General Discussion

General DiscussionTONS of dota going on today

TONS of dota going on today in General Discussion

    their bloodseeker is retard who makes sangeyasha...

    but overall tiny + bloodrage is nice


      Gyro has bkb...who cares he has 1100 hp and Tiny does 630 dmg each attack. Yes its very good.


        DTS vs Cascade...DTS last pick Spirit Breaker!!!

        He has some elusive spirits to chase this game...qop. naga, timbersaw, and weaver...will he be able to break them?

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        Woof Woof

          how do they play him ?as carry?

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            as feeder


              Spirit breaker started taking the pull farm, he is playing as a semi carry with TA the main carry. This is a close game. Timbersaw accidentally made vanguard instead of bloodstone, that might have lost the game.

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                THU picks the first Brewmaster in forever against DTS.

                There are so many standin players in this tournament! Do teams ever play with their full roster?

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  DTS = Dendi the Superman?


                    scrub teams often miss players especialy european/russian ones


                      The Grand Finals of UK dota at Insomnia 49 is beginning. Its a best of 5 between AAA (France) vs Reason (UK). Pyrion Flax and Durka casting.


                      [R]eason Gaming

                      Reason Gaming last picks Drow in the first game. They have been holding this aura stack strat all tournament. Lets see what they can do Luna-Vs-Drow...easy to kill alone...but enormous dmg together even with no items.

                      And there is a huge win for AAA on the back of wisp-ES-Gyro making a prespawn FB triple kill.

                      Reason does not panic...comes back and takes two towers with the super aura chen push very early but Gyro has a 3 min midas.

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                        pub pick on radiant team and they feedign nonstop lmao

                        and that wisp with fail relocates every single time so sad

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                          isn't aAa the imG clan?


                            It was a really bad decision by drow to attack OD in the middle of his team that last fight because he had ageis...but it was interesting to see that he could just solo kill OD in the middle of his team and way behind on items...of course then drow bkb ended and it was gg.

                            If Reason had not fed 4 kills before min 1...they could have won lanes and snowballed to win the game. Keep perspective: these are teams in the 4400-4800 tMMR range. This is not TI3, but they did get past a field of 64 teams to get here.

                            Imaginary Gaming recently changed names to AAA, yes.

                            AAA picks up Pudge-Chen and Tinker in the 2nd far no fountain hooks have succeeded but they have attempted them earlier in the tournament.

                            There were a few important fountain hooks, but overall Reason just had much stronger teamwork this game. The I49 playoff games are showing up on dotabuff team matches but not the groupstage. And they do not seem to be counting for tMMR points.

                   4 games from this tournament for AAA but no rating

                            And AAA win the tournament almost undefeated, there were a lot of really fun games to watch at Insomnia.

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                            Safe Base

                              I watched some games, and to be brutally honest watching page 1 live games pub is often more fun and higher quality than this insomnia tournament.

                              Woof Woof

                                ^ qft


                                  ^^ +1 lal


                                    ^Pure egotistical, garbage...learn to stop being so entirely, desperately, pathetically focused on convincing yourself of the size of your e-peen that you begrudge anyone else the slightest measure of praise.

                                    Sometimes page 1 games are higher quality, but usually they are not. Page 1 games never have an excited team of shoutcasters. They never have 2,000 pounds on the line. They never have a crowd of hundreds of people cheering at a live stage. They never have a series of hundreds of games with dozens of teams knocking each other off until its down to the top two. They never have interviews with the be brutally honest page 1 live games often have crap teamwork and terrible strategy nowhere near the level shown by the top teams at Insomina or Neotolic or Rapture. Who cares if sometimes people in page 1 games can click slightly faster and misclick slightly less. No one watches dota to see that.

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                                    bum farto

                                      All I can say was Insomnia was a good time. Some pretty decent Dota2.

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        All page 1 games are actually one sided stomps.


                                          Is there any match ids to zeus games..? my zeus been failing hard ever since I stopped playing him regularly.

                                          Safe Base

                                            Relentless you seem to get quite defensive.
                                            With barely over 51% win rate, most of my games are more like page 500+ rather than page 1. Egotistical or "e-peen" is completely irrelevent to my comment.

