General Discussion

General DiscussionReporting a 5 man stack Wisp Ursa + DC abusing party

Reporting a 5 man stack Wisp Ursa + DC abusing party in General Discussion

    I couldn't find a way to PM an admin so I'm creating a topic.
    I just ran into this 5 man party who go for the level 1 Roshan strategy and one of the players simply DCs before picking a hero while the rest does so.

    If their Rosh looks to be failing, that particular person simply doesn't come back so the game won't count.

    This is the exploiter I ran into but obviously most if not all of the people in his friend list are in the know as well. You can verify it easily by searching for his steam ID inside the game client. More often than not his played games show up as "unknown hero", and you can see they go for the same lineup basically every game.

    Why am I writing this here instead of to Valve? They are probably doing it to get good stats on Dotabuff, so if their accounts were disabled here it removes their incentive to continue with this nonsense.

    And for those who don't understand why this is wrong:

    1) They queue in a 5 man stack every time to inflate their win rate. Of course this is your own prerogative but what makes it wrong is that these guys are abusing the system on top of that

    2) When they don't get Dire or when their Rosh is being contested they make the game not count. So not only do they have every possible factor made to be stacked in their favour, when the enemy team consisting of random players and not a near-free win hero lineup is actually winning against next to impossible odds, they won't give up the win

    3) It wastes enormous amounts of time for everyone matched against them. The queue and hero selection both take several minutes, not to mention the time spent inside the game. Often it takes them upwards of four fake-abandons to get a game where they can actually win, feel free to do the math how much time is wasted on average by abusing in this manner

    Please do something about this, such as disabling their accounts on this website, thanks.


      Hes already banned ?

      This player is not eligible for inclusion top player rankings.


        people exploit winrate and have 57% lol


          2 months playing only Ursa

          that must be boring


            Apart from AP mode, other modes are really easy.

            Russian FEEDERation

              Please use my thread for these kind of threads.



                That thread is retarded all you do is bash on people who are better than you ^^^^^

                Russian FEEDERation


                  I checked your profile and noticed you're friends with one of the exploiters. I don't have to say anything more than this :)


                    Yes, im friends with van-art, ban me.



                      another aesthetic exploiter? :D

                      and this guy is oleee444's friend

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                      dookie daddy

                        that profile you showed "aesthetic" has no real signs of exploiting but just the usual high dodge rate that would have come from playing in a level 1 rosh stack. On the other group that whole stack along with OLE and wave103 were all a mixed group of about 8-10 people who were a mixed lot of smurf exploiters and high level accounts who would join in for a boosted win rate.


                        This has been touched on before and dodging is really sad, abusing is sad, and exploiting is low. Nothing that we can do except alert admins who will find proof and remove them from the record lists. Other than that they will continue playing this way because who can stop them.

                        I think honestly an easy way to curb this abuse dodging and or stacking stomp with Ursa/Wisp is to make Roshan spawn at the bell and not just be there already. I know it is a legitimate tactic but it is too open ended to abuse and encourages dodging and stacking exploiting using the Roshan/Dire advantage as a game gauge.

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