General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed some good pubbers for more playable games.

Need some good pubbers for more playable games. in General Discussion

    As the title says I'm looking for some skilled players in order to stack up and have better games. Sure the objective is to win but first and foremost I simply want to have some fun and to reduce the amount of idiots in the team. Winning comes with that. I consider myself pretty good and I rarely see any skilled players these days. I usually play with a friend but it would be great if we had more players so that we can finally have some decent games.

    I don't care what your dotabuff stats are or winrate is since MM sucks and whoever says it doesn't is simply wrong. People with high winrates on dotabuff are people who stack up every game with 3 or 4 players and counter every lineup they see. In the end most of them are actually pretty bad too :/

    By skilled I mean that you understand how the game works and have map awareness and gamesense - most importantly the ability to use your brain - something 90 percent of this community lacks and is the primary reason why everyone is so bad.

    Feel free to add me on steam and we can play some games, see how you do - I don't pressure you to have 20 0 stats, just that you are better than the average idiot - as the team is only as strong as its weakest link.

    My experience with this game goes all the way back to dota1 so I'm not new here. Also I don't have a fixed time of playing, now during holidays I have time throughout the day but later on it will shrink to evenings only.

    Oh and yea, Europe only (USA is fine but timezones are a mess, unless you are hardcore)

    Autism is great

      are russian allowed?

      Woof Woof

        idi nahui


          Russians? as long as they speak normal english sure.


            Add me. I dunno how this works in dotabuff..

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              I d love a tryout


                I consider myself pretty good and I rarely see any skilled players these days. this is quiet egocetrisim dont you think? maybe you just not in the pool with good players or are you?

                Kanye Best

                  49% says MM sucks.
                  lol ok bro


                    ^all this dude does is go around mentioning peoples winrates is that how shitty ur life is? go outside and get some sun

                    Kanye Best

                      1v1 me irl faget then see how much sun i get


                        "look at my big e penis i will challenge u to a duel to the death over the internet!" cool bro go hava cone and chill the fuck out u weirdo

                        Kanye Best

                          thats right...keep walking~


                            Why so many words in the topic related to finding companion?


                              You're quite amusing kanye best. You are the proof of a flawed system. Mr. 54% winrate with comments like ' 1v1 me irl faget then see how much sun i get ' thinks he's all knowing? Let's take a look on your matches.

                              3/8 5/17 3/13 1/6 1/8 3/10 3/13 1/8 1/7 4/11 1/8

                              That's page one ONLY your worst scores, you won 6 and lost 5 games - Yeah I guess winning so many games with such bs scores isn't considered luck. But wait, everyone can have a bad day can't it? Besides this game is about teamplay not scores, lets take a look at items.

                              1 8 rooftrellen doing hand of midas vs fast push team
                              3 13 warlock ghost scepter meka wand drum - guess you dont really know that the best warlock is the one with scepter and refresher nothing else
                              witch doctor 5 17 1 hour+ game ghost scepter bracer wand - again total failure, best witch doctor is scepter/bkb
                              keeper 35 min game not upgraded boots of speed 1 7 - nice one.
                              krobelus meka wand pipe... rofl

                              I don't even want to go past page 2... I'm afraid that I'll fall of my chair the next time I see another funny looking build.

                              Also a guy with 1300 games has a record of 679GPM? Nice one. Looks to me you get carried every time in your games and think you're good because you have a winrate above 50%. You ever lost a game with 25/2? or with X/0 stats? Don't think so. Don't talk to me about stats in this game and winrates because they depend on a lot of factors - in your case however it is obvious that you are pretty bad in general and depend on others to do the dirty work for you.

                              Don't even try to talk to me about useless statistics anymore because I will beat you to it, every single time.

                              @Reflections - I want to be very clear on who I need.

                              @Dodge - Yes it is, and pool of good players doesn't really exist in practice, the MM's goal is to give you 50% winrate by any means necessary.

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                                100% games in normal bracket. No wonder you can pubstomp with troll.

