General Discussion

General DiscussionLFT. No pubstomp. CM games.

LFT. No pubstomp. CM games. in General Discussion

    Looking for HS EU team, that plays CM games (probably Starladder, etc.) No pubstomp stacks.

    - English speaking+micro.
    - Roles: main carry/offlane ( I consider myself as a good player in these roles, but also i can play other).
    - I have experience in playing CM games and Dota strategy, so I can give some advice in picking/choosing strategy etc.
    - No kids plz.
    - Primetime: ~16-22 CET.

    P.S. Would be glad, if someone suggested me any other EU community, where I can find such team.


      Did you try ixdl?


        ^ I didn't, but I know about it. The problem is Mirc and separate client. Looks like so unconvinient. Also i would prefer live talking and discussing the game.


          mIRC is pretty nice, I used it when I still played in dotapickup. Trust me it looks not too good but it is pretty nice.


            HS players = pros without team or veterans that has perfect game sense and deep knowledge of the game

            u are best case mid skill (or more likely somehwat between low-mid)

            dookie daddy

              Reflections, if you are a redditor there are people on there looking for players for teams on joinDOTA etc. You might want to try there and also I would actually like to play a couple games with you if you are interested and feel like adding.


                @Vaikiss`742. "veterans that has perfect game sense and deep knowledge of the game" - thats it. And I am not interested in estimation of my skill from midskill AP pub abuser. I saw couple of ur games. Whenever u play vs good players u die, and die and die...
                If u have nothing to say about my tread, gtfo.

                @Havoc Badger We can try to play some pubs together. Although I am searching a place in team to train with...


                  i can't recall single game where i was just dieing and dieing and dieing

                  except for maybe all 5 random games and do whatever we want in the game can u please show me one


                    ^"If u have nothing to say about my tread, gtfo."
                    There is match list button. Watch there if u have problems with ur memory.


                      yeah and when i click it i see win every single game where i pick hero myself instead of randoming







                            dookie daddy

                              Make a team? There are tournaments that I do and I am sure if you started a team on joinDOTA you would do well.

                              Places I play.

                              Next level gaming series.

                              I play with my 4 friends (not my team) on those from time to time and its pretty good.

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                                  A-God Hueglot

                                    add me for try out