General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for team to play with :) <SEA>

Looking for team to play with :) <SEA> in General Discussion

    Here is my dota buff >

    I know the winning rate is not very good. But it depend on our team
    I play as role 1/2 - Hard carry and Semi carry.
    If team sucks confirm GG.
    Looking for a determined team to play with.
    SEA Server - Play during night only for normal days ^^ // weekend can do more :D


      pretty good. add me. we can try out


        bump !!!


          I am in SEA for the summer and am looking for supports that want to see something a bit new (aka meepo). I've noticed that barely any SEA players look to stack lol.

          I've been practicing meepo a lot lately and have gotten a lot better with the hero, but I still lack supports as most of the people I stack with are in US/Eu. Of course, you'll see that my winrate with the hero is not above 50% yet, however it came up from like 20%. I've also been stacking with irl friends who arent the best at the game so that too.

          I BY NO MEANS have perfect micro skillz, but I think I'm pretty decent :D

          Also here's a video I just made:

          so add me plz good supports

          Este comentario fue editado

            I am SEA gamer. I play any role, but prefer mid, carry or support. If u need a player, add me or text me.


              lets play! I can do 3/4/5 role


                1/2/5 here :)

                Yoichi Isagi

                  i can play 2/3/4/5 looking for team :D