General Discussion

General DiscussionFatal Game , what do you think

Fatal Game , what do you think in General Discussion

    skill bracket high

    funny sidenote:

    player " CARRY " instapicked Alchemist , failed at farming , fed whole game , went other lanes to disturb farm + feed , built MoM as 1st item on alchemist ( cuz he is so tanky )

    Discuss plz

    would like to hear some positive words how to approve my gaem

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      All I see is insane micro skills.


        Maelk Award <---

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Nope, you didn't win the game.


            dat lich

            Ples Mercy

              jugg tried 2 hard


                The alch got more LH than you , you have played 172 games and think your in high skill? and you got no kills and 20 deaths


                  I can only see a 0-20 meepo LOL


                    And they say matchmaking isn't broken...We have a guy who can't even last hit in the high tier.

                    On a side note I just got paired with a Nyx that built HotD, and if that wasn't bad enough I already had Vlads.


                      If you mean this game, this is all jokes and I will tell you why.

                      1. You went AC. Look at their heroes and the items they had. Did it not occur to you to go pipe?
                      2. How Slark (an actual carry) did so bad is beyond me.
                      3. Venge went critical, no armor debuff, no Mekanism on your team.
                      4. MoM/BF works great when you are taking 2x Ults from Tide and Lich
                      5. Very low last hits/denies on both sides.

                      The MM isn't broken just your teams (and your) item progression was bad while theirs was good. They had no hard carry you potentially had 2 with a Nyx, I am just shocked this was a loss.


                        You're right I should have gone pipe, but by then I'd lost alot of interest after 30 minutes of stupidity. In all fairness to the other team, a couple of them did play very well I won't take that away from them, and they didn't all quit after the first guy left. They did get fed in the top lane though, as for Slark, I don't think he had any items till 30 minutes in. I can't even remember who went mid, whoever it was it's not obvious from the stats. A big problem was the team focused the wrong people every time. SD & Nyx were especially awful 33 LH in 47 minutes, no dagon, nothing of any use to a Nyx. We did Rosh and Nyx took the aegis, that's some great trolling!

                        If you think that one is bad try this :
                        - Slark 6/0 after 4 minutes IIRC :( People don't seem to understand not to feed?
                        - I had my prison, hex, atos and still the idiots don't know who to target. (Hint its the sheep that is right next to us).
                        - Huskar 54 LH, refused to put a point in his Q (Who needs health when you can die and you get more from the fountain)
                        - 3 invis and only 2 people carry wards and dust.
                        - People don't understand what essence aura is.
                        - Tiny throws me out of team fight range a few times.
                        - Bad for me, I saved my ulti a couple of times in the hope of getting more targets.
                        - I imprisoned tusks targets a few times.

                        My complaint is just the variability of the basic skills. It's just so random the quality you get. A few games were good last night, had a bristle who understood that all we had to do on bot lane was take out Drow a few times and that would be the end of her. Then the next game you have a Nyx assassin doing god knows what and building retarded items. If the stats were more open it would be pretty easy to see who is actually a bad player and who is just playing a hero they are unfamiliar with. There are in-game builds for that though so it's hard to have an excuse for getting basic items wrong (HotD on Nyx...I still don't get it).

                        Another gripe on top of this which is the amount of disconnects within 10 minutes. I've never known an online game be so bad for this. It's at least 2/5 games I play and someone leaves within that time. In fact if you look at my last 3 games someone left! Maybe they should add a subs mode where you can queue in a game someone abandoned if the team vote that person out.

                        Then you have the queuing system where you click accept, 9/10, accept, 9/10, accept, 9/10, accept, 9/10. I mean really, what are the odds on that? How does valve manage to queue me with someone that is AFK 4 times in a row so frequently. If they can't even get something as basic as that right, it doesn't give me much faith in their ability to make a ranking system.


                          Believe me, it doesn't get better.


                            It doesn't get any better in more ways than one.
                            I got stomped in the game prior to this one. Everything was going fine, it looked like OUR pubstomp, but then I wasn't expecting that Qop in the other team who almost managed to single-handedly inspire (and then carry) her team to turn the tables on us.
                            We still won, because her mates died retardedly too many times, but still...I can sort of see the MM trying to balance the game by giving that Qop, who was leagues above the rest of the players in both teams to the dire. But I don't think that's how it's supposed to work...