General Discussion

General DiscussionUnderestimated support hero

Underestimated support hero in General Discussion
Koyomi Araragi
    I think lion is one of those underestimated support hero that pro rarely pick in tournament


      He is not underestimated at all. Stop using it as an excuse to show off.

      Oh nice edit, you mentioned pro tournaments. You may be right there, my point still stands though.

      Este comentario fue editado

        ^disgrace to balkan


          Why does a support Lion have zero denies?

          tough coockie

            he carry


              nice dagon on support retard


                GJ man.
                I'm proud of your ksing skills.
                But the thing is, In tournaments, They don't pick heroes to ks. They pick them to win

                Ming (Zufälliger König)


                  more like kser


                    1. why no denies?
                    2. why is your level higher than your carries?
                    3. why do you have a dagon?
                    4. why do you have as much kills as both of your carries combined?

                    Your not a support, you stun the opposition, let your carries do majority of the dmg then KS with the dagon.

                    Fuck off retard.


                      u mean underrated carry

                      Sōu ka

                        i like how you flame him for dominating that game, while you think it would have been better if he went afk and waited for his carry to lose the game
                        yall fucking pathetic


                          how does one game in which u owned noobs with lion mean that this is a strong underrated hero? he could still be strong but in the meta game now, these hero just die too easily without fight to heroes like sylla naix etc.