                                Pandamonium(You Died)

                                  My record is 647 GPM with >800 games. I guess im just a newb who gets carried 53.5% of the times.
                                  You have good KDA but you play trash pub heroes (troll, doom,drow) and as the guy above said only in normal games.
                                  You might want to cool your temper a little, because while you seem to have good mechanical skills (lasthit, etc) you don't seem to understand this game that well yet.


                                    Surprise surprise, flaming the MM system - just because you're put where you belong. Average of 1 deny a game? Seriously?

                                    You may have some basics down - your item builds are generally decent. But unfortunately your skill level is still lacking alot. The people matched with you are there for a reason, and usually a good one - don't shit all over MM just because you haven't advanced past their level yet.

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                                      @Tractatus I can't control in which bracket I get because of a flawed system. Yes of course I go for troll or similar heroes because that's the only way to win more often than not. I've been in such tough games that I had to buy divine rapier as my 2nd item to even get only a chance to win because of OP lineups combined with shit teammates. No wonder indeed.

                                      Same goes for The Terrible, trash pub heroes vs trash lineups - fight fire with fire, right? I understand the game very well, don't worry. As for the GPM - it was just a random statistic I picked up, nothing special. And yea you do seem to get carried around - when I pick up a few stats from your first 2 pages of games I see mostly negative stats, and mediocre positive ones at best - of course by default it isn't bad at all cause its a teamplay game but when I play solo public with those stats( which is pretty rare by the way ) not only I lose the match but I also get all my towers overrun under 15 minutes because nobody is skilled enough to take the pressure. That's called luck friend. You're lucky to get decent players that will cover up your moments of weakness, I'm not.

                                      As for Mr. Zenoth I don't really bother with denying vs noobs, focused on denying vs shadow friend only and I rarely get into such situations so I simply don't care. Doesn't make a huge impact in my games since I'll still win my lane - would it be better if I cared more? Of course - would it change anything? Don't think so.

                                      MM is bad, the system tries to give you a fair game while ignoring the huge skill gaps between players. And the skill level of people I'm matched with is average - and average is bad by default, especially in dota2 which is filled with newcomers from LoL, bad regulars from garena and wannabes watching The International and then thinking they got what it takes to be a hero. Besides you shouldn't even talk, you play with gazilion friends( based on your page and )still don't even have a winrate above 60%. You know I once managed to set up a 5 man team. Played 3 games - 3 total stomps. Totally steamrolled everyone. There weren't any ugly op setups like naix and spiritbreaker. It was just the brain power alone that ran over the opponents because nobody had what it took to even win a single lane. Sad.

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                                        I don't really get how you can play over 500 games and still not get to even "high" bracket if you're secretly a good player. Not that "very high" games are exactly #MLG either :p


                                          that average thing shows nothing
                                          i was a complete noob before i improved. like i didnt know wtf were lasthits were until i had 300 games i just auto-attacked.and until ~450 games i rarely denied anything.

                                          and a month ago i used that code that i no longer have to hold A to deny. now i always have most denies in match and also NEVER lose my lane.

                                          the whole avg thing is wrong because people improve


                                          build MoM on bara #pro #bestdoto
                                          Pick profit feedhard #1337 #admiralbulldoglearnedfromyou

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                                            cyka cyka cyka cyka

                                            Kanye Best

                                              lol @ fucking scrub thinking performance matters
                                              winning is all that matters
                                              negative winrate = worse than dogshit

                                              I'd say I was hoping to meet you in a game one day to give you a reality check, but looks like there's a couple thousand Elo between you and me.


                                              Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                See, this is why you don't completely grasp this game. My comment about GPM was pointed towards the fact that I mostly play supports, not farm heroes. You obviously seem to think that carries win the games, while supports and other chars are doing minor roles. Try learning good support, and do solo pubs- sure ull still get fucktards, but those fucktards will play a little better when the lane isnt pushed, wards are set up, mid was ganked 2 times, and rune are being controlled. And yes you can do all of that alone.
                                                BTW I got my >53% using pretty much non trash support heroes. You think I don't get pub heroes as enemies? =)

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                                                  @Kanye Best

                                                  gets carried by others everygame,thinks he is good.
                                                  midas on treant /facepalm
                                                  your matches and KDA ratio and builds are so shit idk how the f people just dont afk laugh for 5 minutes everygame u play

                                                  and you smoke shit thinking you are better than everyone so gtfo & get a life
                                                  #failhard #youbelonginpremalimitedheroesbracketnub #hashtagssuck

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                                                    Ironically, has a way sub-50% winrate on his most played hero. Might be best for the forum as a whole to ignore anything he posts. Maybe add that as a feature?

