General Discussion

General Discussionnerfed lovely cow, buffed fishy fishy wtf

nerfed lovely cow, buffed fishy fishy wtf in General Discussion

    4 sec invincible, am I suppose to see rapier slark everywhere???

    team fuck sucks

      Not invincible. Can still be AoE'd down, but old skill owned in lower-leveled games and useless in higher-leveled ones.


        why doesnt anyone mention that drow was nerfed again?


          u all say aoe"d down like there is an aoe stun on every fuckin hero.
          we talk about pub, ppl wont pick aoe stuns heroes just to "counter" a broken spell

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            "why doesnt anyone mention that drow was nerfed again?"
            What's a drow?

            "u all say aoe'd down like there is an aoe stun on every fuckin hero."
            Even with aoe a slark that got at least one tanky item is not going to die even if the entire team is aoe stars(excluding maybe the new skywrath). You could stun him long enough for him to pop back out, but that's about it.

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              Think about the old times when anyone have some common sense won't go find luna jugg alone, now fishy can pawn them easily. Very big difference


                That CD and duration nerf is huge. And with the new BS you can counter him even harder.

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                  SB's old ulti made him invulnerable for almost 2 seconds. Disabled someone through magic immunity and did considerable damage. No means of dodging it except invulnerability. Plenty of pros went "oh thats okay".

                  Slark currently has no means of guerrilla farming stats with ulti on long cd. So you've got a guy with mediocre DPS unless fed who can hit you for 4 seconds. Against carries or tanks it will hardly kill you. So he can zoom in on supports yeah? Countered by ghost scepter. Oh please shutup about ghost being expensive, because supports had no means on countering an SB previously. Sure, slark got buffed but shut the fuck up people, especially if you were amongst those that insisted SB was balanced.

                  Sure he's invulnerable but how much stats can he steal from just 4 seconds? In coordinated games, aoe stuns will disable him during his shorter ultimate duration. He gets BKB? Well alrighty then because unless everyone ignores that paper hero, he ain't dealing much DPS.

                  He's become stronger but not unstoppable. I'm imagining him becoming more of a carry role now than ganking semi carry.

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                    "Sure he's invulnerable but how much stats can he steal from just 4 seconds?"
                    At 300 IAS...just shy of 19 attacks in those 4 seconds(before agility gains) so...~57 agility. It can make a difference if he's left to do it, especially if he already has stacks and used it midfight to both have the immunity and regen. Is it gamebreaking? Doubt it. Is it powerful? Yes. Is it perfect? No, because like you said...ghost scepter for people that can't tank him and abyssal from a carry can guarantee survival or killing him before he has a chance to do it.


                      19 attacks is an extreme exaggeration. 300 IAS at level 16, its 0.57 attacks per second. It you count in the stat steal into bonus aspd, at 300 IAS, he hits 10 times in a total of 4 seconds.

                      To reach 300 IAS at level 16, you need treads, butterfly, hyperstone and blade of alacrity. It still sounds not too bad? You've got 1233 hp. He's really paper and aoe stun hard counters him too much, meaning Slark is forced to get a BKB which means his DPS is crap till really late or he stole a bunch of agi earlier.

                      Man up people, not broken.


                        "19 attacks is an extreme exaggeration. 300 IAS at level 16, its 0.57 attacks per second. It you count in the stat steal into bonus aspd, at 300 IAS, he hits 10 times in a total of 4 seconds."
                        I must be doing my math wrong then. Isn't it BAT / (1 + IAS) ?
                        1.7 / ( 1 + 3)
                        1.7 / 4
                        4 / 0.425 = 9.41
                        Actually...I have no idea where I got the 19 from lol I think I mistyped and kept working with it. So 27 agility.

                        And yea that's one way to do it, another is wand(3), pms(6), treads(agi, 38), yasha(31), MoM(100, reckless but...we're just seeing where we can go) at level 11(37.5). Total: 215.5(add in base of 100 for 315.5) and that gets you there with some wiggle room.
                        1.7 / (1+3.155) = .409
                        4 seconds / .409 = 9.8 attacks in 4 seconds(before agility gains), so easily 10 with. Gain 30 agility, target loses 10 str.
                        So 10 hits + 190 max health lost. Feel free to run that. It's fairly substantial I suppose, but you're completely glass at that point other than your decent amount of armor. Hell, glass might be pushing it.

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                          I just ran the game in dota test to check it out. Not really good with mechanics calculation.

                          Well, on single targets with no aoe disable, 300 ias means he can dish out crazy damage in 4 seconds, over a 1000 for sure and you get bonus dmg and aspd after it to boot. However, it basically means any aoe stun will waste most of your ulti and like you said you're a glass cannon. Against the correct lineup, you're crazy but there are means to dealing with you.


                            I'd say it depends on how the game is shaping up. From there(or maybe prior) you'd decide just how tanky you need to get...if a bkb/manta would cover it or maybe just a little further to halberd + manta or if you need to take it a lot further(like heart or skadi).

                            So I suppose the potential is there...just a matter of how it actually plays out...


                              If you snowball, then alls good because you have level + gold advantage.

                              If current Slark is introduced to CM then he's a situational pick. If you flash pick him you open yourself up to too many counterpicks. But if you spot a gap where they're main supports are like Shadow Demon+Rubick, then god you're going to have quite an edge.

                              Donald Duck

                                So, if I'm not wrong.... Slark has got 4 sec granted invis, bs can move up to 1k MS, Io-no more tether stun.

                                I can't really understand the buff-nerf of the jungle & the pull camp part.


                                  Dk why its jungle nerf. Sure they give less gold/exp. But they die faster... so doesn't that balance it out?

                                  Pull camp is nerf trilanes.