General Discussion

General DiscussionAnd matchmaking keeps sucking even worse

And matchmaking keeps sucking even worse in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    ^But deso man ...... on antimage

    I am shocked

    but yeah i guess its better

    Woof Woof

      3rd day in a row my teammates die up to 8 times before 10min mark without any ganks just getting destroyed on lanes against equal amount of players 2v2 etc Legit mm gona pm that fraud fletcher on devs forum today


        mm is worst shit ever check magnus i got in this game what a fucking joke

        DeFi Maxi

          you're not alone. Call me the the "unfortunate one" , either i lose so bad or i *almost* win then they snowball mid-late game. from 5.2k to 4.3k solo queue. LOL

          i always get feeder teammates.

          Penis Monkey

            Dazzle's ACTUAL words 'I 100% make sure u don't win' coz he and AM had a lovers tiff when they both fed 0-3 in safe lane.



              Np bros, mm works as intended, bringing all players to artificial winrate Volvo wants.

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              one and half gun

                what is your mmr?


                  Why do people still buy the "forced 50% win rate" shit? Obviously there are shit matches that are completely one sided and unwinnable, but the game doesn't INTEND for it. Dota is a snowball game. Get over it.

                  The only constant factor is you. If you are losing a lot, learn how to win.


                    ^ Tell me how to win in the games like above.


                    Got 3 idiots: rubick, nyx and axe. None of em could gank and enemies' team was full of nerds constantly moving around the map, I was ss mid always fighting ember and dark seer. This game was like 2,5v5, ty for free loss Volvo.



                      And again a nice game with 3 russian imbecils that did 0 initations with es/ss/batrider in the whole game except for some kills mid.

                      Ggwp Vulveh.

                      Woof Woof

                        after 2 free wins under 26minutes where i coud leave server at start and my team would win anyway i end up in game with 4 russian players that random 4 melee and mid calling earthshaker while enemy has slark,furion,invoker,veng,lich(all picks) LOL valve ofc we play without courier and wards too

                        #ez 30min loss ofc i had rus 3 stack glad i decided to give up on game and rotate my focus towards dinner #mm/10 :-e

                        game after free loss above 20min free win !

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                          ^ Same fucking shit, after I won a game I got 2 idiots losing and feeding bot as hell and furi top who also fed all the game. Just left at 10 min, ggwp again. Vulva cant stop surprising me with trash idiots in my team.


                            be a man and dont cry

                            Woof Woof

                              be a man and give away all your items
                              be a man and send me your next pay check
                              be a man and let me fuck your wife
                              be a man and hang yourself

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                              Woof Woof

                                3 free wins later i end up with sven that builds battle fury and ulti skipping abbadon ; d its funny how same pattern always reappear after winstreaks

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                                  1 match is a forced loss cause i get the most retarded team ever:

                                  then get an auto win, 20 min ggwp roflstomp:

                                  #get valved

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    how exactly can valve force a loss? they are picking up people in similar MM. If MM is working that your statement is irrelevant and if it is NOT working then how exactly can they control it?


                                      Zenoth I've read the arguments presented by you and Relentless. I don't know if you're still interested in indulging in some discussion but I feel Relentless has a better case than what you say. I agree with you - over the long run, MMR will straighten out and people will reach their "proper" values. The problem is we don't KNOW what the long run actually means - it could mean 200 games, 500 games, or even 1000 games, and having to play 1000 games to find out is pretty dumb.

                                      I don't want to this discussion to turn into another one of those "MM is shit" cuz we have enough of those already, (and trust me, I do feel like venting as much as the OP whenever I get a loss streak) but I do want to point out that in the past few days, my experience is that -ap is influenced too much by which retards/superstars you get on your team. Relentless pointed this out as well: MM is not-so-infrequently decided by which feeder/retard you have and which superstar feeds more on that particular retard. If games were balanced more with lower MMR ranges, then this would happen less often.

                                      As for me, I'm your so-so guy. I don't feed often, and I don't snowball often. I just try to help my team win. Does this mean my MMR value is appropriate? Perhaps, but I still feel the games are too lopsided.

                                      Some recent examples in just the past 2 days.