                                                    Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                      ^Just to be fair, a lot of people have relatively shitty winrate on their most played hero, because they tend to pick that hero every game even when they shouldnt. I did that with Clockwerk at least.

                                                      Kanye Best


                                                        Come back when you get even 1 game above normal aka shit

                                                        My man Terrible knows whats up. Lina is my waifu and I will not forsake her, so back the fuck off before i stab you in the dick?!?!


                                                          Oh my god i am in normal proves that im a shit player(sarcasm)

                                                          You are such a low life scrub that claim that a video game character is your partner so you probably are a virgin fatass sitting infront of the computer that your parents bought for you including 420,weed,etc after your username so people think you're a badass in RL.

                                                          Oh wait you even suck at playing as your so called "waifu" that even IF she was real she would choose my dog over you cause you know i stated above what you are in RL. Shit son how many games did you actually "carried" with lina?? I bet u only got KSes off your carry.

                                                          for fs sake i dont even know how the f people manage to carry you to win. You always feed the enemy.
                                                          And if the higher brackets are filled with idiots like you i rather play in below-normal.

                                                          Kanye Best

                                                            talk shit get hit son
                                                            lets be real where abouts you live
                                                            ill show you how me and my homie carry games
                                                            my homies name is walther motherfucking P to the P
                                                            feel like backing up dat smack talk biatch?~


                                                              You fed in your last 2 games gj
                                                              Gtfo you have no friends fatass

                                                              Kanye Best

                                                                I win even when feeding
                                                                You cant even win when you get fed

                                                                Holy shit dont you wish you were as good as I am? also im not fat


                                                                  wow what a cumguzzling virgin prob some fat little ginger eating a hot pocket while he types this fagvomit


                                                                    @coach - that's because some of the friends I stack with are from the same matchmaking tier as YOU. Contrary to popular belief, you can't carry when your teammates all mostly play like "newcomers from LoL, bad regulars from garena and wannabes watching The International and then thinking they got what it takes to be a hero" (i.e. people like you) and want to try out carries. Oops, sorry, I forgot that you don't have friends to play with.

                                                                    Wow, you stomped a few games of Normal MM. Good job. I've stomped a few games of page 1. Win rate doesn't matter with the kind of opponents you play with, I could get 80% win rate easily if I had the same opponents as you. Even Mr. Vaikiss doesn't have 60%. Fucking DENDI has 55% win rate. He must be a noob scrub right, can't even get 60% when he stacks with so many random friends? Sorry bro, a thousand bucks he would win 100% with opponents like you.

                                                                    You want more playable games, here's a tip - Change your damned attitude towards the game. There are many more people in this world better than you at the game and not many of them claim to be pretty good at this game. Most of us accept that we have much more to learn about this game.

                                                                    Just look at your attitude towards denying. Simply denying each creep gives ranged opponents 1/4 of the exp they would normally have. Why deny only against SF when you can accrue a huge level advantage if you have the superior mechanical skill in the lane? Not using what you have available to you simply shows that a) You're not good enough or b) You can't bother to be good enough. And because of this, you get other "noobs" as teammates, and then you start complaining about matchmaking.

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                                                                    Kanye Best



                                                                        Kanye best you're horrible and everyone can see here. You are the perfect example of a flawed MM system :P don't be so negative about it. You should be happy that you are getting carried all around.

                                                                        Zenoth you still don't get it. I said at start winrate doesn't matter yet you keep talking about it. You still generalize about matchmaking tiers and you're wrong about it. Also looks like I can carry because I manage to win those games, contrary to you belief. You stomped a few games? I stomp most of my games. And currently where I play, there aren't many skilled players at all. Or I'm just a lot better than you think. Now you start talking about dendi and others.... look, I don't give a shit - they are also partly the reason why pubs suck - cause wannabes copy their builds and think they have what it takes - bad promotion of dota2.

