Zufälliger König)

                              do u require a slark tutor?


                                when i play drow i usualy keep slow at lvl 1 and go stats most of the time unless enemy team has alot of no-stun melee heroes that can be slowed to death otherwise i just go stats and farm hard getting shadow blade+threads+morbid mask within 10 minutes then soloing rosh after achieving lvl 11 and then rightclick fest


                                  talk to vaikiss he is best troll, slark, drow, meepo, ancient apparition, axe, anti-mage, bane, batrider, brewmaster, bounty hunter, chaos knight, bristleback, clockwerk, dazzle, dragon knight, pudge, puck, queen of pain, outworld devourer, zeus, weaver, windrunner from europe


                                    u forgot to mention like 80 heroes but i forgive u


                                      i think u have the same problem i do when ur carry ur time is usually best spent trying to get every bit of farm u can but instead u go roaming with ur team to assist with ganks and stuff took me ages of watching pro games to learn what to do when there is no ez farming options i think alot of it is map awareness and predicting enemies movements to farm safely


                                        lol, i'm bad at drow

                                        I rarely use right click heroes as i Don't get the adrenaline rush :3
                                        back to the topic
                                        I usually prioritize the aura to help me farm fast then frost arrow to help me kill heroes, put lvl 1 on silence early if needed.

                                        after the laning phase you should have a power threads by that time.
                                        you can rush shadow blade/manta or go dominator if you got badly farmed.

                                        Shadow blade/manta route(offensive)
                                        farm lane and gank

                                        dominator route(defensive)
                                        farm lane, neut camp and stay safe

                                        after you got your money it's time to think what's the item you need to counter or beat the enemies
                                        MKB,Daedalus,Satanic or heart,Manta and butterfly, BKB will be a wise choice if your enemy team is full of disables.

                                        to summarize: you're a carry, you need gold to win, you can Disregard teamfights but when you know that the enemies are equal to your teams power make sure to bring tp and clean the mess when they start to fight.

                                        and..that's the end of my bad English XD

                                        ❤ Ashley ❤

                                          With drow go

                                          1. midas
                                          2. phase
                                          3. helm of dominator
                                          4. manta
                                          5. mkb
                                          6. heavens halberd
                                          7. sell midas for desolator

                                          dookie daddy

                                            @Ming I would like to get good with Slark and by all means I should be because of the play style I go for but I just can't do it, mabes I will just play a couple with you over the weekend.

                                            I am an OK void e.g. I can chrono cleverly and know when to fight and when to not, troll as well.

                                            Slark and Drow are the real buttpains for me.


                                              With Slark and Drow you just have to get used to the attack animation, there's a considerable delay between when you right-click, and when the attack actually connects. I don't know about Troll though. Void's delay is pretty low though, and his starting damage is pretty good too. Getting a QB on Void pushes his damage to around 80 though.

                                              Also with Slark and Drow, the most important thing is to reach level 6. You may not get as many last hits before that, but once you do reach 6, farming becomes much easier. With Slark, you can use Dark Pact more liberally to farm, or if you're still laning, just hide between trees for a few seconds for free regen, and with Drow, you get 40 bonus damage, and 40 attack speed. Plus if you have Precision Aura, that'll grant even more damage, because it's based on a percentage of your agility, which has just increased by 40.

                                              As for Void being easy, not too sure on that. He isn't overly difficult, but he has incredibly crap early game presence, that farming your way to your Battle Fury or Mask of Madness is pretty difficult without a decent support. First point should always be Time Walk, but otherwise his abilities are extremely flexible. If you're having a good early game, you can max Time Lock so you can do extra damage in Chronosphere, as it may mean the difference between a kill or not, and if you're being constantly harrassed, level up Time Walk and Backtrack. Get a Hand of Midas if your last hitting is going well. If not, just skip it, Power Treads will provide the same attack speed bonus.

                                              With Void, don't try ganking, because you can't. Time spent ganking is time not spent farming. Two creep waves will give more gold than a kill, and it's guaranteed gold. However, if a teamfight occurs, pop your Chrono.

                                              With the other two, roaming is what you should be doing. If enemies are still laning, go gank them. If they're missing, just stick with last hitting.


                                                U have played 2000+ games in Dota 2 and have problems with such easy heroes? Well, try another game. Counter Strike or smthg. Nothing to add.


                                                  My last few games with drow were on SD games and played it like a semi-support. Until lvl 6 just harass with frost arrows while the other carry on lane farm (so I got like 0 farm and bought courier/wards), then at level 6, when I got a bit damage, started ganking and farming jungle while the main carry farms safe lane (ofc, continued to buy wards, because the other supports needed items).

                                                  Drow needs levels. If she has levels, getting items on her is easy.

                                                  Este comentario fue editado
                                                  dookie daddy

                                                    @reflections I have no interest in playing right click heroes till just recently, I understand these heroes are easy but I don't have 200+ games with any of those where I was just geared to farm for 40 mins.

                                                    Low skill heroes aren't fun to play at all and I just find I am unable to play heroes like that as I was a support player in dota 1-2 for like 4 years. I do play counter strike, battlefield and a number of other games which I use fill the slots that dota2 doesn't.

                                                    I have been playing piano for 17 years so that makes it easy for me but not for others, I am sure there are a large amount of heroes you can't play effectively either but not all heroes are for everyone.

                                                    dookie daddy

                                                      Some good comments and suggestions, cheers guys.

                                                      ________Topic Considered Abandoned_______


                                                        Okay I have checked a couple of the drow games.

                                                        Don't know if you are coming back to the topic anyway..

                                                        Last hitting was a bit bad, but it gets better after lvl 6.. like with most drows its hard last hitting before that..

                                                        Slow and Silence maxed first till 6.. or one lvl silence and stats if you want to.

                                                        Your positioning was the biggest problem in team fights. Pick on those nice low hp heroes. Silence and attack most of the time they die before that, without silence, you get stunned and they just run away from you.

                                                        That's about it.


                                                          When to pick Slark: if the enemy team has single target stuns, squishy magi, and/or a carry that uses sustainability to win team fights.

                                                          Where to put Slark: it really depends on the how the teams look. Slark can go offlane, middle, or safelane to great success depending on the match-ups. Offlane if leap is enough to escape. Middle if the hero is something like Pudge. Safe-lane if the enemy team has a Windrunner or Dark Seer for their offlane.

                                                          Friends of Slark: Dark Seer is a great combination with Slark. Ion Shell and Surge has a lot of synergy to Slark's gameplay style.

                                                          Ancient Apparition can be a good choice as Leap and Cold Feet is an easy combo + the magic damage from Chilling Touch is really good. Rubick can be a nice addition for easy leap setups.

                                                          Enemies of Slark: Sentry Wards and Gem MVPs.

                                                          How to play Slark: Stay mobile, use hit and run tactics, and don't get cocky.


                                                            enemies of slark spectre bloodseeker doom zeus