General Discussion

General Discussion@Relentless, how can I become a better player

@Relentless, how can I become a better player in General Discussion

    So obviously I suck balls at the game, what can I do to win more matches?

    edit: I had 600 ping during my luna match (latest luna match, not the one before that) so you can probably ignore it. same with the enigma/brood matches too

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        Yeah, don't ask relentless, a person who has a history of carefully going through people's matches to identify mistakes and shit, go ask dendi, im sure he will help you! Right?

        Relentless opinion > nothing

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          if u wanna get better at dota, play dota, its like everything in life, when u wanna get better at guitar u practice it, ur fingers will adopt the good positions by training, same shit with dota, u'll get experience and will know what to do when to do by playing it a lot.
          Also watch streams, i doubt u'll learn anything but who knows . . . but if ur a little bit smart the best thing to do is watch ur replays when u lose ur lane and ask urself questions about why did u get stomped that hard, what did u do and what did ur opponent do to control u like his little toy. U have player perspective and shit to help now.

          pb is relentless is a robot, all he says is theorical bullshit, for a beginner it means nothing because what a beginner lack the most is overall vision of the game, there is no place for theory at that level.

          But im sure a lot of guys actually got better after relentless opinion rite.

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            I like what I read in a guide somewhere...
            'You do not get better at DotA by simply playing it. It's not like other activities because you don't do it for 5 minutes and can check the results, you go for upwards of an hour and by the end of it you've forgotten what results you had along the way.'

            Now do I recommend not practicing to someone with <200 games? No. They still have yet to learn most of the heroes I'm sure, much less their skills.


              Although Relentless is very helpful, I have to agree that a lot of things he say is theoretical. Still, he is able to identify many faults in guides, like telling players to carry tp scrolls. I read up a lot and knew how to last hit, deny, not get attacked by towers, ward, deward, runes, pull creeps, stack creeps, different types of damage, which barracks to attack, backdoor protection, and always to bring tp with you, but all this knowledge is pointless and people without this knowledge can just beat me if I tp to defend a tower which 4 people are pushing and then they towerdive and gank me and I feed. :(

              Positioning (and by relation, map awareness) is by far the most important thing in this game. In pubs people rarely stick and that's why Spirit Breaker is so effective. If sticking people are facing non-sticking people who have excellent game knowledge, my bets are on the sticking people.

              Still, I attribute my low winrate to playing heroes I don't know how to play more than not sticking. Cause some heroes are fun to play even if I lose, lol.

              Quick maffs

                "its like asking to this guy
                how to become prettier."

                Interesting coming from a anime fan that also lose his time on a forum.

                But yeah the thing with dota is that you must know theory and also you must practice. I have a friend that have the same time as me on dota but he doesnt know shit ( after 950 hours he learned that you can double click on tp to teleport to base ).

                So i really think that relentless helps a lot because a lot of the things he say a begginer doesnt know, but it will do nothing if you dont practice what he says.

                le charismeur

                  i dont think relentless can only help beginners

                  he has a very deep analytical view of the game and he can actually look through your games and make some very good conclusions and give you tips and ways to improve upon your individual play

                  its similar to how lebron's coach would lose in a 1v1 with lebron 5 times out of 5, but he can still help him improve his play and give him stuff to work on

                  le charismeur

                    positioning also matters little in pub games

                    i'll tell u that its around 60% picks and 40% ur own skill

                    dookie daddy

                      1. You don't really have a lot of games so unsure if failed smurf or beginner
                      2. You hop around on heroes. Stick to a few amount and get good with them.
                      3. Pick a role and play it till you got it.

                      I wouldn't worry too much if you are new but honestly looking at your first games it is clear you are not new to the game. You have a low amount of games and time will tell how things will turn out. Somethings I noticed are as follows.

                      Your love for shadow blade is misplaced. Get it only when needed. Same with dagon/etheral (is it really needed)

                      Look at your items builds on all the heroes you play. Linkens, Dagon, Daedalus, Shadow Blade. All decent items but you get them on almost every hero you play which might have been fine in lower skill but as you rank up you will tend to get punished for the item choices you badly make.

                      I have to agree with Murs that positioning and timing are what can win you a game even tipped against you.

                      Luna - BKB over Linkens.
                      Medusa - Stacking Critical instead of Manta/Skadi
                      Enigma - Shadow Blade + Blink + Midas + BoT's? (Boots, Blink, Mek, BKB) Always at level 6 look to put your ult on cd, don't just farm with it, go ult someone then go back into the jungle.
                      Weaver - MKB after linkens but with the armored heroes you were against Desolator would have been better.

                      In short you ignore the little items going Midas and a straight 4k item. If it goes well you will win. If it goes bad you lose cause you haven't scaled right. Start small : Drums, MeK, Medallion etc. : don't just jump right into massive items after you go linkens on every hero.

                      I will watch a game and check it out but as a plus note the morph game looks impressive well done.


                        y nova ur logic is very bad. if u alredy associate skill and look with relentless he would be above average looking, more like above 90% of guys. what gives me conclusion that ur advices could be very wrong also. or just admit that you are hater.

                        ++++ ignoring the fact that he is most helpfull person around here by miles ofc

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                          @havoc, I'm not a beginner, I played WC3 dota and a little bit of HoN, not a whole lot of experience in either of those games, but enough to know every hero pretty well (playing all of them is another matter).

