General Discussion

General DiscussionViability of Rapier with Kunkka

Viability of Rapier with Kunkka in General Discussion
Shawn Gigglesworth

    ~140 + 60 + 300 = 500 pure damage

    With a daedadus (and crit): 581*2.4 = ~1400 pure damage

    With a blink and a few points in X marks the spot, untouchable?
    (X into blink, splash, then return to safety)

    What are peoples thoughts?

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      Situational. You either get it:

      1. When you are far ahead - for the lulz
      2. When you are far behind

      You don't want a Rapier in a close game. No matter if you are kunkka or whoever you are. Its not so simple just to do that, as it requires good execution, it requires all 5 of them to be gathered up, and you cant really find a spot to farm - because if u decide to go farm off a lane or you may risk getting picked off and then its bye bye rapier, and bye bye the game. SB - Battlefury BKB and Daedalus are all far better options than a rapier.

      Shawn Gigglesworth

        Obviously not a good strategy with an unorganized team, goes without saying.

        I was thinking more: phase, blink/SB, daedalus, then finish with a rapier and start the 5 man rolling.

        And about getting picked off, that shouldn't happen with good play. If you don't know where anyone is, then push as 5. If you know where people are, then kunkka can solo most. Also kunkka can farm fine before rapier.

        Edit: Also, why shouldn't a rapier be used in a close game?

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          Try it? and see how it works. Thats the best way to answer your question. But i dont think it will work out well, it takes too much. And i believe that Rapier will not give u anything that a battlefury/Daedalus couldnt give u. I mean, if u win with the rapier, u would probably win with the battlefury/daedalus as well. But i think u will drop more games if u happen to die with this.

          Because if u lose the rapier u give the other team a huge advantage. Thats a 12.4k gold difference in the favor of the other team, and u certainly cannot afford that in a close game where a few k gold can flip it over.


            I remember this video from Pirate about aggressive Kunkka - He would just stay in base and Xmts himself and BoT to any teamfight, blink for the perfect angle and land a 700 damage splash before getting sent back to his original location. If the opponents get Blademail, though...

            Shawn Gigglesworth

              I would try it but I don't have an organized team unfortunately.

              Rapier: 300 damage
              BFury: 65 damage + short range cleave
              Daedalus: 81 damage + 35% average damage increase
              IF you don't drop it, rapier is around 2.5x more powerful than equivalents.

              Also a nice exercise is to think of it the other way around, that their team has a rapier. Would you not be worried?

              And yeah, I guess you probably would need magic immunity to protect against blademail. Omni's repel maybe?

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                Easily countered by blademail
                But it's pretty cool indeed


                  Better on Kunkka then on almost any other hero. I watched SingSing play this type of kunkka with 3 rapiers in a close game. He said that its ok, but crit dependant and countered by blademail and he still prefers going for something like AC and heart just to be able to manfight a bit and survive longer.

                  Quick maffs

                    Well look at my longest game. I got a rapier after deadalus ...... i really regret it. After losing my first rapier i bought another ..... and i lost it again u.u

                    Our team probably lost because of me.

                    The thing is everytime i get lategame with kunkka i realiza how dumb is going for more and more damage, personally i think AC is the best choice late game for kunkka because you need the armor.

                    I think is better to survive to splash at least twice in a teamfight that risk everything on one splash.

                    Woof Woof

                      rapier is hail Mary item theres 0 reason to get it when you are going toe to toe with enemy or are ahead
                      = not viable

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                        Rapier is a weak item for 3 reasons. ITS VERY risky.
                        You either get it when ur so far ahead (where tranquils will do the same effect).
                        OR when you are so far behind and there is no other option than the risk (which will in most cases be unsucessfull)
                        OR when base racing. (which rarely happends)
                        So... obviosly its not a viable option, you can easily get kited, and loose ur rapier. I was playing an ember in a non recorded match where the kunnka against me bought rapier ( they were 30k gold ahead), and countinue to rape my teammates. But suddenly he died, i took the rapier, and almost we would comeback (it turned into a close game, they only had rax advantage, which hold us in position so we loosed at the end, in a 50 minute game.).


                          I don't think rapier on kunkka is that great of a "comeback"item, if you don't have more farm to get an AC/heart/more survivability. Sure, you get that one cleave off at the start of a fight, but without any hp/armor, you're gonna be melted really fast, especially since the other team is far ahead. It's like a rapier on a gyro, but only 1 flak cannon shot, whereas gyro/dusa can shoot 5-7 rapier shots in the time kunkka takes to recharge his splash.