General Discussion

General DiscussionIn-Game mistakes Mid-lower

In-Game mistakes Mid-lower in General Discussion
Primordial Soup

    I noticed some common but barely noticed mistakes made in game:

    When someone in your team feeds, others will feed as well

    People don't control the lanes in a losing match

    Players like hugging each other vs. a wombo combo team

    "Oh faceless void got Battlefury might as well give up"

    " Argh I blame this guy for our loss"


    King of Low Prio

      "I did all I could"

      "I have 2000 wins I know what I am doing"

      "X hero cant go mid"

      "I cant afford to deward pull camp, just wait it out"

      we have 2 split push heroes they have the wombo combo team "lets all rush up the middle into their throne"

      I could write more but I have class :P


        Lol? Really? It Really? When a team member feed a hero, of course he will get stronger, so incress death of heroes in your lane.

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          When a player in one team leaves and that team decides to continue, the other, complete team suddenly decides to feed the big time and end up losing. Exactly what happened here

          Team of 4 right clickers...last pick: Pugna.

          Team without aoe...last pick: Ogre Magi.

          In fact, the most common mistake I see in pubs is the complete lack of AOE in the heroes chosen.

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            spectre starting with desolate, getting me killed and making me ruin the game for him
            if i find retards/ruiners i make sure as hell to ruin the game for them instead!

            Vanity  ツ

              Not carrying a tp scroll is retard mistake number one


                I'm from low bracket. Here are some mistakes I still do.

                1. Trying to defend a hopeless tower alone versus a 5 man push with mana and disables.
                2. Auto-attacking creeps once I got my damage items.
                3. And probably the dumbest of all, moving when ruptured.

                Ples Mercy

                  i quote nyx:
                  "ohhhh, you stupid"


                    "1. Trying to defend a hopeless tower alone versus a 5 man push with mana and disables."

                    This! Dieing for nothing for sure wont help your team turn the game around!

                    Also I see allot of glyph with nobody willing to tp against one single enemy that is pushing.

                    Ples Mercy

                      srsly, i dont have any problems with people at least trying, but fucking moving while ruptured is like trying to eat icecream with your asshole


                        1. Blocking first creep wave for safe lane ... until the creeps fight under their tower. They're not good at last hitting under tower and their actions had the opposite effect it actually pushed the creep waves out after the first block.

                        2. Support pulling creeps instead of staying at lane when their safe lane carry hero can't lane against opponent 2 heroes. Ends up safe lane carry gets no farm, opponents get almost free farm and the support gets some exp/gold (but not too much) from pulling ...

                        3. Refusal to buy wards/courier/dust.

                        4. Carries who have spare gold refusing to help supports buy wards/dust when the supports who have not been farming desperately need to get some extra hp so they wont become food during mid/late game.

                        5. Idiots not listening to instructions. There is a difference between noobs and idiots. Noobs don't know the right time to pull back. Idiots are told to back when map missing, stays and feeds to help opponents snowball.

                        6. Impatience and acting like a hero. Eg. when teammates are all dead, carelessly trying to harass opponents who are raxing as 4 or 5 and get caught and die.

                        7. Hero picks. You see 2 heroes on your team with invis, what do you do? ... yes pick 1 more invis please. You see 2-3 people picking carries on your team, what do you do? ... yes pick 1 more carry please.

                        8. Refusal to give up safe lane and swap with other teammates to make the laning better just because he is "carry".

                        9. Idiots giving away skills like hook, ultis to rubick. The worst I've ever seen is a warlock let the rubick steal golem, dies respawns and lets rubick steal a second golem because the retard didn't cast any spells after he respawned.