                                                                        The argument about denying stands - although I don't care enough. As for my attitude towards the game... the game sucks at most levels, hell it took for the game to exit beta almost 3 years.... that's just ridiculous. Funny part is most of those 'veteran' people who got to play early and now have shitload of games are really really bad in the terms of game understanding... I see it all the time. It's no surprise really. As a former member of other gaming communities ( even played on top in 1 game, cups and everything) I pretty much understand how communities work. This one has a bunch of wannabes who kept watching dendi and other players because they weren't invited to beta. Later on they finally did and copied everything they saw - and ended up failing miserably. Not to mention that this recommended builds are pretty funny too. People have become such copycats and nobody thinks for themselves anymore. It's a low skilled community :)

                                                                        And the matchmaking tries to give you 50% winrate by ignoring huge gaps between ELO ratings. That is by definition BAD.

                                                                        @The Terrible... As for you, I knew someone would tell me supports are the key to everything... well in cups maybe, out here def not. What good is a support if you have a Slark in the team who tells you that he doesn't build Dark Pact on slark, ever? and then builds SNY and after 40 minutes you realize he has no real dps and durability? Just as you predicted? Yes, support that. Funny thing is that it isn't the first time I saw that. Horrible build and mediocre understanding of the game. No good supporting if carries have flawed builds and map awareness. That was my game yesterday :) I predicted that our only carry would be bad so I picked a support which can carry at the same time. The plan was perfect just that unfortunately my internet unexpectedly gave up so we lost, but doesn't matter since I was right again once more.



                                                                          For someone who said win rates don't matter why did you bring it up against me first? I never mentioned win rates until you did. You're the one generalizing about matchmaking tiers, I've never had a problem with the pubs in my team? Why is that so? Is MM being biased towards me and not towards you? Lack of skilled players? Or simply because you're playing in the shit tier? I brought up Dendi because you brought up win rates - don't try to steer the argument away and come up with stuff like you don't give a shit.

                                                                          Stomped most of your games? Wow, somehow you lose half of your games and claim to stomp them. Your logic is oh-so-impeccable. I stomp all those scrubs you claim, but your stats speak otherwise. You have yet to realize that all your 'stomps' are against players who are every bit as terrible as you claim your team mates are, and yet you can't even win more often than you lose. W-o-w.

                                                                          The matchmaking has already been shown to NOT ignore huge gaps between ELO ratings. Have you seen the threads where Dota 2 devs replied about the ELO system? The only time when huge gaps are present is when people queue in a stack with friends who have a large skill difference. How do you propose to solve that problem? Do you think that Valve wouldn't fix it if it was so easy?

                                                                          Yes, the community is low skilled in general. You, unfortunately, are a part of it.

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                                                                            Because you play with a bunch other people and for that you should automatically win a lot more games. Not as a goal, but as a consequence. Unless of course you or they are bad. Yeah I don't give a shit, I've seen people with a lot better winrates and they were pathetic in game. I play with a handicap in my team literally every time - that means I should lose a lot - however due to my superior abilities I cover up that weakness more often than not with proper heroes at my disposal - if I went for winrate only I would play 3 same heroes all the time and I would have a lot better winrate in the end, but that's just boring :) Matchmaking is terrible, just accept it. You know why they dont show ELO ratings? because it would be clear that it was. Valve takes too long to fix anything, 3 years beta plz :D

                                                                            You know, when I take a look on your profile I guess you are a skilled player etc - all in all not average at all.

                                                                            Now I've just taken a look at the last game you played. SKILL : VERY HIGH BRACKET

                                                                            Let's see that very high bracket.

