General Discussion

General Discussionyea... never play support when u solo queue

yea... never play support when u solo queue in General Discussion

    played support for 9 games, lost 8 of em.


      I keep playing with people who feed over 10 kills in less than 12 mins


        I've seen better win rates for jakiro/wisp/rubick.

        Maybe you should pick support only if you pick last. For me, when someone picks support, I'm forced to play carry and I'm not that good on this role.


          it also depends on what support you pick. Even though they have a more general role and can fit a wider variety of situations that doesnt mean you can not discriminate between them.


            pls learn basics
            if its dual lane vs smth you can win against dont fucking pull as it will be a waste and communications is at its lowest with your teammate, pulling will only get him killed (eventually), MAKE FARMING HARD, and give the enemy free exp and gold.

            supports like you get reported by me every fucking game! --> + i ruin them to make them lose

            Melis Ayça Şirinevler*

              i dont think you know how to support at all


                Won 16 games of my last 20 support games.


                  @benao a good carry knows how to farm under any circumstances and pulling is always better


                    "pulling will only get him killed (eventually), MAKE FARMING HARD, and give the enemy free exp and gold."
                    U r not serious, r u?
                    by pulling (stacking first/double pulling) and just last hitting while auto attacking ur own creeps when beneath 50% hp, u would get ur whole wave dead, and thus, enemy laner won't get any experience, and ur carry would be safer under tower, unless he is a retard like most guys, he would be having a quelling blade instead of a stout shield and can't tank creep attacks, his hp gets low and he still wants to last hits, causing his death (from enemy hero)


                      if u pull on my lane i ruin the game for you. that simple!

                      if i am vs 1 whoever it is i will win 1v1 in safelane and if u pull u make me lose it!
                      if its 1v2 and those 2 are good with pulling they will jump on me behind tower and same for 1v3. so unless it is safelane trilane were 1 of u can always be paying attention and relative close, never pull u fucking cunt (with me since i win my lane) do it with fucking noobs that would lsoe the lane anyway (as a bonus exp/gold)

                      Woof Woof

                        just make sure to increase your mmr by losing many games literally, my rating increased after winning only 4 out of 20games
                        first time in very long time i saw mek and pipe on my team against heavy magic dmg team
                        dat match maker

                        even enemy team had pipe

                        so go like 0/10 then pick support and see how good your carry is going to be

                        joke of a game

                        defend of casuals

                        how to get better teammates in dota 2

                        lose more than you win so your rating can increase

                        Este comentario fue editado

                          Never try to save the antimage. You will die too. lol
                          9 out of 10, the game is about antimage in your team pawned 10 times in 15 min, or vice versa.

                          That valve said go stack, or go afk.

                          < blank >

                            you must be awful @ supportin then unless yr team is awful ingeneral..someones gotta be awful :D


                              i once heard purge say that he would play support and play the best as he can and he would not care how bad the team's carry is. he would still play the hell out of CM.

                              but yes sometimes playing support is just a pain, especially when you try to save your carry and in the process s/he would say that you are feeding. then again this is just a game and sometimes i would just pick bara and do what i want.


                                It is all about ur skills, if u don't have a stout shield don't let ur lane mate pull the lane, and if they dive tower, they should suffer unless u run away from tower range and ur support is bad, pulling is supposed to deny exp and gold to enemy laner, and give the carry more share of exp, also giving the support some amount of gold to upgrade courier and get wards and maybe some brown boots...

                                This might be slightly higher than ur skill lvl, and u might not understand..