                          I build Linkens on Luna in these matches because of the enemies.
                 - half their team has anti-bkb..I had 400-600 ping for most of this match too, so I'd probably mistime it a lot
                 - for BM
                          For Medusa, we were stomping like crazy. When I say we, I mean I was like 1-0-1 while ET and WR were running around going godlike in like 20 minutes or something, I basically just farmed and walked into their base 1 hitting everyone after 25-30 minutes.
                          For Enigma, as I said in the OP, I was lagging like crazy, so I basically just farmed all game while my allies flamed each other, it was pretty funny.
                          On Weaver I build MKB when I'm against someone with Evasion. 3/4 times I've bought it the enemy has had Evasion (Riki/PA), but I do try and build Deso otherwise.

                          I random pretty much every match other than the occasional Luna/Weaver pick

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                            In the second game BKB was a lot better. Only BM ult goes through BKB, and you would avoid: Furion ult, AA nukes, ET skills, Open Wounds. Not worth it? Really?
                            Linkens blocks 1 spell, and if the other team plays well they will trigger your Linkens with another spell (eg Furion ult) before BM ults you.
                            So no, BKB is better than Linkens 99% of the time in Luna.

                            And avoid randoming a lot if you're not too experienced, mostly because you play solo queue, so the rest of your team may not pick accordingly to your hero. Knowing what to pick is extremely important to win a pub. Like murs said above, 60% of your win chance is pick, while 40% is skill.

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                            dookie daddy

                              Linkens saves against one spell, BKB against multiple. You don't time BKB you pop it when dropping into a team fight or when trying to avoid them dropping a combo on you etc. Its the little things that will win you games.

                              Never go mid, it doesn't seem to be your thing. Carry seems to suit you more but you will have to learn to play with your team early and not just six slot farm to be a truly good carry.

                              I don't play carries as I am an offlane/support/jungle player but for instance Luna is a carry I play quite well and I even go items like forcestaff etc when I offlane her. Ex. of offlane game it is possible to do good with a hero without farming for 40 mins as long as you scale from early game - mid game - late game items.

                              If you are going from early - late you miss the mid stage which leaves your team and you vulnerable during that period because they lack their carry or that 5th man in the fights that they may have to take.


                                i still believe relentless is a butthurt homosex


                                  I bet relentless is reading this thread and just smurking =p
                                  @troll your really starting to piss me off. Why the hate on homosexuality your probably a kid who thinks he's cool cowarding behind a computer. Learn to respect people, theres a place for trolling, its not a lifestyle.


                                    @niggabulldog homosex is a sin faggit


                                      I'm starting to like this troll, wp


                                        According to a book written thousands of years ago about some magical deity that created everything. According to the bible dinosaurs didn't exist (edit, major evolution doesn't exist, thus the dinosaurs, such as our apelike past didn't exist). Please don't be rude. You have your own opinion, keep it to yourself. I'm sure god loves you and your hate...

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                                          wait a minute
                                          you're implying the bible is fake?

                                          pls ban


                                            @niggabulldog u med? why do u heff to be med? homosex is sin allow me to bible thump you...i'm being cereal here brah


                                              Dinosaurs are in the bible over 20 different places...but most people don't know because they can't read the original languages and just accept bad modern translations...or more likely don't read the bible at all.

                                              @Cheese you will win a lot more games if you focus on your best heroes. So far on this account you have randomly played all sorts of heroes. There is value in playing all heroes. I like to do it because its fun and I like to have a good idea of what a hero can and cannot do and be able to better understand and anticipate what each hero wants to do.

                                              But playing all the heroes does tend to give you a much lower winrate than you could have if you only played your best heroes. If you want to win more games, just pick out your favorite role and pick half a dozen heroes that play that role and only play those heroes for a while. Then your winrate will go up.

                                              I currently have 33 heroes over 55% win and 10 heroes over 70% win. If I played only those my overall winrate would be much higher. But I would also have to play against pro players and other excellent pub players and so my games would be harder and my winrate on those heroes would go down to more reasonable numbers. And I like playing the other heroes even if I'm not very good at them. Choose what you want to do.


                                                I'm not implying the bible is fake, I'm Christian. However the bible is outdated. You seem more mad than me atm. Learn to accept different people. Life isn't here to hate or troll people. You're racist and stereotypical and I hope god forgives you.


                                                  @niggabulldog yous a fake christian, true brothers of the fellowship swear to burN the faggits

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                                                    I'm done with your trolls.


                                                      @niggabulldog dont me med tony some love


                                                        for some reason i'm finding this discussion pretty funny


                                                          I wonder if there were any homosexual dinosaurs....


                                                            Some dinosaurs are pretty gay.



                                                              There are many animals around today that display homosexual behaviour, I don't think any reptiles do though, not that dinosaurs were reptiles, but hey, who knows.

                                                              We're certainly the only animal around today that persecute homosexual behaviour.

                                                              Can someone explain to me why some Christians hate homosexuality so much? Is it just that one line about man shall love woman or is it more Sodom and Gomorrah? Maybe it has similar roots as the Catholic distaste for condoms, how can one spread one's religion if penises only penetrate bumholes? No more little Catholic babies...


                                                                  some religions are more equal than others

                                                                  Von Darkmoor

                                                                    Read up on mechanics go reads tons of hero guides try them out and also think when you play and NOOOOOOO running around playing tons of matching will only make your win% crash to death and RUIN OTHER PEOPLES GAMES!!!!