General Discussion

General DiscussionCreating HUDs

Creating HUDs in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    Sup guys,
    im about to create my private meepo hud, now im asking you guys if you want a HUD with a specific theme?

    Im kinda bored and mb i should start selling some hatz, since dota is all about hatz


      I did one for me but never used it; but now I am thinking about creating stuffs for the workshop (huds and items), would love to see your HUD when u finish it. :)

      Este comentario fue editado

        if u want to earn dollars make pudge hud its gold mine i a mtelling ya

        Este comentario fue editado
        Ples Mercy

          srsly that sounds fucking hilarious :'D

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            No game needs more courier hats.

            waku waku

              i want fancy hats for apparition