General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good: Plays spread out evenly between heroes
    Bad: 47% CM


      Good: WR on Tinker
      Bad: Picks Tinker

      [DFG] Whale King

        Good: You play many heroes quite a lot (though fuck invoker especially with that winrate), you're on a nice win streak, and I approve of your storm spirit winrate

        You only mid or carry, and have little to no experience in any other role and even in those you have a hard time not dying and keeping up with KDA and farm resulting in very low winrates. I could imagine you being the kind of guy to blame losses on supports... Maybe you should try the role a bit? :) You might improve.


          Good: Really good at Storm and Ember,
          Bad: Poor Drow, play more Meepo :P


            good: lycan winrate
            bad: no ranked games


              Good: Best Wisp/Earth EU
              Bad: 0-3 with this account, other account was better 12-5

              Hex Sigma

                Good: nice guy, helpful in many situations
                Bad: i hate axe


                  Good : try many different heroes
                  Bad : no more sniper plz


                    G: some nice winrates on top heroes
                    B: too much kunkka!


                      G~Invo, jugg, winrate
                      B~Ursa! :-)


                        good: above average winrate with sf
                        bad: low kda one some heroes that should have higher


                          good: impressive pudge and win rate stats ( screw pudge)
                          bad : what happened to your windranger?


                            good: balanar winrate
                            bad: high skill only


                              Good : Invoker
                              Bad: Alchemist Win rate?


                                good: decent winrate
                                bad: win/lose streaks (9 to 11)

                                /edit: wondering how you found the game, don't think you were looking into every game ?.?

                                Este comentario fue editado

                                  Good: EZ WINS and an admirable support
                                  Bad: Nothing to bad, perhaps a little improvement here and there. We all have shit days.

                                  EDIT: I have dotabuff plus I can see the games I have played with people.

                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                    Good: Good win rate with all you're most played heroes.
                                    Bad: Needs more Rod of Atos.

                                    I'm not very good at this game and can't really say what's bad. i just love Rod of Atos. I too need more Atos in my life.


                                      Good : good win rate with elder titan and luna
                                      Bad : Rank MMR is below 50% =/

                                      [DFG] Whale King

                                        Good: HOLY SHIT A GOOD SUPPORT PLAYER :D!!!
                                        Bad: You lost your longest game?? I don't know!


                                          Good: Storm spirit wr! (y)
                                          Bad: overall wr


                                            Good: Winrate
                                            Bad: invoker picker, probably 1 player dota doesnt gank lane


                                              Good : Rat
                                              Bad : Rat


                                                good: S A D B O Y S
                                                bad: rat



                                                  Good: Channels his inner bulldog

                                                  Bad: Good work on some of your other heroes I guess. (Probably the less mobile ones. You seem to be ok with those who have innate mobility skills. Except WR, but you gotta be Light of Heaven for that)


                                                  Good: Damn nice invoker :o

                                                  Bad: Can't really conclude anything based on heroes. I would have said not good on farming mid heroes because of SF, but you have other good farming heroes that are doing pretty well. I guess you can add more offlane and supports into the mix haha

                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                    Good: Good spell awareness based off the rubick top pick.

                                                    Bad: look afraid of carries and mids


                                                      Good: Your Timbersaw/Lycan is having the most success in 6.81b play these exclusively for now.

                                                      I really dunno what to say here without it sounding mean, most of your heroes are super low win rates, horrible KDA's and the only decent ones are Drow and Riki, giving rise to the belief you're in 2.8K. Stop queuing weird drafts as well as this can effect performance if you get a hero you're not 100% comfortable with.

                                                      Good luck improving, I genuinely wish you the best.

                                                      Hex Sigma

                                                        Good: one of the nicest guys i met on this forum. Have a cookie!

                                                        Bad: still not 5k :(


                                                          @Havoc yeah lots of those heroes are from when I first started and no idea what I was doing haha. Like Rubick I havnet played in over 9 months, lifestealer 8 months. Tinker Morph I just cant win :/

                                                          I really should start a new account but don't want to lose all my items :(

                                                          CRAZY BALUBA

                                                            @pentt good: when you play support u seem to do better than any other hero :D
                                                            bad: u seem to be a suicidal type of player xD, try not to rush in everytime u see a low hp enemy


                                                              ^you skipped someone


                                                              Good at top 1 most played lich

                                                              Bad low win rate cm mode


                                                                @Mary- rach

                                                                Good :
                                                                Bad : Smurf - Sub 50% after only 10 games - Longest lose streak > Longest win streak


                                                                  Good : nice wr and kda with most played hero
                                                                  Bad : is apparently a Tinker spammer now


                                                                    Good: Winrate J-God

                                                                    Bad: Nothing found err, 2 abandons


                                                                      G: PA
                                                                      B: Terrorblade


                                                                        good: cent winrate
                                                                        bad: get carried scrub


                                                                          Good: Fuckin' unbeatable TA in real games
                                                                          Bad: doesn't want me in TS. "Who the fuck is this guy"

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                                                                          Hex Sigma

                                                                            good: you make me laugh
                                                                            bad : sometimes speaks without thinking


                                                                              Good: nice KDA with your overall hero
                                                                              Bad: you have abandon 67 game =/


                                                                                Good: So much high skill ^^ Most balanced most heroes played Ive seen

                                                                                Bad: Must have been a painful one to lose ;-; ( )


                                                                                  Good: 7.18 Tinker KDA?!?! Holy shit dude, that's crazy

                                                                                  Bad:WR winrate, although I'm certainly not the person to be critical about that


                                                                                    Good: Positive winrate

                                                                                    Bad: No battlefury on Ember Spirit


                                                                                      Good: A fellow Meepo player :)

                                                                                      Bad: Dat 4% abandon rate


                                                                                        Good: Exciting Meepo plays
                                                                                        Bad: Work on making the jungle work for you, maximize on efficiency and ganking.


                                                                                          Good: Same doom build as mine (Aghs and Ref)

                                                                                          Bad: Win rate with magic wand 44% (Couldn't think of anything)


                                                                                            Good: no abandoned on ur smurf account

                                                                                            Bad: smurf account/lost 5 game in a row in rank / win rate is 33% for rank

                                                                                            CRAZY BALUBA

                                                                                              Good: u won a game in the last 15
                                                                                              Bad: u are on a high losing streak, try to play with your team more xD, and be friendly


                                                                                                G - High impact on hard carries in top heroes
                                                                                                B - Mid hero win rates are not too impressive


                                                                                                  G - Warlock
                                                                                                  B - Windrunner


                                                                                                    Good: Very high winrate and KDAs with specific heroes, especially top 3.

                                                                                                    Bad: Very narrow hero/role pool (basically he just plays pubstompers)