General Discussion

General DiscussionDP by Dendi

DP by Dendi in General Discussion

    Finally DP gets picked by Navi in prof gaming! Thats to all who said in my previous post about her that DP is countered easily! Its an awesome hero to play and to watch!

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    King of Low Prio

      your logic is so flawed I am not even going to waste my time


        Your existance is so flawed that I dont care O.o since i didnt explain any logic!!!. i just said that i love DP and finally she gets picked. Its known that u disagree with everyone in this forum. Im glad u are out of my post

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          I like DP, probably a little over rated atm in the pub scene because of her ult but never the less she should still be quite powerful in the pro scene.

          Woof Woof

            did they lose game with dp dendi? ;d


              Nop they won


                I know DP must be played as a tanky role but I thought Dendi played it too aggressively at times.

                There is a thin line between being aggressive and being careless.

                But I'm excited to watch Navi vs Alliance again. Leggo Navi!


                  DP lost 4 games this month. won 1 gjgj


                    What game is this? Anyone have a VOD of this game?



                      There was also a post here if i remember correctly about pugnas role in a team. Yday he got picked lots of times as a carry in safe lane

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                        think dp is a really strong hero. not sure how it fits in the current meta, but its definitely strong hero on its own.


                          :D It was sad today,
                          like DP with 2nd biggest net worth couldn't do shit


                            Well actually it was the only hero who kept VP alive. Also DP got picked an hour later by navi and they won the game against Liquid. XBOCT was on her at safe lane.

                            EDIT: DP just got picked again by Mouz against Navi. She is way back in prof gaming!!!

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                              DP is one of my favorite heroes. All you really need to win a game with her is bloodstone and sheepstick. I like getting Eul's on her too. A 6 second AoE silence? A 300 dmg nuke with huge AoE every 4 seconds? Ult that melts towers and heroes? That should not be looked past. Very fast move speed too. DP is one of the heroes I have rampaged with O.o


                                We speaking mostly about prof gaming here not pubs, teams know how to counter DP,but she wasnt often there, now she is and thats the cool thing. In pubs she had always her win ratio high

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