                                      Bian and his friend + decent mid/carry player carry me against murs:


                                      I played the worst on our team, but let's analyze the other team's best player, murs:

                                      I think murs could've avoided first blood by playing more prudently instead of waveforming into potm, but even if he didn't die he would've lost regardless because one of his worst players on his team went mid with OD and lost to our TA, while our slark had free farm. Literally, there's nothing murs can do in that case just because our picks were (IMO) superior and he can't carry a team of 3 deadweights (clockwerk did alright, the rest of his team were like 500 pound anchors). I made a minor contribution to the team and reaped all the benefits.

                                      Patsoul + his friend carry me against yugi and our forum resident avidity:


                                      I did better this game, but once again, it's because our players were simply outplaying/outskilling the other team. The weaver didn't show up in many teamfights so it was 4v5 for a while, but we still maintained our early game lead throughout the entire match.

                                      Startales + his friend classic carry me: (Ganymede Elegy = Startales, 123456987 = classic, and I think they have around 5300-5400 party MMR)


                                      I help my lane win by spamming Lich deny/nova (something even an autistic 2.5k MMR player can do with a simple dota lesson), but Startales and his friend are the real stars since they get kills everywhere with good pudge hooks/lina stun.

                                      Am I trying to diminish my own role? Not really - just pointing out the fact that if I was on the other team, that would've been a sure loss for me. Literally, the only reason I won was because MM paired me up with good players, who played their roles properly. I just followed suit and supported my team (usually if I see a bunch of no-namers, I try and grab the hard carry as soon as possible because I don't want my terrorblade to be farming his 30 minute drums/sny/treads while the other team is raxing).

                                      If there is some convincing case of "MM is balanced," then this counterfactual must be satisfied: if I was put onto the other team and swapped with someone of equal MMR, does this mean my chances of winning remain 50%? Often times, the answer is no, and this is why I usually feel really relieved to see those superstar players on my team, because they are almost professional skill at feeding on the retards. In theory those games are balanced (due to MMR values on both teams being roughly equal), but in reality they are not. And if the chances of winning are not ~50% for both teams, then you can't make a case that there are at least a handful (Relentless estimated 1 in 5 games, I'd say 1 in 4 is probably what I've experienced) where no matter how well/poorly you play, the game has already been decided.

                                      In some games you don't get to play with a full deck, and the same happens for the other team.

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                                        Sampson, you better ask Gaben how he manages to give 5 free wins and then 5 free losses and keep this going forever.

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                                        Woof Woof


                                            Valve has gone for a sort of balanced on average claim instead of trying to truly achieve balanced games. They give you an equal chance to win unfair games or lose unfair games. The best players are able to win some of the games which are somewhat unfairly stacked against them... but even at that its only 55% win. To get over 55% win you have to stack.

                                            Even that I think is fine. Dota is a team game. The system should reward stacking... although solo que should only put you in games with 10 solo players. So they reward stacking to an excessive degree.

                                            Many games both teams had a good chance to win. But some games that is not true. Some games one team was far more likely to win before heroes were picked. Such games are failures of matching and usually due to either an error in group language preferences or an error in extending to an extremely large MMR range.

                                            Absolution offers an interesting way to consider such games. According to Valves Goal #4 it should be possible to switch you to the other team for the player who roughly matches your MMR. But as Absolution points out sometimes the game was won or lost regardless of your actions. Switching you to the other team the outcome would be the same. In these case there is usually a particular player or two who lost the game simply by being placed in the game. They were not closely comparable to the other players and could not compete at the level of the game. That is a "forced loss".

                                            The high MMR players who typically post on dotabuff usually experience this forced loss from the perspective of having a player on their team that is so bad they cannot be carried. But ordinary dota players are also hurt by this occasionally being placed in a game where they really can't do anything but feed and don't understand what to expect and what is expected from them. Ordinary dota players usually do not recognize when this happens to them. They just chalk it up to bad luck... maybe don't even realize that they caused the loss.

                                            Often the low MMR player will do something less dramatic than feed. They might ward incorrectly... something a support of an appropriate MMR would never do, but incorrect vision for the first 6 min of the game might already be GG. Or maybe they will try to afk jungle when the lanes can't support it. They may be mystified, even angry, when the lanes collapse and the game is immediately lost. At the level of game they are used to playing no one is good enough to do much with lane advantages and you can afk jungle for 15 minutes at no cost. They are throwing the game, but they don't even know it. They think the players who were in the lanes must be terrible to lose so fast... but really they are the one that failed. Or more correctly, Valve failed by placing them in a game with far higher MMR players.