                                                                            First your team. you 1 11 AM - couple of wraiths... no clue why would anyone do that, you obv got stomped so u got those stats, w/e riki overfed doesn't matter - you are not to blame.
                                                                            Next your friend jakiro... total failure 30 minutes boots of speed 2 branches - mate when I get overrun i at least have something more than boots at my disposal - and this guy is in very high bracket? :D
                                                                            Lets see Weaver... obv ur best player, he tried to go for deso didn't make it, no farming items, no regen items... this guy has no clue how to properly play weaver. also 1 assist, which shows me that he stole most of these kills too, which is logical given the item build.
                                                                            Rubick... decent items for a losing team, cant really do much there, at least has a staff couple of wards, boots, etc... a lot more than jakiro anyway... Let's say that he just had a bad luck of being in this funny looking team.
                                                                            Now aside for that, lets see your team in general. 3 supports, 2 of them totally useless vs these guys(ezalor+jakiro)... 2 carries, one of them heavy farmer aka late game only.
                                                                            Disappointing picks and team chemistry... very high skill bracket... what a joke :D Not only your team has 1 stunner, also it somehow managed to feed riki... who feeds riki early game :D:D:D terrible.
                                                                            Now lets see your opponents, I mean they outclassed you so hard that you'd think they're really good cause all of you guys are very high skill bracket...
                                                                            Riki 22/3 bkb diffusal basher.. fine items in general, also managed to take advantage of your pathetic team very early.. might have been easy cause with 3 supports you guys couldn't really get yourself to buy some sentries or dusts or gem... I mean it's really hard to do that with ONLY 3 supports in the team. I salute this guy.
                                                                            Shadow shaman nothing to say really, seems like he served his purpose, he got his gold despite his 1 4 score and bought refresher, someone who doesn't just wank on wards saying he has no farm cause he is support. I salute this guy too.
                                                                            Pudge also nothing to say, decent items, confused by his lack of upgraded boots but w/e.
                                                                            Naix also good items, good build, I imagine he raped your team by infesting riki.
                                                                            Now we have this mega cool doom with force staff and shadowblade.... rofl.... with riki in his team he goes on and builds shadowblade... BAD decision, doesn't understand the game at all with that item. Also force staff won't even comment. Rest is ok I guess, vlad for the team, fine.

                                                                            So to summarize, this very high bracket in reality means nothing... I see same bad players I see in my games, same illogical builds too. You think you are better if you are in this bracket? The way I see it, your team not only had disastrous picks and failed chemistry but also failed in exposing riki because the 3 glorious supports just couldn't make themselves to buy some cheap and profitable items. Sad. Opponent team looks okay with some crazy shit but then again they played vs your funky team and well... doesn't really prove anything about them does it? Might be as bad as your team was.

                                                                            So you say you play with better people? Don't think so :) I don't even want to know what would I have found if I looked some other games of yours. If this is a representation of a very high bracket, then dota2 community is even more lowskilled than I thought. Besides not only this proves so much about how shit tiers are - but also some people like kanye best who play on higher brackets too on this page are also a proof of a messed up MM system.

                                                                            You don't really have to say anything now mate. Stop denying the obvious flaws and shit valve is feeding you.

                                                                            TLDR version - just by looking at one of your games I can already see that very high bracket is in reality just another fake with yet another mixed player pool

                                                                            edit: Just now I saw another bracket topic... all the proof you need :) even the community agrees that brackets are flawed.

                                                                            Este comentario fue editado

                                                                              tbh i can get a 100% winrate if i play nyx all the time.

                                                                              dookie daddy

                                                                                Can we call this thread quits guys it really not going to get any less productive then it already has.

                                                                                waku waku

                                                                                  You can add me, i don't mind any role though i play supports most of the time

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                                                                                    THD was Normal bracket. Weaver was High. My MMR averages it out enough to make it to Very High, but they wouldn't be in that bracket otherwise. That's exactly what would happen to you if you got put into Very High.

                                                                                    This is how you want to play it? I went to the effort to download one of your replays, the one where you were OD. Match ID 279206073.

                                                                                    Let's see....

                                                                                    Adds ESSENCE AURA at level 1. Wow. Just wow.

