General Discussion

General DiscussionWe are playing the wrong game.

We are playing the wrong game. in General Discussion
Retard Security Detail

    Thats pretty wild, I have never played LoL because I've heard you have to buy heros which is a dumb model for competitive play. But damn this shit beat out the superbowl.

    Mike Hawk

      32 million noobs. Nuke them, nuke them all.


        Quality > Quantity

        That's something "League of Dota 1.5" doesn't have


          its just like saying call of duty is better than bf because it has more players

          Retard Security Detail

            I see, your point is Dota has the best russians and brazillians and LoL has the bad ones? And I cannot imagine there is a game with a worse matchmaking system, I would wager that an open random lobby would produce better results on average. I will have to try LOL someday to make a more informed opinion, but theirs numbers are impressive.


              The more players a given game has, the worse it is.


                Yeeeeeeeaaaaahhhh...And Pokemon sold 600 million figures maybe we all start playing with Charizard...I think that nobody forces you (or anybody who is hate-posting in Dotabuff about Valve,Dota,Gabe,Diretide,MM,Hats,Updates,the weather outside etc. etc...) to play Dota 2.Seriously be my guest and leave dude please, it's better for me really.Like Winterchillz said above the more players on a game, the worst the game becomes.I can't believe how ignorant people are not to see that players destroy the community of a game and not developers and in any other game forum if u check u will see the same hate comments.Blame Russians, Brazilians, Valve, Developers, Matchmaking but if a new player in game asks for some pointers how many of you actually gonna give some usefull advice and not troll him and make him feel like shit?Anyway man really just try LoL and post after 2-3 months on this site again to see what u think about it...

                Woof Woof

                  yeh because dota 2 has so high quality players


                    Expecting that kind of comment really..sigh...Didn't say Dota has high quality players actually but i'd like u to name me one game that has only high quality players so we can all join!Just saying that all game-communities are more or less the same,so saying that for example HoN has more friendly community and better players than Dota is pointless,especially when most of the gamers tried all MOBA games until they stick to one.I'm just fed up with everybody blaming the game and still playing it and keep posting BS on forums




                        but I like doto


                          why can't u play both ? i play both.

                          -apm 400 player

                            doto till the death of me

                            Papa Het

                              Millions of flies like shit, they can't be wrong...

                              Dire Wolf

                                Then go play it, no one is stopping you. Or play both. It can be done.


                                  Ever since there wasn't a ladder matchmaking system implemented in the recent patches. I decided to play LoL to test it out. Firstly, there are so many smurfs in the game and hardly anyone who's actually starting learning. If it wasn't for the fact that I play dota, I would have had felt completely overwhelmed. Saying that LoL is such a simple game lmfao. Dont have to deny, dont need to block creeps, dont have to pull neuts. If your lane is pushed, then its pushed. So you have to 'shove' (term in LoL) the lane so that it overpushes and the tower resets the lane. While you shove it, you teleport back (free skill - dont need recipe) and get your items and come back into lane. No wonder most of my friends who play Dota 2 change to Lol just to own so noobs. They agree though that they themselves are ironically turning noob themselves. LoL too ezy.

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!