General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for low-mid tier players, where to find them?

Looking for low-mid tier players, where to find them? in General Discussion

    So, we're 3 friends playing for the fun of it all (to score some wins that is) and we tend to (like so many others) end up with two complete waste of space players as our teammates and we're tired of being stuck in low level tiers cause of it.

    We tend to give it all, even if we know it's a loss because you never know if you can turn it around despite a 2-15-2 pudge and a 0-13-3 dragon knight on your team feeding a 20-4-X sniper :)

    Anyway, anyone know a good forum to look for more causal and friendly players?
    Or is this the forum to do so? (Pref European or Nordic players)

    Pandamonium(You Died)

      Protip: If you ask people to play with you, make sure your #1 played hero isnt drow.


        I'm not going to justify why i've played as much Drow as i've had, but i want to at least give an explanation for it.
        At first i just wanted to have one hero that i was sorta good with, and in the end i just played her a lot to try and see if i could build a perfect hero guide/build for at least one hero.

        I just have that one hero that sticks out on my profile, i hope people won't judge me because of it because i play a mean support normally.

        (sorta like you and Clockwerk i guess)

        Este comentario fue editado

          Scroll through, you might find someone =)

          Este comentario fue editado

            Holy :)
            Yea that's one long list, but if that's what it takes to find two descent players (not pro, i'm far from it) then that's what i'll do i guess.


              Good luck then =)


                you're being honest at least that's a fucking virtue around these parts


                  Hehe, I'll sign on that!

                  I've played them all, Dota, HON, LOL, Dota2.. some other small time spin-offs..
                  And the communities just tend to get shittier and shittier (and it's not a specific countries fault or a specific developer issue, it's just the general public's mindset) and the developers doesn't care that much as long as they get a bigger player base. Valve has a reporting system that sorts works, to some extent.

                  I tend to just do my job not of being a to shitty person in general and don't BS my way through, either this will work or it doesn't.. we'll see. Anyway, enough morale cake for today :)

                  Stay frosty!

                  Este comentario fue editado

                    hey, add me and we can play a few games :)


                      Hi. I'm admittedly a noob at Dota 2, but I'm trying to get better. I'm open to criticism and new ideas. I'm pretty good as Lich and alright as DOOM. add me if you want to play.