General Discussion

General DiscussionLifestealer inside a charging Spirit Breaker just ruins matches.

Lifestealer inside a charging Spirit Breaker just ruins matches. in General Discussion

    Anyone else has suffered this combo? I see it happen so often lately and is ruining matches since there is no really good way to stop that snowball coming to yur face. Any solo hero that gets this, just dies unless you have Black King Bar and maybe a Shadow Blade but still SB can use dust.
    What are yiur thoughs? Ways to deal with this?


      Why people think shadowblade can deal with sb, totally absurd idea.
      Play against a sb, unless you are too fat for a sb, never go too far from your teamate, that simple.


        Ever suffered from Naix Wisp? Then you will find this harmless.


          Stick together, and nothing would happen, Shadow Demon is rly gd to interrupt such combos, and kill LS and Spirit Breaker as ur targeted ally is disrupted.
          Warding would be gd too, but only if Spirit Breaker passes near one.
          Pick heroes with instant long range stuns like rubick, invoker (tornado/blast/cold snap).
          Or heroes like Storm, Morph, lightning ball/wave both can stop charge and not get stunned, how?
          By passing through the charging Spirit Breaker using such spells that give u total immunity
          There are many heroes, I just listed some examples
          Ghost scepter might be somehow effective if ur team players stick together, as it might delay ur death 4 secs, and ur team can finish them up maybe even before u get killed, or it would be a 1:2 trade


            I think its problem with lifestealer and all high mobility heroes, bara is just more common and more used in pubs, and easier to play.


              walk together with your teammates
              have a disable to throw at SB's face before charge hits you


                Puck counters Spiritbreaker

                Phase shift out of his slow spells, kite him around, he'll just waste every spell in his arsenal only to find you phase shifted/orb ported out of them without harm.

                Gelatinous Blob

                  Ever suffer from Necro with dagon 5 charging inside of SB?

                  Ever suffer from...any heros with blink dagger and a disable?

                  Ever suffer from...dota games where your opponents don't play like passive bots?


                  There are tons of counters to everything. SB charging around with naix is a very inefficient use of those heroes. This sort of crap will only win if the enemy is bad and already way behind. Of course most dota games the enemy is bad and way don't get behind.

                  The main counter to SB is see when he is charging and who and prepare to defend. Its not hard to kill him before he kills your ally...unless you let him get away with tower diving 5 or 6 times first. Punish him right away and keep doing it. SB tend to make a lot of very bad decisions counting on the enemy team just letting them do it for no cost.

                  Este comentario fue editado
                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

           I am a SF and they have SB Naix BH and Storm. You expect me to feed right? Think again. It's too easy to dodge those ganks.


                      ^^^ the shit aint unbeatable just ppl donr wanna listen and learn they think they are good at dota b
                      ut there is much to learn. dota isnt a game where you can rely on yourself being the winning factor of each game. you have to learn how to play and function as a team. sb naix going into a group of 5 people is just asking to get gang banged




                          Wait is he playing Dota or LoL? I see Dota heroes but sounds like he wants a passive League of Legends game 0.o



                            I just dealt with this a couple days ago, but as soon as I saw the picks I called the strat and for the most part we handled it okay. If he's not around, he's charging someone. Just group up as much as you can and try to identify who it is (place lots of wards of course).

                            Unfortunately we still lost as LS was just too fed by his early jungle and our lack of ganks and we didn't have sufficient carry power late-game. It sucks because they were actually fairly bad at the heroes and the strat.