General Discussion

General DiscussionSlowly getting better?

Slowly getting better? in General Discussion

    Remember when I posted a thread about getting to 50% win ratio? I just got to 51%!

    I know, I know, you all care so much but does this actually mean I AM improving after all?

    Am I living proof that even the baddiest of the bad can improve their game? All I've been doing is attempting to pick a hero which works with my team or against the enemy. Obviously I don't, even remotely, understand enough to do this well but maybe even the attempt and getting it right a few more times than not has pushed me upwards a bit.

    Maybe it's just the fact I've played another hundred or so games. Dunno, just thought I'd share.

    King of Low Prio

      stop looking at w/l it will lead you down the path of a noob

      waku waku

        My own winrate has been getting better lately, but i feel that i'm just getting really lucky rather than better as i have some games in which i feel like i did terrible, yet i actually won some of them. And i feel like that almost every game in which i don't stack/make mistakes that seem to turn around a fight or two, or a whole game/don't lead in KDA.

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          If things are looking bad (long losing streak), try to find your "good luck charm" hero. Mine is Lion. 6 games with him, all won but I honestly think I only played decently (and even that's a stretch) in 2 of them ;)

          Of course, don't abuse your luck. Find the heroes you are actually good at and improve with them first :)

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            Good for you Monkeh. You are up over +10 wins/losses now. That is a significant improvement.

            Better hero selection can make big difference in whether you are able to win games or not. Also over the last couple hundred games you have focused on picking from a small set of 5 or 6 heroes so you are getting comfortable knowing what to do with those heroes in a lot of different situations. That consistency is critical to improving.

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              @Sampson: I'm already very, very far down that particular path, just crawling my way back, but surely trying to win the game is the best way to play?

              @Relentless: Yeah, feeling comfortable with the skills I'm trying to use makes a big difference. It's the reason my hero pool is so small. Playing heroes I haven't played a few bot games with is just terrible, random buttons pressed at random times and all kinds of pain, and that aint fun for anyone.

              Onwards and upwards...he types after just losing.



                buut randoming is so fun..!


                  "Playing heroes I haven't played a few bot games with is just terrible, random buttons pressed at random times and all kinds of pain, and that aint fun for anyone. "

                  I disagree sir.


                    its ok man We all have been there if you need someone to talk to about it just add me on steam