General Discussion

General DiscussionDota's MMR

Dota's MMR in General Discussion
Primordial Soup

    I think that the crappy MMR will kill this game, unless Valve changes it abit.

    Primordial Soup

      The thing is, you play the game so much and still you get stuck in normal matchmaking.... I think that they can improve it... but i dont know how. Any suggestions?


        Get better and you will automatically join a higher bracket.

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        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          I have 2500 games and I have been in very high since 500 games or something. Maybe even earlier. It's quite easy to get to higher level if you have an understanding of the game. Or you can just stack and win all the games.

          Primordial Soup

            That is the thing, its hard to get better when you're always match with better enemies or bad teams


              Add everyone in the games you play from who you think he is good, play with them.


                I rarely play solo I always stack with friends but MM is like a coin the 1st side it will match you with scrubs and the other side it will match you with total PRO's. I dont choose my stacked friends some of them are good some are bad but Matchmaking feels a little bit biased when you stack I noticed that it'll find you a stack too and sometimes if my team chooses not to use heroes we are familiar with we end up getting destroyed people here in SEA are super tryhards. And what the hell i'm stuck with 49% win rate I'm so noob. Why valve why? And one last thing after a 6 - 10 game win streak prepare to meet the best stomps / losing streak.

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                Primordial Soup

                  Everyone says "Oh get your friends and play stack" but my good friends are barely on and the bad ones are...... i have about 1000 games now, around 400 games when i noticed the wrong thing in the matchmaking.

                  Primordial Soup

                    I do have very well understanding of the game btw. The thing i hate sometimes is that i bounce up and down mid and high. I dominate mid and get dominated at high.


                      As I said, add people up from who you think they are good.

                      King of Low Prio

                        but everyone is holding him back so he has no partners


                          If you stack then doesn't that mean you'll be playing AGAINST stacks as well. Seems like a nowin-nowin situation to me.

                          Primordial Soup

                            I think they should make the MMR more flexible and not just; Mid, High, Very High.


                              It is a lot more flexible. Those brackets have top and bottom ends.


                                I agree with Chris. If you deserve to be in higher bracket you will get there soon, if not - stop blaming your team and start improving!

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                                  How is it even possible to be in Normal bracket after 1000 games? I don't understand.


                                    Keep in mind that staying in Very High is something most players just can't do. Yes, there are various gimmicks to inflate your MMR. Yes, if you 5 stack every game with good players your will be in higher rated games....but everyone can't be in the top 2-3%.

                                    If everyone magically improves their game dramatically and the average dota player becomes as good as the typical Very High player currently...only the very best will still be in Very High, while nearly everyone will not make the cut.

                                    So for most people it is better to focus on trying to get a good friends list and play with people you know. Don't worry about the skill bracket.


                                      That 128 kills / 2300 gpm on ursa. LOL. Why valve why? I dont understand why im still in normal bracket after 1500 games. Im stuck here forever time to move to LOL

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                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        If you still can't win maybe you should try OP heroes? It is also a good way of winning.


                                          That's too boring. I personally dont like playing the same hero consecutively leaves a bad taste. 1st time I did it a few days ago trying out jungle axe I got tired of that hero faster than I poop. Anyway my last hope to improve my mmr rating is make a new account and choose beginner then stomp my way up those noobs.

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            It might be boring but the thing is, losing isn't necesserily not fun. I have lots of games where I die of laughter even though we are getting stomped hard.


                                              poor sasha gray, hope things get better for you

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                                                @BrisWinter- Boring is better than losing in my opinion

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  Somehow I can solo que pubs, enjoy the game AND play in Very High. I must be a god

                                                  ❤ Ashley ❤

                                                    getting into very high is ez, get good, try lol first


                                                      I am a noob and don't undestand any of this...I just know that I'm in normal bracket and from high to very high skill...something or other. Since I prefer to live in blissful ignorance, I just shrug it off and don't get worried whether those things change or not.

                                                      But still, someone please explain to me what's the difference between those two factors.


                                                        Easiest way is to make a new account and go on a little winning streak. You should be able to own anyone in the lower brackets if you belong in the higher brackets.


                                                          But creating a new account and stomping noobs is not fun for me. Not that competitive and I'm not gonna learn anything. You think if someone with a super diamond rating partys with me and we win a lot is that gonna bring me up? Like tanking / piggybacking in MMO's?


