General Discussion

General DiscussionQueen of Pain

Queen of Pain in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    I am just really fucking bad with this hero.

    I mean really bad.

    Just someone take a look at my last qop game, i will be thankful if anyone can tell me how to play this hero.

    Ples Mercy

      Lets start with the fact that you bought scepter.


        Seems like u blink in a lot and then getting focused but not having enough time to blink out. If u aren't stomping, U SHOULD NEVER BLINK in to more than 3 heroes without BKB. Also like blunt @ fnatic said, scepter is a really retarded item on her. Usually my first item is either orchid or bkb, if im 5-0 by 15 minutes i go hex. Your team had no carry, and ur lineup is full nuke against a lifestealer. The loss isn't entirely your fault. Also 58 last hits by 36 minute wtf????? but my winrate with qop is 36% so who am i to talk to? :D

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          Don't worry I suck ass with her too :D I can't play Qop of pain nor Storm nor Batrider. They are like my kryptonite. You have to play with somethign that works for you.
          Either way you shouldn't be so hard with yourself. Usually the heroes which actually have mobility skills are harder to play within fights caues you might under or overestimate yourself and the only way to get better is to play them and figure out on your own.

          Quick maffs

            The thing is i am way better with storm than with QoP.

            But yeah i should had gone for orchid, silence would be really good against that line up i think. I really regreat aghanims.

            About the last hits .... yes that its a shame, but after a while i just started roaming. I kind of had the mentallity : if we dont win in the next 10 minutes we are going to lose.

            The thing is with OD i have some things that i always do : Never getting out of mid until forcestaff and treads, at least 50 last hits at 10 minutes, etc .... but with QoP i just ..... lose u.u.

            Well i guess i will just put QoP in the list of heroes i am just terrible: Veno, QoP, CM,Clinkz.

            About the picks: its was an all ramdon game, so yeah ....


              wtf did you do all game?

              The enemy literally has no mid hero, you should be able to crush any of those heroes EASILY. Harass + SS = ez game. On top of that, you have 58 cs in a 30 minute game..I mean, even if you do go for ganks and shit, you still should be farming a lot. Heck, you should have had at least 60 cs in the first 10 minutes of that match given that the enemy had no good mid hero. You only had 2 denies as well? You need to be harassing and outlast hitting/denying the enemy, getting that quicker level 5/6/7 and killing off the opponent, and then looking for ganks and/or farming up a quick Orchid.

              But tbh, if you can't last hit with a hero like QoP who has a solid animation and really good base damage for such range, then you need to be pretty shit at the game. Also 50 last hits in 10 minutes against most mid match ups is really low for OD who doesn't really budge from his lane and whose only goal is to farm/deny (as opposed to kill the other mid/gank/etc)


                Downloading now. Going to watch and critique. I like to think I am a better QoP player than my profile lets on. My win rate with her used to steadily be in the 60+%, but... yeah.

                Quick maffs

                  Yeahhh .... probably.

                  But they put an abaddon mid who can debuff dagger with shield. Still it was easy to lane, but my harass did nothing.

                  After that i dont know what exaclty happens but alch got a shadow blade and things got out of control.

                  But well that its exaclty the reason i told i am bad with QoP.

                  About 50 last hits with OD in 10 minutes i writed "at least" so yeah.

                  "then you need to be pretty shit at the game."

                  I am pretty shit in the game, still i can learn right ? .....


                    Right off the bat, you were able to start with a bottle and 3 branches. You had a regen and range advantage over him. You should have immediately bullied him away with a dagger. It's the whole reason you skill it at level 1.

                    You then miss a deny because you weren't harrassing him away, and then weren't able to get a last hit because of your attack time from missing the deny. Ignore a deny if it means you might miss a last hit.

                    The same thing happens again after you cast dagger on him, missing two denies and a last hit, being too far behind in attack time from the last action.

                    When harrassing with right clicks, don't waste your range advantage by being so close to him, and never let him hit you twice for every one hit you put on him.

                    When you checked rune, you had full mana and a bottle charge. It would have saved time and guaranteed the rune for you if you Blinked to the rune, used the last charge, and bottled it.

                    Again, you are letting him bully you when you come back to lane.

