General Discussion

General DiscussionRanked mm full of tryhards

Ranked mm full of tryhards in General Discussion

    Spider pickers, es pickers, they try to kill you at fucking all cost ... bullshit


      Because that's the point of RMM.

      jess the goat

        If you cant handle players who play agressively and want to win, dont play dota. Imo, every item and every hero has a counter.


          Picking imba heroes don't make you better player, fuckking last pick spider with no counter to him climbing off the wall, wtf ...

          jess the goat

            'imo, every item and every hero has a counter' and then you say 'picking imba heroes'..........If you cant counter es, dont vs him.1 disable is all it takes to screw up his combo.


              a last pick brood lol what can you do with it


                Push and don't waste time chasing him? He is quite bad at counter pushing.


                  Always pick last if you play ap that is stupid in rmm
                  If brood:
                  Legion commander ez farm with lings
                  Buy blink and prema rape her

                  If es:
                  E him then q him after he is silenced
                  He has no mana to do shit

                  jess the goat

                    What darkness said


                      Don't play AP, noob.


                        Sentries and a trilane rape brood. Queuling blade help too.

                        King of Low Prio

                          most idiots can not figure out how to deal with a hero unless it is in tournament play and the pros give a play by play on how to kill X hero


                            ¨¨¨¨¨¨YOU GOT YOUR ANSWER UP THERE¨¨¨¨¨¨

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                              lol it's easy to counter but when he got last pick you cannot do much with it lol
                              bat for example rape brood hard lol

                              Quick maffs

                                want to counter brood ? rape her team hard and go push.

                                Well on my last game there was a doom with fucking radiance spending all the fucking game searching for my spiders so yeah.


                                  Just quit dota please. Quitting life would suffice too though


                                    ^ first good advice here


                                      Axe > Brood

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        EVERY RETARD HERE THINKS BROOD IS ONLY ABOUT SPIDERS WTF. You can't even kill her anymore if she is good and you don't have a way of going/seeing through trees.


                                          u mean full of retards

                                          u need to cut trees to see brood storm and timber mb will do smth


                                            Let someone pick BS, let him lvl up thirst, and pick sniper against brood on same lane, he low hp?
                                            No worries, 1500 range is the solution !!
                                            I am being sarcastic, I never faced a gd brood mother because I play with friends of low MMR and so no gd players there :D

                                            jess the goat

                                              if ur tired of brood getting away with low hp, do blood+invoker combo for funzies, or just pick zeus.


                                                give me Axe and get the fuck out of my lane. I will solo brood np.



                                                  Good old kotl pl safelane..... God i hate that hero.

                                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                    If you can't play a serious game in RANKED MM.. GTFO.. OP buy wards/sentries or back to LoL.

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                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      Sam if brood cant push with her spiders what does it matter that you cant kill her ?


                                                      Fucking doom literally chased my spiders ( he was faster than my spiders ) with radiance and scorch earth.

                                                      btw merry x-mas everyone


                                                        Honestly so many people say to get quelling and pick certain heroes but that is besides the point. You basically have to focus 2-3 of your picks solely for shutting brood down which is bullshit. A good brood knows how to get away and the hero is so broken that its easier to get away then to kill the damn spider.

                                                        I hate solo queuing ranked as I seem to get more idiots in ranked then I would do going solo queue in just a normal AP/Other mode game.


                                                          Just play CP/CD. Problem solved.


                                                            spider is seriously broken, even I don't know how to play a spider, it rapes......


                                                              brood is op as fuck but u can counter by perma guarding lane with aoe heroes like gyro cm /etc

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                riki is seriously broken, even I don't know how to play a riki, it rapes......


                                                                  Batrider can easily destroy the wood with 2nd skill easy farm with lings and Brood, the sniper advice is good too :D


                                                                    Brood is not OP, just annoying.

                                                                    Option 1: Get some AoE hero and clear out the spiders every time she reaches t3 and push the lane a bit. You don't need to kill her at all. Focus on owning the enemy team 5v4.

                                                                    Option 2: Get some long disable like bane, legion, rhasta etc. and gank her repeatedly. Ez gold, ez farm, 5v4, ez gaem.

                                                                    People in pubs think they have to kill her just because she was alive on the lane for too long and then make multiple failed gank attempts, losing XP and gold while the enemy carry is free farming.


                                                                      I hate spider in our team more than in enemy team. If I go even close to his precious lane "GTFO its my lane", well okey... If we need help, no im pushing, 4v5 all game and then flame us for feeding. :D Or, other option, spider plays well, we play well, hold the 4v5, he pushes and claims the victory only for himself (after a game as boring as possible)... Yey, spiders. Ultimate strategy against spiders: try starting a flame-war between spider and his team, while they waste time arguing, rape them. :D Most spider pickers are solos and easy to make them angry as I see.

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                                                                        You hate my spider? :(


                                                                          @BlackXargon Don't be fooled, Brood owns Axe once she can get an Orchid up.


                                                                            "I don't know how to play against a hero, therefore it is OP". In low tier games people complain about Riki and Drow, in your slightly higher (emphasis on slightly) you complain about Brood. Shut the fuck up, buy dust, and push lanes as 5.


                                                                              people still call drow op?


                                                                                Bogi: Ive already told you, I hate it when you pick spider, anything better than that. Drow at least looks good. :D Pick Slark or something, Spider's boring, playing with a spider in team is even more boring. But I wasnt talking about just you, but every spider. And Im also afraid of spiders, all of them. So dont bring your spider close to me, it scares me away and you dont want that, do you? :P

                                                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                  Nobody forces you to play all-pick lol.
                                                                                  If you're going to complain about the heroes that people pick, don't play the only mode that lets them do it.


                                                                                    Nobody forces you to play all-pick lol.
                                                                                    If you're going to complain about the heroes that people pick, don't play the only mode that lets them do it.


                                                                                      slark and abaddon too OP :(


                                                                                        lol our strat

                                                                                        one of our stack member reach 6000 MMR .
                                                                                        Road to 7000

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                                                                                          @truth yolo doto u guys damn tryhard haha :D


                                                                                            we all know, gotta get those points