                                            Shoutcasters, money, crowds of people, a knockout format and interviews do not directly have anything to do with the quality of the players or games.
                                            Russian/Chinese football (soccer) leagues are heavily invested these days, there's a lot money, crowds, commentators and interviews of players. Doesn't mean the quality of the players and games are in general anywhere near established South American or Western European leagues.

                                            With regards to Rapture or Netolic/Neolution (not sure which one you mean by Neotolic) I didn't mention these competitions at all. There are TI or TI qualifer teams and generally higher tier teams in there than I49.

                                            I enjoy watching a lot of Dota 2, since TI3 there's been a void after the hype. Apart from the competitions mentioned I also watch live pub games, CDEC also show a few games a day, and I watch some other players' streams as well.
                                            Iceiceice's stream had a lot of viewers, it essentially is the type of game as you said "click slightly faster and misclick slightly less". Doesn't mean no one watches it. He was wearing sunglasses in his bedroom, curled up into a ball with his head almost on his knees and drops an item in front of the enemy before he ganks them. Not constantly trolling but certain had no team work a lot of the times.

                                            I have read basically every topic and reply on these forums in the last few months. Some posts are distasteful and obscene, some others are nonsensical and absurd. As one of the more thoughtful posters on these forums you aren't that tolerant of opinions different to yours. Forums are there for people to voice their opinions, hopefully there are posts that aren't purely distasteful and the community will grow.
                                            Page 1 pubs commonly have at least 1k+ viewers, your final statement is a bit biased. If you don't like it doesn't mean no one watches dota to see that. My post did not say no one wants to or no one should watch I49, I watch page 1-5 pubs almost daily and posted my opinion that the I49 games I watched had lower quality players and plays than the pubs I have been watching.

                                            You are keen for the dota community to grow and improve, but to be aggressive and label others as egotisitical/pathetic/etc as soon as someone posts an opinion you disagree with is not the way to do it.


                                              You did not post to disagree with me. You posted attacking the UK dota community... as did the others who immediately followed you and clearly understood the same intended derision from you that I did. If you read "basically every topic and reply" then you know that the usual forum trolls were keen to use this thread as they are every thread to make fun of people. I do not appreciate you helping them out.

                                              There is no need to "defend" the position that watching a pro dota tournament is enjoyable. That is purely a matter of opinion and if you didn't like it you can post all you want about how bad you think it really was....about how much better such and such pub dota is to watch...or whatever you want.

                                              There is quite a difference between tolerating opinions and silently allowing trolls to dominate the discussion. It is not clear why you want to argue that pub dota is better to watch than low level pro dota. I am happy to see that you merely worded your post clumsily and did not really mean to set up the trolls for more mocking of UK dota.

                                              The fact is for a forum to be safe for nubs or any ordinary decent people to use, those normal people must be aggressively defended. If this is not done as I do it...then nearly every thread will become an unending chain of insults and mocking. That is simply the "natural law" of how any anonymous public forum will function.

                                              If you truly want to make the community grow then it must be treated like a garden. Positive, helpful things must be added. Also weeds must be cut down. You cannot "hope" for the will get nothing but weeds that way. I don't have the power to be "intolerant" and block your ability to express your negative opinion and if I did it would not be worth truncating the freedom to speak to block it. Instead it is best to counter negative posts such as you made by showing them for what they are.

                                              Safe Base

                                                There are people trolling everywhere as you have already said, I have been posting here every now and then for months and as a regular visitor you know whether I am one of those trolls that regularly "use every thread to make fun of people".
                                                The existence of troll shouldn't mean normal posters must be blindly postive or sugar coat every statement.

                                                I have already explained as a "page 500+ player" and someone who is clearly much less skilled than any of those that played in I49. Egotistically, desperately and pathetically focusing on the size of my epeen as you described it, that's not even close to "showing my post for what they are".

