General Discussion

General DiscussionMust "Standin" For Liquid

Must "Standin" For Liquid in General Discussion
Totentanz to The King: M ...

    Can someone dare to explain?


      who is MUST?


        ahhh stupid murs is standin :D!
        checking the game now and he's playing visage! i think he will fail but lets hope not

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Yeah typo. I mean Murs. Still anyone care to explain?


            mby its to give them handicap xD
            but rly... many teams using standins lately! mby their players got some shit to do and they require it

            navi even won using 2 standins!
            and remember murs plays in ixdl(stupid fuck murs) and mike plays there almost every day and yeah... why not murs... he's known and shit even though hes a fucking retard

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            Sōu ka

              ironically is flooded

              le charismeur


                le charismeur

                  i don't play in ixdl


                    Very well played Murs! Lich is one of my favorite heroes I'm so happy to see someone finally waiting for good geometetry to actually get 10 bounces on chain frost...pros just have not been taking advantage of that. Turning 16 cs into 16 KDA in only 24 min is great...very smart positioning to get that efficiency.

                    And the game against typical mistakes...a beautiful exhibition of exactly how to use visage in tri-lane, practically first-blood triple kill.

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                      Link the vods pls! :D