General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp: how can I avoid russians in MM?

Help: how can I avoid russians in MM? in General Discussion
papi ares - high fly rye

    I think topic says it all. Im so tired ending up in teams with russian, who in genereal dont give a shit about everything. They dont know how to communicate, they don't know how to play, i rather think they dont know how to use their brain.
    I allways pick "english" as preferences, but I still end up with russians WHO CANT SPEAK ENGLISH! Can I do anything?

    -apm 400 player

      Try us east if your have a good connection.

      Woof Woof

        actually us east has some russians way less than eu[e/w] but still... best bet is 5stacking
        most russians nowadays do their best to hide their origin


          Play in Russia ;)


            play australian servers


              US East is your best bet to avoid Russians, but you will get BR's here. Australian servers are too full of Pinoys so don't go there...
              Just 5stack or play in a league.


                south africa ftw.


                  Australian/china/south africa


                    Why Russian must know english? study Russian.


                      Никак, смирись.


                        many SEA/NZ/Russian in Australia in fact
                        and they all played with 500 ping+

                          Este comentario ha sido borrado

                            i dont see what the problem is actually.

                            why is language so important for you and these preferences share no value when it comes to finding a match, its just a preference and not option so if you queue for english, you'll get to meet people who queued russian or something else.


                              Que on russian server, russians are all on european server

                              waku waku

                                you will never escape your sins


                                  I feel you bro... Russians don't understand they can select Russian language.


                                    pray that vavle region locks the game


                                      u guys are lucky, i still have hopes that someday valve will separate peruvians from human beings


                                        ^ Not that I care, but I hope my countrymen continue to ruin your games :)

                                        Invoking Invocations

                                          ^ look, son. A faggot.


                                            ^ look, son. People who generalize a whole nation based only on the play style of few people.


                                              Hey, I got insulted for the first time in Dotabuff! I feel like a true dota player now :)


                                                no offense but ur people made solo q on south american server impossible. id rather have bots or even monkeys than peruvians on my team. worst trash.


                                                  Heh...must be why I never see peruvians in my games. For some unfathomable reason, I get more lag in South America than in the US servers.


                                                    do you really think russians are bad?
                                                    i bet you never played with any south americans


                                                      ^ I mean they lost to South Africa.... FFS DOES SOUTH AFRICA EVEN HAVE A TEAM?


                                                        Play on US, use WTFAST, it help


                                                          To play on the East US server and west EU server, despite having people who speak Spanish on the east us server, their level is clearly superior to the majority of Russians.
                                                          Russian in a team = 90% chance of losing :(


                                                            wtfast is a shitty malware software dont advertise it here please


                                                              Lets put one thing to rest here, I do not sincerely believe that players skill is based on their region. Having a russian on your team is not a loss off the bat but can turn into one quite quickly and I will give some reasons why and hopefully put all these garbage topics to rest.

                                                              > Russians don't communicate well and are quick to anger which means they will flame you, flame their kind, and end up spoiling the game. This is not because they are in themselves bad players it is simply in their nature to be hot-headed.

                                                              > There is a communication barrier which can cause issues in a 5 man team game. A lot of the time when Russians appear to be doing their own thing it is simply because they don't know what is going on and neither want to get embroiled or flamed so simply run around not talking and doing their own thing which can cause issues if you need them to play alongside you.

                                                              > They all think they're Dendi. That is the truth of the matter, almost all russian accounts have pudge as a most played hero and will vehemently fight for mid and even just offlane pudge or wreck your farm as a carry cause they feel they are more important this is the more negative side of the russian playstyle; it's very greedy.

                                                              I think Russians should in fact queue on their own servers as it would safe a lot of misunderstandings and grief if they would but I think as well people could be a little less quick to judge as not all of them are that bad and a number of my friends are russians and are good natured and fun peeps.

                                                              This whole Russia/South America/Pinoy hate kinda needs to be put to rest. I know they have a tendency to ruin games but that is partially due to the angst they feel towards them as soon as they join a game and I think if you tried to be mature about it then it would all be ok e.g. I don't seem to have these issues and I play SEA/USE/EUE/EUW.

