General Discussion

General DiscussionRelentless i need you thoughts

Relentless i need you thoughts in General Discussion
I Can Only Jungle

    I need to know if I'm good enough to be playing vh mm , and what are some things i could improve on, but don't count first game though, thx

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        Relentless stephen hawking of dota 2

        bum farto

          I honestly don't think so. The fact that you stomped your first game put you in very high it seems but won't actually correctly gauge where you skill level lies. Also with such a limited pool of data it is hard to make a determinable statement.

          Looking at the games you played, last hits, item progression etc. I think you would be fortunate to stay in high and might actually live long enough to see yourself settle down with a stack or a group to keep you there. That being said you really need to pick up your game or risk having your game skill level dropped.

 Actually quite a good game from you but you were up against a stack so I could see why this would gear more towards them.

 Your carries farmed quite well and looks like you did a decent job supporting so +1 for a win.

 If you went mid against pudge, I wouldn't anymore. Horrendously low last hits as a mid QOP and I might watch the game to see what went wrong because you had quite a strong side here.

 With all their dagons, stuns, CC' etc. It surprises me you have zero utility or survival type items but just pure damage which helped you get kills but ultimately meant you couldn't stay alive if you were focused.

 What can I say but a first game with possibly all the smurfs on your side.

          All in all no one is to say you can't or don't deserve to be in Very High games but by the looks of you games you have a basic understanding of what to build though you may be very stuck in preset gaming mindsets and you are unable to adjust game to game with builds and items.

          As always just perfect your game, that is why like some of the pro players are so amazing. Its not a casual game for them it is a art and a skill that they are always perfecting and tweaking and mastering. Don't get too overly hardcore where you forget the essence of what a game is but really try and take things away from each game to help you in the next.

          I Can Only Jungle

            Wow thanks for the reply was exactly what i was after, mind if i ask a few questions,
            1. Do you suggest i play mostly supports as you said i did a decent job at that
            2. What makes you say the DS game was a good one? Unless you watched the replay, or better yet what made that game a good one.

            Thanks in advance

            Ples Mercy

              First of all, asking only relentless for an opinion is the wrong way to go. Relentless is 'upper high, lower very high'-skilled, what im saying is, that only someone like vrok(snack), chris(bubbles), vaikiss(mr.wnbeLanpr0) could tell you, if you belong into their bracket or not, basicly you have to meet their standards, which im pretty sure you do not.

              You failed the creepblock, which itself is not a big deal but still worth mentioning. You went completely aggressive against pudge and died to him multilie times, in terms of lasthits you lost to him for a long time, which should NEVER happen. You skillbuild was just bad, not having ult at 6 and 2 points in 1 is just terrible, since people can just heal up with tangos, your a horrible qop when you cant do enough burstdmg. The reason QOP is so popular is, bcause she can gank at lvl 6 and snowball out of control, she is much like pudge, where she can help all other lanes and kill enemies no problem with the huge nukes she had, you didnt gank at all, you completely lost the potential, you kept in lane and lost to pudge, which also lost you the game.
              The pick itself was plain terrible. Your wall is completely useless against them and they had 5 heroes which all usually go for mobility. It makes your completely useless in the fights. They have 4 great teamfight heroes, which means you should have gone for a hero which can do splitpushing or is rly good at pickoffs, since you cannot win any teamfights at all. Also you didnt block their camp despite having wards at the beginning which also was a minor error. You could have been somewhat useful if you had gone more for utility instead of pipe and mek, you had 2 supports which both could have gone for mek. items like Eul's, sheep, shivas and so on could have been alot better than your poor choice. Basicly what screwed you the most was still your pick, it was just plain terrible.
              Overral you did okish, even though you did ward and did tp into some fights, all your deaths were caused because of rambostyle gameplay and very poor decisionmaking. Also if the guy from the enemyteam didnt have to leave, you would prolly have lost the match due to hardcorefeed.
              The match which wanted to make me vomit. basicly you did everything wrong you could do. First of all i really dislike the idea of phaseboots on weaver, since the threadswitch benefits weaver just way to much, also your skillbuild was wtf. You ALWAYS want to put 1 point in your swarm at lv 4, its extremely powerful, it gives vision, does armor red. and does dmg. Your farm was horrible and you missed so many lasthits, not to mention that you NEVER went for BKB, which would have caused you not to feed your enemy. They stunlocked and nuked you down the whole time, which could ez have been avoided by a BKB purchase, also i do not thing that the medalion was a good pickup at all. Even though you manage to do ok in the beginning, you simply did extremely poor decisions on items and gameplay which led to your loss. Basicly you got trashed because your survivability just went down the drain.

              From my point of view you would barely fit into high bracket, you do understand basic mechanics and whats going on but you completely lack the decisionmaking and adjusting yourself to the situation. You follow weird builds which would never work against certain lineups and you seem to have trouble finding the fight thing between aggression and passive play. If you rly want to improve, then start thinking while you play, instead of doing whatever you have been doing the whole time.


                It is interesting to see that you have remained in Very High for 4 games so far after that first anti-smurf jump. In theory if you can continue winning near 50% you will stay there.

                Since this is a smurf account with hardly any games yet it is not possible to see which heroes you really play best. Do you have a link to another account or did you just come from dota 1?

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                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  The thing that surprised me was your Weaver build. They had terrific nukers and you didn't go for a SINGLE survival item. Just pure damage.

                  I Can Only Jungle

                    Old account , you can see why i have a normal poolmindset but I'm willing to learn

                    bum farto

                      Honestly, like a couple of people have mention things that are blatantly obvious to us that are normal for you. This is what seperates the normal, high, very high pool, its the mindset.

                      If you pick up quick enough you might actually stay in high long enough to get a taste and maybe resmurf once you get the hang of it, I dunno just throwing things out there. Find someone in a high game that wants to stack, have a good game with a player and be friendly in game then add him with his approval. That way binding yourself to someone who was in a high game with you increases your chances of staying there.


                        Wow, no troll, hate or flame. Did Dotabuff really mature that fast? All of these are constructive criticism. Nice work!

                        I Can Only Jungle

                          Thank you can

                          one and half gun

                            5 games and already below 50% winrate, LMAO

                            I Can Only Jungle

                              Solo q


                                I would suggest you to watch some pro replays and analyze how they move in special situations and then try to repeat that in your own palys.

                                I Can Only Jungle

                                  Looks like I'm getting better and most likely will stay in vh if i can keep this up. Still solo q

                                  bum farto

                                    Your winrate is up as well, keep it up.


                                      i checked your last game (luna by stats)
                                      you should rly up your cs! you are the main carry there and sf raped the fuck out of you in cs! for having so many cs(everyone in general didnt see the time) you should have at least 2 more items!