Judging by your last game, you did just fine. Judging by your KDA, you usually do just fine. SS isn't a hero that I am any good at, so I can't give any good help, but you seem to make good decisions based on your stats.
^Maybe my kda its fine .... but my winrate is pretty regular ( or bad ) its just way easier to win if i am playing OD or necro.
Anyway i found a blitz guide that maybe can help me.
As a storm picker , i would say that item choices are pretty important.
you must not always buy bloodstone every single game ( even though is a great item for storm ) as some situations may require you to buy an orchid /bkb/ hex first.
As a storm , you have to keep catch people who are out of position in a war. try not to be in the center of attention .
If situation allows, don't be the one who initiate first. Wait for some of the deadly skills ( like windrunner's shackleshot , doom's ulti , and all those click-disable skills etc ) to be used by opponent then go in to war.
watch how pro players play, definitely helps.
storm losing to OD mid is a given, if u win an OD, then the OD sucks, not that u are good.
qop have an advantage over storm as well, but not as bad as OD.
6kda as storm and 70% winrate, seems like im getting trolled here.
^ You are seeing his OD kda and winrate :P
His storm is right below.
I don't play him, so the only advice I can give you is don't pick him if you see the other team has OD...and if he was picked after you, well...ask for ganks I guess.
Thx for the advices man ... i think you actually pointed some things that i actually need to improve.
"As a storm , you have to keep catch people who are out of position in a war. try not to be in the center of attention ."
Sometimes when my team dont have a initiator or i am just tired to wait i jump yolo in and that is usually my dead. But if my team cant initiate i just cant fight. In other words i cant kill anyone if they team is a 5 man deathball and my team cant initiate ...
"you must not always buy bloodstone every single game ( even though is a great item for storm ) as some situations may require you to buy an orchid /bkb/ hex first."
I think this is my worst mistake. I always pick bloodstone first .... always. The thing is if i dont get a bloodstone after a regular jump i am out of mana .....but yeah orchid is way better for early fights i guess.
I think storm is broken. I don't enjoy playing it for the same reason I don't like playing PL....its too easy to win. I really think I am bad at storm...but nevertheless 92% win.
I get items on a situational basis, but orchid and hex are very good. Linkens and Bloodstone are also good, but not needed. I think you are better off getting offense on storm and relying on skill, timing, and judgment to live instead of an item. Don't run out of mana by not wasting it. Don't get stunned by timing your jumps so they can't hit you.
I have only 3.57 KDA for 92% win, while you have 4.85 KDA and 50% win....so most likely you are not making game winning decisions...wasting mana, not targeting the critical heroes, maybe you even avoid fights where you are likely to die but must do it anyway to win the teamfight. If I was good enough at the mechanical challenges of storm to have nearly 5 KDA I'm sure I would win every game.
I solo mid with storm and lose the cs nearly every time. But it never matters because I kill the right hero in a teamfight and cause so much confusion we win the fight unless my team are all cowards. Remember your ult has ZERO cd, abuse it. You can attack, cast, and use items while jumping. Its not easy to do...but if you do it right you are invincible. Its worth attempting to learn how to do it. Maybe you are just too slow to play like Korok...but you can at least try it and find out what you can do. Often I find I can get electric vortex, remnant, and use an item...do a few attacks right in the middle of their team and not be stunned as long as I keep jumping. I'm no Korok...but I can jump fast enough most pubs can't click on me.
Watch Korok, #1 Storm in the world imo.
If you want an example pub game to watch, Alwayswannafly just played one.
I think the one advantage storm has against OD is he can flash farm even with 2 -3 stacks of imprisonment. So OD definitely doesnt shut down storm. Ofcourse if you dont have rune control(assuming enemy supports deny them) then its a lot harder.
I am by no means Ehome X!! but my advice is don't get carried away:
-don't spend too much time trying to gank and always keep farming
-dont zip in from 1000 miles away just because you're late to a team fight
-always use remnant instead of zip if you can(efficiency)
Personally I always max overload first and i sometimes i do standard 3 levels on pull, sometimes 1 level when i feel greedy(prob shouldnt).
But yea if you look at my storm games you can see i fed a lot in my first 20 games lol, so just keep playing it til youre comfortable
PS: Storm can be played in any lane i feel, but mid is the best.
"I have only 3.57 KDA for 92% win, while you have 4.85 KDA and 50% win....so most likely you are not making game winning decisions...wasting mana, not targeting the critical heroes, maybe you even avoid fights where you are likely to die but must do it anyway to win the teamfight. If I was good enough at the mechanical challenges of storm to have nearly 5 KDA I'm sure I would win every game."