                    A few seconds later, even though you have a full bottle with an invis rune, you go bottle the new rune. This effectively makes your current stored bottle charges worthless, and the time you spent bottling the invis rune a waste of time spent missing exp. Take advantage of it. Activate invis, run up to him, Scream, dagger, right click if you want, and blink away, BEFORE you bottle the new rune. Use the bottle charges you already have to recover mana and health and then bottle the new rune .

                    Once again, letting his shield burst on you for no reason. That's what he wants. Avoid that and let your illusions last hit as you sit in safety, wasting his mana on nothing.

                    Good job waiting out the next shield and pouncing on him when it burst. At this point, you had 2 charges, very little mana, and nearly a bottle charge's worth of health missing.

                    Something important at 3:31. At this point, you have succeeded in bullying him out of lane. You should be standing on the high ground, letting him know that you have won this lane, and he needs to fuck off. You have 2 bottle charges and no mana. At this point, it would be worth using a bottle charge or two so you have mana for a blink scream combo, should he come close to the creeps, which he DID. However, you were not able to get an easy kill because you were too far away for a scream, no mana for a blink scream, and on the low ground so you could no right click effectively. If the lane is yours, take it.

                    @ 4:00. No reason to miss hitting him with a Scream. Don't be afraid to run into melee range of him when he has no shield up. Him right clicking you once hurts less than wasting mana like that.

                    @ 5:00 missing last hits and denies you could have made. Practice makes perfect.

                    @ 5:50 Just blink immediately if you run into two heros like that. If the SS wasn't brain afk, he could have shackled you and you would have been in a really bad spot.

                    When running back to base, don't stare at yourself idly. Check the lanes, see how your team is doing, and decide which lane can and should be ganked. You spent 10 seconds already at full health sitting in fountain doing that when you could have done it during the trip there.

                    Good use of your ult top lane. Next time you need to use your bottle while being chased by creeps, run away in a straight line. Zig zagging around means they can hit you easier. Switch to Agi treads. You get more out of your charges.

                    @ 10:30 Well played. Can't believe that Spectre was that dumb, good job taking advantage of it.

                    @ 12:00 Again, good plays from you TPing bot lane to help your team. Good placement of your ult. Not so hot on attacking Abaddon when his shield was up. You got your Rubick killed because you popped it. Next time just cast the dagger and let your nearly dead friend escape. That Abaddon isn't going anywhere.

                    I'm gonna stop at 14 minutes at wrap this up. You seem to be fine when it comes to fighting and not dying. Your weakness is definitely in lane dominance and EFFICIENCY. This is a huge deal, as Dota is a game about advantages, and you never tried to take it, or press it on your enemy in lane. Every second counts, every right click counts. Don't waste time doing nothing.

                    Also, Aghs rush is pretty terrible. The stats are nice, but the ult upgrade isn't useful until the late game for the CD reduction. Early game, feel free to buy a Null Talisman or two and farm up an Orchid. You get much more bang for your buck.


                      qop is a strong solo mid, you might win the mid lane hard
                      but like many other solo mid heroes, when your side lanes are fucked hard, or you have a bad team coordination, you might just lose all your advantage in one over committed gank

                      That said, you should always build late game dps items unless you are sure that your teamate knows what they are doing lol
                      orchid, Maelstrom sheepstick mkb are all good
                      if you are going for early pushing, necrobook is better
                      if you are going for lane pushing, get some survival equip, eg. linken sphere bkb


                        haha, still better than my Juggernaut :P

                        Donald Duck

                          Just played qop vs invoker.... If u are able to harass him out of the lane and constantly gank side lanes, the match will always be on your favor .

                          Orchid is a great item on qop, bkb and/or linkens for survivability, sheep stick if u need some locking item.


                            lmao lmao lmao

                            Quick maffs

                              Well thx TehMasterSword that was a good analysis.

                              Dire Wolf

                                I have next to no experience with qop but from guides and watching others who player her effectively, you cannot engage in team fights until they've been well initiated. Use your massive aoe dmg to clean up team fights. Qop works well with strong initiators and disablers.


                                  hey you need bkb orchid sheepstick to initiate, not with a scepter lol