                                                            If you play in normal, it's basically the same as creating a new account. If you stack with your friends who have high mmr, you will definitely play in the higher brackets.


                                                              How you guys know which bracket you are? Normal,high,very high? My solution is when you play make a pause or smth and check live games pages with hero... i don`t know i m like always if is 200 pages for hero i m like always top 3-10 pages is that make me very high or high? Or how you can check your bracket btw?


                                                                Just look at the game page for each game on your profile to see where you are. For instance, your last 7 games, the ones on your overview page are all in Very High.

                                                                When you open the game page it will show Skill Bracket at the top center of the page.

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                                                                  I noticed a relatively good way to bump yourself up quickly, and thats basically to stomp.

                                                                  If you're capable of single-handedly stomping your opponents (which you should, assuming they're bad and unorganized), then your skill bracket should elevate quickly in no time. Then you can work on staying in that bracket with other heroes, since stomping heroes aren't as effective here.

                                                                  Typical stomp heroes: Visage, QoP, TA, Ursa.
                                                                  Heroes that when not dealt with properly, that can snowball out of control.

                                                                  one and half gun

                                                                    game used to be decent but went downhill with the "smurf detection" and now you can't dodge games anymore so it's pretty shit at the moment


                                                                      What sort of games did you have to dodge anyway? I have never dodged a game. I don't understand the motivation. What was so scary that you quit a game before it starts? Or is it that you just can't play without Ursa-wisp? Surely your stack knows how to use other heroes.

                                                                      Este comentario fue editado
                                                                      one and half gun

                                                                        when i queue on my main acc, i usually dodge when i see players with less than 500 hours of dota on their profile because you can't check their wins and/or when they random 2+ carries.


                                                                          If you do that all the do you expect to ever reach your potential as a dota player? You don't face real challenges so you cannot practice difficult situations.

                                                                          Or maybe you just don't have any ambition to be a great player and would rather remain a pubstomper?

                                                                          one and half gun

                                                                            how is it a real challenge if you choose to play with 3~ carries screaming for a courier or wards constantly? wanting to win doesn't turn you into some pubstomping whore, that's just taken out of context sir


                                                                              So what relentless is implying is there is a way to abuse the ratings by dodging unwinnable games hmm. I never dodge ever also I dont care if you're burning or dendi I just play to win every game. After a thousand games I feel like an idiot not knowing this kinds of abuse.

                                                                              one and half gun

                                                                                i don't think that's what he meant, i guess he called it a real challenge because playing with complete noobs who randomed carries is quite hard and is indeed what you'd call a challenge.

                                                                                but real? naw nigga, that shit ain't real, that's painful

                                                                                dodging was completely viable and valve didn't even include the changes in their patch notes because literally nobody knew or cared enough on how to do it, valve just loves forcing down 50% winrate to everyone for those who actually cares.

                                                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                  Plenty of players with real talent achieve very good winrates without dodging games and having their friends switch off to new smurf accounts so they can inflate their stats and keep playing against weak players.

                                                                                  Of course there are far fewer ways to pretend you are amazing at dota now than there were in dota 1...and Valve keeps squeezing out what little territory remains for cowards who can only win unfair games.

                                                                                  Maphacks are gone.

                                                                                  You can't put a thrower on the other team, like in dota 1.

                                                                                  You can't scout all the ratings and stack the teams pre-game like in dota 1.

                                                                                  You can't smurf very well now because your rating goes up to you have to coordinate with a whole team of pussies to keep playing players far below you.

                                                                                  And now you can't dodge games when you realize the other team is actually better than what is the world coming too its so hard to have fake stats these days....

                                                                                  Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                  one and half gun

                                                                                    smurfing doesn't work anymore, why are you even using that as an argument to support your own context? if you seriously insist i've smurfed other than my first game, then please do explain how all of my games appeared on the front page and why i met players such as singsing and so on, or are they smurfing on their main accounts as well? a bit hilarious indeed

                                                                                    and no, dodging matters absolutely nothing if you want a high winrate because you'd usually stack for that kind of thing instead of solo queuing


                                                                                      I love you care about the stats you did actually take some coordination to get many alt accounts for all of you.

                                                                                      I guess you sort-of deserve it.

                                                                                      Post game of you defeating Singsing. I played with a wisp-ursa stack that really does play first page. Every game the other team is 60% winrate players.

                                                                                      You do not.