I think i actually have a problem with this in almost every hero i play. The reason for this being that i solo stack and i always have 0 trust on my teammates, so if a jump is going to cause my dead i usually just dont jump .... the reason for this is that always think that i am not going to snowball if i die and even if i take one important enemy hero from the fight i still think my teammates are not going to win the fight.
For example ..... my winrate with OD is 70 % because i usually win mid very hard ( so i even buy wards because i have the money to do so ) , then i can help mid game with items like forcestaff and orchid and late i can hard carry if i need to ... in other words i dont need to trust my team mates in nothing.
Dorkly, if you want to play the game above that basic level you just have to accept that sometimes your team will fail. Dota is a team game and if you don't play it as a team game you can never get anywhere near what is possible with teamwork.
It is hard to make the transition. Many things that, when playing solo, were suicidally stupid...are suddenly a brilliant move if there is teamwork. Many things that are smart play when solo...are really very bad play for your team.
Most of time you will find that, while random pubs in your game may not be as skilled and knowledgeable as you are...they are not totally incompetent. Close to half of the people who will be placed on your team are actually as good or better than you at dota 2. Close to half are as good or worse...and people have vastly different skill levels depending on which hero they happened to choose that game. Try to learn to watch play to see who knows what they are doing with their hero. The KDA score they have at 10 min is often an inaccurate indication of who knows what they are doing.
I find that when I have a hero I really know how to use I can accomplish a lot more if I assume my team is competent until they prove they are not. When you intend to do something try to communicate it clearly. Sometimes pinging is enough...but usually it is not. If you say, "we can kill them, stun VS first, go!" that is very clear. Even if it is not the greatest plan...if everyone goes together and focuses down one hero, that pretty much wins a pub teamfight. The only time it does not is when you have all grouped into a tiny space against massive aoe teamfight heroes. Most every pub team will panic and each think about their own escape if you focus a hero next to them.
If you can get your team to not panic and instead fight back when allies are attacked...then you are very likely to win the game. Communication is the best way to accomplish this.
Relentless, you having 92% win with him doesn't mean he's broken, you don't have enough games to have a true insight of your winrate / KDA. Play 100 games with him, good luck getting above 70% - it's really hard with any hero, except maybe Tree and Wisp when having a stack.
If I played no other heroes sano, you are correct I would eventually get a much lower winrate. But since I play an extremely diverse and large number of heroes the ones I play far above my average MMR can remain at extremely high winrates no matter how many games I play.
I have not played that much Storm 11-1 win/loss...but I did plenty of storm in dota 1...the same for all my extremely high winrate heroes...they have a hidden 100 to 500 games of dota 1 practice. That is why I win easily with them now in dota 2.
Heroes that I truly almost never played in dota 1 are terrible. Visage is at 1-11 win/loss. I don't think I played the current version of him (since he changed from having all the bats) even once in dota 1. Lich is at 35-6 win/loss. I'm sure I will still be at over 80% win on Lich when I reach 100 games...provided that I also continue to play Visage sometimes and keep my average MMR reasonable. Same for Zues 18-6 win/loss...every game I play Zues feels like a failure of matching its so easy. I only lose when my team feeds really badly. But that's from tons of Zues practice in dota 1. If I played only Zues, every game maybe I would drop to something like 60% win rate...but I like the other heroes too so I don't want to do that.
Or take a look at your own matches to see the pattern. Your first 12 games of Storm you were 7-5, 58% win...now you are at 26-18 59% win. More games did not change it because you play a balance of lots of heroes.
Anyway storm is broken because he has a zero cd blink ...during which he is invulnerable and can still attack, cast, and use items. Its an extremely high skill ceiling to actually do it...but really, the top pros can and do jump around a teamfight invincible...that's a broken skill.
why ppl are asking "how to play x or x hero " just play him and by playin him u'll learn everything about that hero, u'll play in 500different situation and then u'll get everything, there is no such thing as explaining how to improve with a hero u'll find out by urself according on ur own playstyle
and OFCOURSE if u wanna win a game dont do liek the fuckin sheeps who buy bs first item.
its like being useless on purpose in the period where u'r supposed to be aggressive.
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Well i really like this hero, but my performance with him is just regular or bad. Sometimes i lose mid ( Against OD or QoP its almost imposible for me ) or sometimes the enemy team has too much burst and they focus me pretty hard. In my last match i was against a lich and my cs mid was really bad, the only reason my team won was because of my oponnents mistakes.
Can someone give me some advice in how to play this hero ? ( blitz are you there ? :P )