General Discussion

General DiscussionHey making PUBSTOMP team in USEAST i play mostly supports/gankers

Hey making PUBSTOMP team in USEAST i play mostly supports/gankers in General Discussion

    Hey making PUBSTOMP team in USEAST i play mostly supports like lich if AP ( support lich ofc)

    who want to join in , this is a new account i alrdy played a game on eu west and lagged as hell but carried supported my team who were 54% players in a 3 man stack and we won , so im 1-0 for now , trying to have some epic Win Ratio , so put your name here if you want ot pubstack ^^


      support lich is gay. try carry lich.

      King of Low Prio

        I wont play with smurfs sorry


          whoji want in?


            also i have played dota 1 for 10 years in THR2-3 and DotaCrash tier 2

            King of Low Prio

              even if I believed you, the only people who smurf are trash tier players.


                if u say so.. but dont judge ppl when u didnt saw their play also im pretty sure i support better than you :(


                  be a warding bitch doesnt make you a pro support , you need positioning , roaming , etc also good item choice and many other stuff


                    oh yea and i smurf too cuz 1 hyear ago when i had dota 2 i was playing jakiro in low bracket games and had bad kda and it put me in a normal bracket tier that im stuck in . yet when i smurf and go 33-0 with bs mid i get in a high then a vh game right after lol with people with 1k games


                      and vlad on bh is bad


                        Support !




                            @ Sampson


                            you had 140 lasthit in a 60 min win game , epic gpm bru!

                            guess you are trash and never realised

                            Este comentario fue editado
                            King of Low Prio

                              rofl your so clueless its laughable.

                              1. vlads is not for the bounty hunter it is for the team

                              2. almost 600 gpm with low last hits as bounty hunter means that I am doing EXACTLY what a bounty hunter should be doing (mid game aggression)

                              You can talk about me being trash with alot of the heroes on my top list but trying to say I am trash with bounty hunter (which I play page 1-2 with) just makes you look like a idiot

                              you pretty much killed the little credibility you had when you tried to attack me


                                you are a bad player your best gpm was 774 AND it was a 1v5 game how bad can you be LOL i can get 1.1k gpm WITHOUT any leavers in my team which give free 400 gpm , you are trash average dotabuff player that cant play dota like a smart player as me

                                Este comentario fue editado

                                  im gona download some of ur suport game and watch you do nothing but sit in lane trying to pull roflmao trash kid


                                    LOL WOW IT WAS 774 GPM ROFL

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      this is why people who smurf have 0 credibility

                                      I leave all my stats open to the world so that if I make a claim the stats back me up. Smurf players choose to make wild claims yet have nothing to back it up at all.


                                        Cuz i dont need to show my stats to trash players lolol but i can assure you i have WAY better records/stats then urs


                                          IF I WAS UR ACCOUNT I WOULD DEFNITLY SMURF LOL


                                            "vlad on bh is bad"

                                            new meta


                                              general, you really aren't making anyone want to play with you.


                                                like i care of you trashes this game is trash fulled of trash everywhere


                                                  i wont ever get good players on this forum or on dota 2 , cuz no1 is as good or as smart as me , fcking trashes


                                                    gonna make new name called TehMasterSword brb


                                                      gona throw with this account too


                                                        gonna post on the forum with this account too


                                                          HI EVERYBODY :D




                                                              HI IM ATUM AND IM ALWAY MAD

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                Sampson's Law - For every smurf there is a person with a tiny dick hiding behind anonymity.