                                                                                      Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                      one and half gun

                                                                                        i haven't faked any stats sir, i can prove it right now since you're so eagerly desperate for it and by all means, i love to show everyone how broken valves mmr is from time to time.


                                                                                        here you go, let me know if there are any other players, i've met a bunch


                                                                                          Very good. That is SingSing and real front page game.

                                                                                          That is not the smurf stack. You put 4 players on real accounts so your teams MMR is 2,000 higher than all the games you used to establish your smurf.

                                                                                          If you played all your games that way...instead of rotating all the smurfs you would have real scores. But you didn't. You played far far easier where the opposing teams best rating is at my level.

                                                                                          Also...take a look at the comments on your game. Everyone knows what you did. It's not like I am the first to notice.

                                                                                          Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                          one and half gun

                                                                                            oh ok, i see what you're asking for now.
                                                                                            i'll see what i can do tomorrow with a fresh new smurf account with one match and high KDA.

                                                                                            i do recall my friend with only 19~ wins and 2 loses mentioned he played against CLC miracle and LGD.INT pajkatt yesterday while solo queuing.

                                                                                            you would have to take my word for this but i'll see if i can get the match ID.

                                                                                            i just saw your edit and care to explain how the games are easy? it was on the front page vs actually good players like singsing.
                                                                                            i get it, you're hating on my skill level and i don't really know what i did beside killing rosh and winning the game in one swoop.

                                                                                            Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                              Btw how much did you have to watch the livestream to cheat to beat him? Just for ward placement or did you use it for ganks too?

                                                                                              You are good player. You do not need to cheat to win games? So why do it?

                                                                                              Grow up.

                                                                                              Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                              one and half gun

                                                                                                lmao i've heard some funny things but the assumption that i watch livestreams to get this kind of winrate which is kinda shit due to one loss because of a feeding teammate is hilarious.

                                                                                                what makes you believe i've taken my time to find out their livestream just to beat them?
                                                                                                cmon you're getting a bit silly now

                                                                                                tell me how i'm cheating, this is comedy gold.

                                                                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                  You are not laughing. You are angry. You are mad at Valve because you play for unfair advantages and you have done it for a very long time to get this entrenched into it.

                                                                                                  Valve keeps taking away every trick that can be used to unfairly win games and is removing the ways you like to play dota. That is why you are angry.

                                                                                                  But you need to realize that you can achieve plenty on a fair playing field. If you put as much work into actually becoming excellent at dota as you have into faking it you would be surprised how good you could potentially become.

                                                                                                  one and half gun

                                                                                                    you didn't answer my question, how did i cheat? honestly, i'm not mad but rather amused at your accusations so far.
                                                                                                    i guess tryharding is cheating nowadays huh, winning is bad etc?

                                                                                                    now tell me how i'm cheating/faking or whatever you prefer to call it next.

                                                                                                    valve hasn't taken away anything from me but i get the feeling you're just trolling me at this point since you're avoiding my questions and coming up with ridiculous statements like "cheating" and "watching other players livestream".

                                                                                                    Primordial Soup

                                                                                                      This isn't a thread where you can fight.


                                                                                                        I'm just trying to help you adjust to the "new metagame" where you just play a straight up game of dota and don't have to try to beat the system to get every kind of extra advantage.

                                                                                                        If you want to play an ursa-wisp level 1 roshan in AP every time...that's fine. But when you put in the extra advantage of switching out smurf accounts to give yourself weaker opponents it does not make you look good. Dodging games? It does not make you strong. It makes you weak. You forget how to play in a regular game. You develop bad habits. You get lazy.

                                                                                                        Because you know in your heart that your score is illegitimate it will never satisfy you. Because you think in terms of think the system and everyone else is also pulling some kind of scam. Its just a thing that people tend to assume everyone thinks like you. But they don't. Valve developers don't have some sort of scam to "force people to 50% win" as you have argued for nearly a year. And you don't have to try to beat the system or prove anything about it.

                                                                                                        Valve is has simply failed to prioritize really making match making work because it is hard to figure out and they have other things they think will make more money and are more fun to work on.

                                                                                                        But your name is much better now. And working to get this smurf account built up is an accomplishment of a sort. More importantly look how many high quality friends you have added this year! If you would just put those skills into regular dota you would be so much happier. You don't have to feel cheated. Just play with your friends and do your best. You have already improved so much.

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