General Discussion

General Discussionmuted again

muted again in General Discussion

    wow got put on a premade team of shit heads and now im muted so what am I doing now well im going random and massing couriers fuck dota fuck you all

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      All this forum cares about your mute man. First world problems.


        ok care?
        Even V-God gets muted sometimes, It doesnt affect my amazing gameplay so i still win ez :)

        [DFG] Whale King

          Whats up with everyone getting muted? Never happened to me and I talk ALOT.


            im about to give this pl 200 kills


              just look how bad my team is they feeding so much lol

              waku waku

                lol 69 :DDD


                  yup its good to mute me cuz it makes me a much more positive player look how much better I did than my teammates man they sure do suck


                    im the only one with a kill I clearly was the only one trying to win

                      waku waku

                        but some of your teammates have assists ;o


                          just another error brought to you buy doto


                            grats. @Vroksnak do you know Vigoss? or how do you know that


                              IM V-GOD. VIgoss is a joke compared to me. I can outlane him whenever i want specially with my incredible sf mid laning skills.
                              Why are u stalking me?
                              Why did u add me on steam? Its not like i will accept you. You are jsut one of my 100+ friend request atm.
                              Vroksnak Top #1 V-GOD

                              Este comentario fue editado

                                I actually play better when im muted because i'm not worried about my autistic team mates and their fucking autismal autistic gameplay. For the record, I was muted for almost 5 weeks straight. Within 1 game of being unmuted each week i'd be muted again.


                                  @Vroksnak uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh, ok. i have no idea if i should put you in the troll bag or the retard bag.


                                    It is possible to be both a retard and a troll. Just sayin'.


                                      Better mute them all, or they call you 100 times and whenever you decided to go with them. Doooh you are dead.
                                      Lost 200 kill points today. Damn