General Discussion

General DiscussionRed X's in game

Red X's in game in General Discussion
Primordial Soup

    Red x's in game. its a glitch and its very distracting


      it doesnt affect hat sales so better get used to it


        I saw this yesterday surrounding a CK we were playing against. Most of the time it was just showing up near him, other times he was nowhere around. What is the source of it?

        Breakfast Boy

          I noticed around a CK I was playing with too. Must be some particle effect not loading


            yep, saw it after the last patch, it is always around CK so it must be particle effects as Heisenberg suggested (either file missing, not loading, not rendering properly...):

            Este comentario fue editado

              I've seen it atleast 5 times and it was ages ago, don't know the last time I've seen it.


                What i also noticed, and it has been going for a while, is that when furion teleports or for example clinkz stealths, the animation of it (jsut the last bit of maybe .05 secs) still persists, when you explor terrain that was under the fog of war

                i hope its clear what i mean, but this has been going on as i said, for a while now. Not sure if it's intended but i doubt it.
                Ad now also this more obvious bug with CK

                since its not a game like warcraft for example that requires massive updates frequently and since they get a pretty big bugdet from cosmetics, i wonder why the updates (or fixes) dont come faster or are not taken care of on a daily basis.

                go figure..


                  Also when enemy wards expire you see them.

                  ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                    I bug with CK



                      yep, that's also correct, i wonder if its a bug or intended, sometimes it's really distracting, forcing you to use dust thinking there's a stealthy unit there or something (talking about the previous example, wards are pertty clear to notice for what they are)