General Discussion

General DiscussionState of Naga Siren?

State of Naga Siren? in General Discussion

    So I've been trying to get into Naga Siren lately as I find her abilities, appearance etc to be really awesome. I've had success playing her as a support but when I try to play her as a carry she feels so underwhelming and generally lacking in power, even if I have a strong game in terms of farm, kills etc. Is Naga Siren just a little underpowered at the moment? Also any advice on playing carry Naga Siren would be greatly appreciated. I know the standard Diffusal Manta Heart Butterfly sort of build but I'm a little unsure about how to play her in general.


      mana boots > desolater > medalion > heart > heart > rapier

      King of Low Prio

        naga is similar to bounty hunter imo, you can get him all the farm and items but he wont match up toe to toe with real carries like void so I only play naga has a support or semi carry


          naga mid is free kills with the help of almost any support that net is super powerful and if the support has one stun... free kill


            mana boots > whatever real carry items...

            If you have to fight early, then get diffusal. If not other things are better.

            But the main thing to understand about Naga as a carry is that she is an image carry. If you don't have the mana to cast mirror image every cd and plenty of riptides, then you are not able to fully use the hero. If you can't micro the hero to farm the lane and multiple jungle camps at the same time you will not get the full power of the hero.

            When pushing or counter pushing when in a teamfight....when scouting Naga Siren with good micro is extremely powerful. If you use it like a regular melee carry then Naga is weak, low dmg, not much hp...requires tons of farm but can't get it. The key to being a great Naga player is micro.

            Casting song in a pub is nearly always bad. If you don't have a team its only good for escaping ganks. Naga makes far better use of tp scroll split pushing than other heroes.

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              naga as a support is very strong. match him in a dual lane with a good stun or slow and you can easily dominate. I think naga should not be the top 1 priority in farming as she is what sampson said much like a bounty hunter. she is pretty squishy early to mid game and doesnt scale well like other carries do.

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              TikTok Uncle

                tranq , difusal , manta , linken , heart


                  just go radi and make illus follow supports as you use riptide on them
                  ez kills
                  get manta ignore diffusal!
                  get heart and bf and butter to finish it
                  get travels rly late game


                    i don't feel like naga 2 stronk as a carry cuz she needs alot of items to do anything altho its beast on farming


                      Naga is actually good at spilt pushing
                      Having a rushed radiance work wonders.
                      Sending 3 images to 3 other neutral camps while you farm 1.
                      If opponents are pushing the lane, get illusions to their back and pull the creep wave away, stopping their push.
                      Go solo push and force them to tp to you while you song, staying far just enough for your illusions to down towers.

                      The things mentioned above is hard to execute, only experienced Naga Sirens players can use it.

                      First Departure players play a sick naga siren though, whether its support or carry

                      Autism is great

                        she doesnt work as carry on pubs especially when you play solo

                        Autism is great



                            if you have more last hits than carry then your doing it wrong


                              naga is a she.

                              Ples Mercy

                                And your a gayloard, dissapointed theres no slardar V2?

                                thread / phase, manta, hearth, diffusual, skadi, abbysal.



                                  phase on naga gud idea pery gud if u wanna lose


                                    I good at right click creep can i play hero?

                                    Pandamonium(You Died)

                                      Naga support is really good, and she is not the most optimal carry. She can be really scary if allowed to get farm, but as support she is even scarier- as she can set up for your carries really well.


                                        watch replays of iceiceice playing naga....imo best naga around