General Discussion

General DiscussionStats do not match (even closely)

Stats do not match (even closely) in General Discussion

    One guy told me to enable my match history like 3-4 weeks ago. Yesterday, I actually visited this page and I realised my stats are completly different. I miss like 450 games. You can see my profile and compare it to ingame (real stats):

    I am just curious, why this happened? Friend told me it is because of data thing, like stats werent recorded, but still.. Other people who didnt have it enabled and then they enable it, they have real number of games.

    dookie daddy

      Try refreshing your account via the FAQ area. Also it depends how many of those wins were from the diretide/greeviling games cause while they count in the client it is my understanding they don't here.


        Ty for help, I refreshed and I will see what happens.

        Like 8-9 games of greeviling and 0 of diretide, I doubt it is related..

        Este comentario fue editado
        dookie daddy

          Just a question, while there are few recorded in dotabuff how many did you actually play?


            So I refreshed like you told me to. It is slightly improved but still 250 games are not there... I dont think I can fix this.

            Of what? greeviling? Max 10-15, it is around that number as I remember.

            dookie daddy

              You're missing exactly 220. I think you are only missing half of that as how the client calculates games and dotabuff is different.

              How many Diretide games?

              83 games where no stats recorded takes you down to 137 take 20 away for greeviling and your at 117.

              So you seem to be short by 117 games but that number depends on how many games you have played on Diretide. as those aren't counted but don't seem to show in your profile.

              Honestly even I am off by about 40 games each way so I would just go with it for now. Given time it might sync more back to your account.