                                                                                    4:27 First cast of Imprisonment on Tinker. Haven't seen a Tinker outlane OD this bad before.
                                                                                    6:10 Tinker still has more denies than you. You add your third point into Essence Aura, must be because Imprisonment is such a shitty skill.
                                                                                    7:27 You're losing mid badly, but instead of going Tranquils or Bottle you opt to ferry yourself more Salves.
                                                                                    9:26 You lost mid so badly to Tinker that you gave up laning and rotated to top. Tried to cut around the tower but ran straight into a creep wave. Classy.
                                                                                    11:41 Finally you find some free farm mid. You stand downslope when the creep is right in front of you, auto attacking and missing half your hits while missing last hits in an uncontested lane. Don't give me shit like you were looking elsewhere, I'm watching this from your perspective.
                                                                                    14:48 You have less farm solo mid than a tri-lane support. The Tinker was terrible, missing most of his last hits and leaving the lane without getting anything, but he still has more than twice your net worth.
                                                                                    15:58 You ferry your fourth Salve to you. That's already 100 more than a bottle which you can re-sell.
                                                                                    16:50 You spent almost twenty seconds walking from mid to bottom to join a clash because guess what, TP scrolls are for noobs. Pros like you don't need no TP scrolls.
                                                                                    17:55 Walked into side shop to get your RoR, still don't want to buy TP.
                                                                                    20:00 Congratulations, even Wisp has a higher net worth than you.
                                                                                    23:00 Game basically over at this point. Tinker takes Rupture and Bloodrage, manfights your allied Bloodseeker and wins. Enemy team is steamrolling all over you.

                                                                                    I'm not even nitpicking on all the small mistakes you make. The big mistakes are already obvious enough. You might not be used to this hero, but those problems would lie in execution and positioning, not something as glaringly stupid as walking about the map without TPs, not getting sustainable regen, opting for Essence Aura at level 1.

                                                                                    TL;DR - You deserve to be in normal bracket. You are every bit as bad as the people you complain about on a regular basis, you just fail to see it. Someone in your position doesn't even have the right to criticize the MM system, because you think too highly of yourself - therefore MM flawed, MM always matches me with nubs etc. Notice that majority of people who complain about brackets have one thing in common - thinking too damn highly about themselves.

                                                                                    "By skilled I mean that you understand how the game works and have map awareness and gamesense - most importantly the ability to use your brain - something 90 percent of this community lacks and is the primary reason why everyone is so bad."
                                                                                    By your own admission, you are most certainly part of the 90% and the primary reason why this community is so bad.

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                                                                                      dude @coach are you for real? the difference between a normal "bad player" and a very high "bad player" is HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE. im pretty sure just about any very high player can stomp your games with just one hand.

                                                                                      if you're in normal you're one of the 80% worst dota 2 players, sad but true.

                                                                                      "even the community agrees that brackets are flawed." the only ones i have seen complaining are those who believe they are better than what they actually are (if they were then they would climb brackets easily). truth is they still suck and just cant accept it.

                                                                                      your flaming of @Zenoth is completely retarded. no words needed there.

                                                                                      if Valve showed Elo there would be no difference. obviously Valve are the ones who implemented the system and thus the ratings for a given game should be quite even (sure they may not be some rare extreme cases). now that doesn't say that their way of calculacting the ratings is stupid and it might be.

                                                                                      tl;dr @coach all your arguments are illogical and you have no place here.

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                                                                                        very high bracket player
                                                                                        you are invalid

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                                                                                          @Darkness what is your point?


                                                                                            Nice one Zenoth, you picked up my ONLY 0/x game in like what a month and analyzed it? Well done. There's a reason why I had 0/6 stats that game... and you actually went to analyze that what is already obvious. I couldn't be arsed to play from the start :D

                                                                                            See how weak this was, among all those stomping scores you pick up the worst game in the last 30 days or so? That proves that you lack the necessary arguments to prove me otherwise - which you can't. See I didn't bother to even look at all your games. I just took the first one I saw and I didn't even analyze you, just the bracket, and I beat your theory just by doing so. You had to go through all those 20/0 stomping records and found my worst game ever to cross analyze it... and like I said, didn't even bother playing that game from the very start which is quite obvious... Bad and pathetic.