                                                              Cyber Spartan

                                                                I have the same problem i always end in a team with 4 russians and all game is like: suka mama bliet !@#$%RE@WD!R^@DW!SFD!G@ytw2.........Supp use spells to take farm from carry they never try to help or speak english to communicate only troll the game and feed..............IM SICK OF THIS SHIT VALVE FIX PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HELP ME PLEASE.


                                                                  Play in prime time of your server, try out different times. Stop playing All Random and Single Draft. Many people are talking to each other in their language, don't mind them or just mute.


                                                                    rly stupid question...
                                                                    U just have to disable "match me with russians" in options.


                                                                      To be fair, if you search for a game alone, find yourself in a 3-4 man stack and do some crap like picking Antimage or another hard carry which requires full-earlygame babysitting, expecting 4 unknown players to support you and play according to your style, then you are just asking to get stomped
                                                             (where I finally learnt this)

                                                                      Is it THAT hard to addapt to another bunch of players' style?...Ok, I guess it can be, but trying is not difficult and can lead to good results

                                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                                        You think Russians are bad? Look at Brazilians and Peruvians.


                                                                          ^hahahaha implying americans are any better....faggots


                                                                            God i wish someone would ban all russians. And other poor people.........


                                                                              Youre trying to imply im american... Fuckin south american cancer


                                                                                ITT: Pointless racism, opisafag, and constant butthurt.

                                                                                It's like I never left /b/.




                                                                                    I know this thread hasn't had any activity in 2 months, but I just have to add: I'm Norwegian, I play on EU West. I frequently get Russians on my team who refuse to speak English. When I politely ask them, either by chat or microphone, to communicate with some English, they respond with (in English): ''Fuck you American, go eat hamburger, delete dota, you suck, cyka etc etc''. I am getting really tired of this, and I support region lock all the way.


                                                                                      You might be surprised, but some Russians are sick from playing with Russians.If I would had to play only with Russians, I either way played with full stack or left Dota.Besides, Russian server is not located in Russia, so ping is comparable to EU or even higher.
                                                                                      The best solution have been given in the start of the thread - play US servers.Ping is so high from there that you can't even see your own Tornados.


                                                                                        I tried a us server, used to live in Canada and I can remember that in almost all games North Americans are very active on the mic so I thought what the hell..
                                                                                        First game I got a 4 stack full of Mexicans. If Blizzard manage to create a system that stops these idiots from playing on English servers then Heroes of the Storm will take over as my number 1 mmo for sure.

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          Am I the only one able to make logical connections?

                                                                                          random poster: Russians are idiots
                                                                                          random Russian Y: Americans are idiots
                                                                                          random poster: STFU you people know nothing
                                                                                          random Russian X: I do not like playing with Russians
                                                                                          random poster: this person is so smart

                                                                                          if you are too fucking stupid to realize the connection I will lay it out for you

                                                                                          - random people are stupid -


                                                                                            SAM WHY ARE YOU NECROING THREADS


                                                                                              ^ I think it's the fact the only words people understand from foreign languages are insults.


                                                                                                Play in stack. If you're playing solo and end up with stack of Russians, try to start conversation with something different from "russians ruin dota". If you have at least 3.5k MMR, most of Russians you'll meet will be able speak English good enough to communicate with you.

                                                                                                Srsly, guys, out of like 20 games where I talked with my stack teammates in Russian, I was only _once_ asked: "Could you please speak in English, it confuses me".


                                                                                                  RM LORDY
                                                                                                  Yeah. Thx to Tarantino's movies dictionary, I can communicate with english speaking people.

                                                                                                  King of Low Prio


                                                                                                    the thread was alrdy necro'd


                                                                                                      If you want english, say 'can u speak english pls?'
                                                                                                      If russian do not care about it, then he is retard that flames all or
                                                                                                      He is <16 years old = dont know english, or know very very bad, nothing to do here
                                                                                                      Others will speak english 90%


                                                                                                        If you want russian, say 'пожалуйста, говорите на русском'
                                                                                                        If EU player do not care about it, then he is retard that flames all or
                                                                                                        He is <16 years old = dont know russian, or know very very bad, nothing to do here
                                                                                                        Others will speak russian 90%

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!