General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do pro players go too something like jungle all together like that?

Why do pro players go too something like jungle all together like that? in General Discussion

    what title says

    King of Low Prio

      if you catch someone going for ward you can secure first blood as well as if you are going to ward you are safe in numbers

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        To ward camps or kill people.

        Gelatinous Blob

          Setting up the better wards makes your early game far easier....establishes map and lane control. In most pub games, even in most Very High pubs games I can safely go and place my wards alone.

          But in Very High level team matching this changes. The opposing team is likely to know where I will want to place the wards and therefore where I will want to walk (and when) to do it. So they can ambush the ward placement. I could go with a friend or two...this sets off an arms race and ultimately you end up bringing the entire team to ward and counter ward since pre-game there is nothing else they could be doing and no trade-off in farm or xp for not bringing everyone. If a team does not think they can win the pre-game 5 v 5 because of the heroes they will have to hide and give up the early map control advantage. But if its close and either team might win a fight, then all 10 heroes typically go to try to establish their wards.

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