                                                                                            Do you want to analyze another game maybe? analyze this

                                                                                            Yeah anyway, everyone can have a bad game... and you presented yourself as a complete loser to even pick that game out of all other ones... that game is like on page 3 or what :D haha how bad was that.

                                                                                            Actually expected a stunt like this from you. Given the fact that you still cannot explain properly how bad that bracket appears.

                                                                                            and this kark whatever... stacks up all games thinks hes good cause he has good winrate cause of stacking...

                                                                                            All you said was that flaming was retarded... well guess what it wasnt even flaming... just facts :D you can't even communicate properly yet you think you are good cause you have a 70+ winrate :D

                                                                                            You guys remind me of those pathetic freaks on page 1 of best winrates ever. The first guy has 200+ games. All with Wisp. Good job.

                                                                                            You just don't get it Zenoth, but doesn't matter :) As for this kark whatever guy... won't even comment him much. Too narrow minded person for my taste.

                                                                                            No need to discuss anymore anything by the way. All has been said and now proved by me. No need to try to deny it because its clear to the smarter minority :)


                                                                                              I picked up one of the losses on your first page. I didn't even have to check matches played, it was on your own freaking profile, dumbass. 3 days ago. Click on your own freaking name and you'll see it right there. Just like how you picked a random game from my first page. Guess what? I'm just doing unto you what you tried to start. Beat what theory? Sorry, none of this changes the fact that you are a terrible player.

                                                                                              This game you played terrible too. Your opponents were simply much worse. 494 GPM when so much ahead by kills? Your last hitting was terrible. Hell, Timbersaw got more creeps than you. You missed alot of opportunities to stack creeps, farm in between lanes, go for the early Roshan.... Your opponents just fed themselves on a conveyor belt to your pitiful mouth. You could have pushed the advantage earlier, but no, let the bear with Double Midas farm. I'll just feed on the supports and feel good about it, then blame my team for feeding because they are obviously not as awesome as me. Heart on Drow? Really? Satanic not only boosts your damage, it increase your EHP by significantly more. Bad item choices when you were the most farmed on your team definitely cost you the game.

                                                                                              What a pity that you had to check all the way back to find an expired replay for me to analyze. I would gladly look at it and tell you how badly you played.

                                                                                              "No need to discuss anymore anything by the way. All has been said and now proved by me. No need to try to deny it because its clear to the smarter minority :)"

                                                                                              Typical escapism. Lose an argument, back off and claim superiority. You still have yet to challenge any of the points I listed out. Pitiful.

                                                                                              Este comentario fue editado


                                                                                                look at his comments on this page

                                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                  There can be no excuse whatsoever for picking up Essence Aura level 1. You just know how hard you failed and try to change the topic. Come on man. Not cool.


                                                                                                    @coach i never said im good. you seem to think ur good but you are probably one of the worst players here on dotabuff. i have never seen anyone with 100% normal games before.

                                                                                                    you havent proven anything but the fact that you're utter shit at this game. if even half of what Zenoth said is true about your OD game then you dont know how to play this game, simple as that.


                                                                                                      The replay is for everybody to see. I'm being objective here. If he admits he's bad and wants to learn how to get better, I'm sure alot of people will be willing to help him. The problem is that he thinks he's the best and everyone else is terrible, then blames matchmaking for his own personal problems. You, good sir, are indeed the VOCAL MINORITY.

                                                                                                      Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                                                        Why do so many people who complains about MM think they are dendy or something next level.
                                                                                                        If you were next level you wouldnt be in the normal brackets. All pro players play in very high bracket- you can check that using and list of verified players on dotabuff. If brackets would be bullshit, we would surely see more than 10% of the games in normal brackets. You can say that they play in stack, but there are plenty players like dendi who doesnt.
                                                                                                        Dendi- - 83% games in very high.
                                                                                                        SingSing- 93% games in very high.
                                                                                                        If MM was useless, this would happen. Is MM perfect? No. Does it works approximately, even considering amount of idiots/twinkies/new players/people with high egos people? Absolutely.