i fed so much i could not even be useful in fight
I was the last to pick and I realized it has to be a support. I didn't realize it has to be a lane support thought..
I fed 2-3 earlygame kills to pudge due to no luck, and whole game I was the aim of his hook. I felt so anoyed and ruined the game for my teammates. 0-24 Cant snowball as huskar (Pudge hook pure damage so..) (my main account)
First invoker match.
Left PL to farm, guess what happens.
TIny and sven on lane together, sven has 20cs after 28min, nad tiny has 28. Tiny kept throwing me into the other team, right into pucks silence....
My last game as SB, I misclicked and random'd him so I said I will roam. I started off bot to get a easy first blood and the teams carry flipped out saying "YOU CANT HAVE 3 BOT WTF WRONG WITH U" and the game fell apart from then on......
So, there is a Broodmother who was obviously rushing an Orchid, of course, the answer to this problem is to have mid lane Viper never gank and build straight up DPS items instead of tank items and consequently be a complete pussy in teamfights, Enchantress deciding she's a very good carry (which of course means no courier nor wards) against a hero who constantly summons a swarm of shit and will farm a BKB besides the Orchid and Puck coming to nuke every single creep I was trying to kill, despite him alredy having a Blink Dagger. All of these resulted in a 30-something minute blink dagger and the beggining of my irrational hate for every single attempt at a carry-enchantress and Vipers which lack gonads.
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Whether it was you who failed, your team or the enemy in a way, post them up and explain!
Ursa, BH, Nyx, ES already picked I was the last to pick. Nyx says pick carry, I pick Spectre only to see BH on the safe lane refusing to leave or let me farm. TP'd top to ES who also refused to support me and just used stun to last hit. BH didn't even use track....
20-25 minutes into the game, the enemy team crushes us as we had no supports so I did a support Alc. We slowly start to get back on track when they switch to rat doto. 1 hour of pure split pushing and backdooring, no team fights only killing barracks and disregarding our heroes.