General Discussion

General DiscussionJungle Axe now down to 8% win

Jungle Axe now down to 8% win in General Discussion

    Rainbow your jungling technique is good. But it is not faster than solo xp. I watched your last game and you had random gold advantage + a lucky regen rune, no interference at all and you still only hit about 400 xpm max....which was at 3:30. The solos were ahead of you on xp, even the offlane solos.

    The medium camps you farmed this game spawned the maximum experience creeps the first 4 times.

    Even in this ideal situation your mid hero got to level 6 before you. You will only get level 6 faster than mid when mid is getting their butt kicked and can't stay in the lane. However you probably can consistently get higher xpm in ordinary games with regular gold and no regen rune...maybe 250-300? with this method, but in higher level games it will always be ward blocked unless your supports are prepared to defend it.

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      Oh man, I remember that axe game. It was just horrible even I am willing to admit that. Clock was really really off his game and its just one of those days where I probably shouldn't have tried to do axe.

      Got some die hards yelling over skype for me to gank early so came out at 4 mins.
      Clock off his game so was trying to keep him alive and defend him but was way out of farm.
      Weaver got way to much farm as his lane didn't even keep him down.
      Tried to play aggressively early game to keep the game from slipping but everyone was kind of moping around.
      Lagged a couple times at tower dives and had some early bad play from me which had me sat there or miss kills though I don't think it cost me a death that early on.

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        The logic for stacking is based on luck which works 50% of the time.

        28 seconds walk from out of sight to the mid camp (don't take big ones)
        If luck is on your side you will get it cleared by about 47 secs which gives you time to stack.
        Take the stack and salve it will be about 1:45 as a stack can be tough and you might want to kill it some then salve.
        Stack the mid camp when you have finished the stack from the corner and this will have you your tranquil boots by about 2:30-3 mins.

        Again, a lot of luck and good timing but it is possible to get quick tranquils for an early laning phase and if you wanted to then go offlane and badger the carry with spam and behind tower pulling.

        Tranquils are a bit shitty but provided they give you a good early game heal and it serves for the time being till you are able to up enough regen and farm to warrant their sale.


          @ Relentless read a few of your earlier posts on axe jungle and i couldnt understand how bad an axe player could be til this game
 - hand of midas, shadowblade?? what goes thru ur mind to get these item

          got a axe random in my last game - cut the dire top lane had my arcane boots in something crazy like under 5 mins cant remember off the top of my head dire had to sacrifice so much just to stop an axe ruined their whole game


            Hi @relentless I tried playing Axe jungle. Yeah its very hard at 1st If I can rate him he is somewhat like lycan you may need a fountain trip or do pullings to succeed here is a game we won using jungle axe. I played a semi support role early on since no one bought courier and wards and late also tried giving my team edge buying gem / dust and wards. We were losing badly early game my team does not agree on axe going jungle so they intentionally try to throw the game after we won a few clashes they started playing as a team. Match ID = 294349905 /

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              Briswinter- you managed to win a game with difficultly against team whose carry was a PL who is 3-16 win/loss. I think that accurately represents the strength of jungle axe.

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                my team is also full of shit and plus pudge / WD and other enemy team heroes did well enough to have an early game advantage. But the important thing here is axe jungle is good but not great. It is doable if I stacked with friends I'm sure that I'll get better results.

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                  Jungling on any hero is very good way to get fast items / exp and your teammates will also benefit from this if they lane well but it requires experience not everyone can do it there are techniques to consider and luck of course is needed.I'm not an expert with jungling but I think I understand how it's done pretty well. Axe jungle is no different you just have to be lucky and skillful enough to pull it off.


                    Get out of the jungle and gank with Battle Hunger. This spell is so strong early game, and its damage output is insane.


                      jungle till lvl 6,
                      works for me


                        Nice game there wawey. Has anyone tried jungling centaur? Back in dota1 people used to jungle him. I can compare jungling with axe to centaur it is doable but it is better to lane him. Battle hunger and double edge are so sick skils early game it should be abused.


                          Rainbows secret is apparently there is a glitch on Axe's hunger which causes extra exp gain from the unit with the debuff. It's a complete load of shit though.


                            I played Jungle Axe once and won, one of my friends played Jungle Axe and also stomped. So I have a 100% winrate when playing with a jungling Axe. Might just be the skill bracket- or luck.


                     (jungle axe)
                     (lane axe )

                              I thought both games are randomed though.

                              Axe just can't do anything much in late game.
                              You need to abuse him in early game phase and must level up battle hunger at lvl 7 no matter what.
                              screw the counter helix, screw the call. battle hunger ftw

                              Rather than going to jungle with axe, I would prefer to jungle with batrider and doom who can impact the game way better than axe.

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                              ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                                I usually be lvl 6 at minute 5 with axe, though I lose :/
                                btw, I tried it maybe once or twice


                                  Take a look at this demo:

                                  #1 jungle axe carries game against free farm non-noob LS.


                                    ^ There is alc + axe carrying vs ls; look at bara's score. Your statement makes no sense entirely.


                                      ^ Guess who made the game last long enough for Alchemist to be able to kill anyone? Yeah, the hugely positive Axe from the jungle. Watch the demo.


                                        Also, that axe was ranked #80 in the entire dotabuff ranking system when ranks came out. Not the 80%, #80. You will learn how to make jungle axe relevant by watching his point of view.



                                          This jungle axe sets a new high for performance...However...his team is still losing until 45 min when there is a vacuum+call+unstable concoction that finally turns the game. Even though this jungle axe honestly has excellent map awareness...quickly responds to help...even correctly uses TP scrolls!..he gets smart items for axe and uses them correctly...very good target selection, often saves the team with well placed calls...even with all this his team is still losing the whole game because their lanes were weak.

                                          LS started with an enormous advantage...but because Radiant did not group up and force fights to control the map axe was able to keep his team in the game until Alchemist finally caught up. Axe did play this very well...but it was required because of the initial disadvantage caused by him jungling.

                                          There were many times early game, when the lanes were losing...this jungle axe noticed (unlike most) but he could not do anything but ping warnings because he was still to weak slow jungling far away with low mana and low hp.

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                                            756454687 - 700 gpm jungle axe

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              What is this, 2k MMR? Also you dug through all those threads to find a 10 month old thread just to brag about your "epic" jungle axe?


                                                700 GPM Solo offlane axe, your point? You necro'd a ancient thread to celebrate getting high GPM on a hero that has had tweaks since this posts creation.

                                                1. Smurf account
                                                2. High skill
                                                3. No Blink or Forcestaff

                                                waku waku

                                                  axe sucks now i can't snowball with him anymore because i can't spin like a helicopter

                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!