General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout mute system...

About mute system... in General Discussion
Годрик 52рукий

    I was given chat mute 2 weeks ago. After a week i was rly glad to speak, to write in can and link more 3 times per minute. My happiness lastet 4 days. And today i played a game where i wrote in chat to report someone. I didnt anythink rude, like @fuck u@, @retard@, @dumbass@ etc. And again i receive a report. 168 hour, again.
    What do I do with this?


      Only play with 5 stacks

      Годрик 52рукий

        All my friends play weird. Only random. So, i can fing 4 players. But, im russian-_- No one wants to play with the russian.


          doesnt matter with who u play u will get muted anyway

          personaly i just report everyone for no reason just becouse others do the same for me

          hopefully when 90% of players will be muted volvo will do something

          Годрик 52рукий

            Good idea!
            But now u have 4 reports a week

            Este comentario fue editado
            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              It's actually reduced to 2. But I have so many reports because when your report is reasonable they give you one more report. I don't report people for no reason.

              Woof Woof

                no patch from valve to fix this small issue Lolz!

                waku waku

                  sometimes people may get upset about you reporting them and report you back

                  Sōu ka

                    thats why you never tell people that you're reporting them smartass

                    Woof Woof

                      now u can sleep tight

                      - Fixed bug allowing extra bonus report submissions.
                      - Capped maximum bonus report submissions at 2.

                      and finally

                      Sniper: Fixed Headshot's Trueshot component not working with Illusions.

                      took them a while