                                                You are one of dotabuff's regular posters and one who clearly have the intelligence to know who these "trolls" that regularly mock/insult/flame people are. Am I one of such people?
                                                You wish to help the community by aggressively and vigorously defend the "ordinary" people. If in you judgement your original response and subsequent defense of it against me is appropriate and in line with your intention then it is not worthy of wasting time for me to post any furthur. As I must in your opinion be one of the trolls and not one of the ordinary posters.


                                                  lmao @ relentless

                                                  excited team of shoutcasters ? those 2 are probably the most terrible casters(well purion is terrible durka might be ok with someone else or solo) together with sheever and xycloxs guy the whole lan setup was terrible (atleast comparing to lans that i participated)

                                                  crowd of hundred peoples ? during finals there was like 10 ppls in my last lithuanian lan we did had bigger crowd and our country is 20
                                                  times smaller than uk

                                                  ofc they don't have 2000 pounds on the line because ppls play there cuz they want to play not cuz they get something for that thats why people do scrims and inhouses instead of playing pubs

                                                  and terrible strategy and teamwork ? usualy its either full stack vs full stack or bunch of random people together u cant do proper teamwork with random scrubs and im pretty sure coordination with my stacks exceeds both of those teams that played in finals

                                                  i remmember back when we formed WTFC team(and before that) we used to scrim against imG on daily basis and they didn't showed anything special (neither they did in this lan) so why the fuck ur praising them so much ?

                                                  those teams suck games were pretty poor quality (might be cuz its their first lan but still)

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                                                    Safe Base you can continue to imagine that you have been confused with Vaikiss if you prefer. But there is no reason to believe it. All you did was not think through what you wrote and how people would read it. All you did was get personally offended by comments that everyone knew were not directed at you. If you read without yourself first in mind, you will not jump to such misapplications.

                                                    Vaikiss, I know you wish you were there...winning the prize money, getting the fans...proving to everyone that you could beat the teams that went to Insomnia. And really if you had a solid team of players similar in skill to yourself who regularly practiced and prepared some strats for that LAN...yes, you are somewhat likely to have won it. But you didn't do any of that work. They did. And so you don't deserve the rewards and you cannot legitimately claim to be better than them from the comfort and safety of your pub record.

                                                    Are you capable of playing on a pro team? I think you are...talentwise, but maybe you are not capable of controlling your ego and your emotions enough to be on a real team? Maybe you are too lazy to do that work required? Maybe you are too unfriendly for other excellent players to develop a lasting connection with you? Or maybe you just don't care and prefer to remain a negative, braggart pubstar who posts of forums about how good he could be if he tried? I can't change it for you. If you want to be something special go do it.

                                                    The guys who did put in the work and the passion to make this tournament ARE something special. They do deserve to be recognized and respected. Your jealously of them does not lessen their glory at all. If you have any impact it is to make their accomplishment larger by proving to everyone here you wish you had done it.

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                                                      i don't see why would i be jelly of them ?

                                                      if justin bieber makes 13 y o girls scream when he piss into mop bucket u think other less known singers are jelly of him ? :D no not even close

                                                      same here even if team won ti3 i don't see why would i be jelly of them im happy that imaginary gaming(AAA) won back in the days we used to scrim against them alot glad to see they finaly achieved something outside of Online tours

                                                      could i play with pro teams ? i already did as standin quite a few times and i also played in some tier2 teams which disbanded due ppls not taking dota serious maybe after few more years maybe...

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                                                        Very good. I hope you do get another chance at it.

                                                        Safe Base

                                                          A misunderstanding and there's no need for me to post anymore.
                                                          You paraphrased "to be brutally honest page 1 live games...", I suggest if your comment is directed at someone else it's best to avoid paraphrasing someone who you aren't responding to. That is how I jumped to the conclusion.

                                                          In any case a summary of what I said in another forum regarding "what is there to watch after TI3".
                                                          It is my opinion that Rupture + Netolic > CDEC > Some top players' streams > some page 1 live games.
                                                          As page 1 live games are constantly going on, there are a lot to choose from and some top players who took part in TI3 are commonly seen.

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                                                            Thank you for explaining how you felt. I see why you got confused. I will try to separate comments directed at different people more carefully.