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                                              I knew this would start.


                                              Forced loss against agressive nerds.

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                                                Ofc twas a start of losing streak prepared by Volvo.


                                                Seems like if I dont pick a hero that can move the game early I'm doomed cuz idiots just simply dont know how to prevent enemies' carry from farming. Potm/ogre failed to counter cm's support, not bad, not bad.

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                                                  3rd fucking forced loss in a row with bunch of newbs that cant neither farm or gank.


                                                  Idiots ss and furi standing woods/botlane like trashes who they are, doing 0 ganks, not moving around the map AT ALL. Moreover ss didnt even skill lighting, why do we need 1k damage? Naix ofc cant farm shit.

                                                  How many games should I force-lose more to start getting fair games? Only idiots from Vulva know.

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                                                    guess im getting lucky with matchmaking or getting better
                                           17 game winning streak playing ranked


                                                      omg forced loss, Gabe Newell actually ddosed this Tiny so he couldn't play /s


                                                        panic, prepare for 17 losing streak.

                                                        Sup m8

                                                          Fuck RMM I'm never playing it again. Shit games every time


                                                            I get matched with people who buy vanguard on slark

                                                            How do these people get 4k?
                                                            i mean my 2k friends know what the most useless item in the game is


                                                              vanguard is not useless

                                                              Dark Squall

                                                                vanguard ruls on AXE , DARK SEER AND CENTAUR


                                                                  You can talk another year about MMR mistakes and good things,it is simple,forced wins and looses,leave the guys with 4K+ MMR to think they are pro players,i don't want to loose nerves about MMR matches,stack on 3K,waves of wins and looses,without chance to do something about it,if you think you can do something because you are good player with 4 teammates (2 of them are feeding monsters) look some matches from pro players like Dendi,Puppey and others,if that theory is true (that you can make diference by your self) they would never loose the match but in reality this is not the case.
                                                                  Another thing about MMR,people play AP in 90% of matches,a lots of players play 5 to 10 heroes in every match,fuc*en boring,I caught myself to play the same way,depends from lines and roles i choose cca 10 heroes which are currently the most picked after patch.Boring.
                                                                  So,after too annoying MMR,too boring AP,i decide to go back on SD-RD,players are siimilar quality from 3K players on MMR but atmosphere is more relaxed and in 30 matches i played 25 different heroes,fun starting again,i don't have to be angry when i see carry CM or Luna after 50min without BKB,i just enjoy in Dota,that is the purpose ???


                                                                    Remember swiftending on his 2.8k account working back up to 5k+? He sure must have a 100 game lose streak coming up, just got lucky with volvo's matchmaking so far....


                                                                      [Nick], for me the only purpose is to win. I've played dota such a long time that most of newbs here werent even born, and I dont get fun anymore from OMFG I KILLED HIM, its a 4 man gank, what a beautiful spell. Actually win is fun.


                                                                        I don't want to argue with you,Blunt,Sampson and others ''pros'' from forum,most of the people who play this game are ranked cca 3K and below,some of them are trying to improve MMR like Relentless,trying to find reason why they can't,and why is improving so slowly,why they play matches they can't win,i don't want to do that anymore,i have friend with MMR 4K,same problems,same shit,stomp matches,one or two feeding diver,linear scenario in the most of the matches,annoying,btw,before era of MMR all noobs are played AP,players played AR/SD/RD it is a fact.
                                                                        So,Zenoth,you can see my account,i don't have 100 loosing strike,i'm not really good player like you(lol),but i know when to buy mek before BKB with CM,and i know that Jugg don't have need to buy Battle Fury,most of the people on 3K MMR don't....Beacuse of that playing MMR on this level is annoying,you can't learn people in one match the way of proper picks,lining, etc etc....They don't want to hear,they don't watch matches,they don't read guides,for the God's sake they don't know if you don't pick in proper time hero you will loose money after last patch....And after all of this you expect to win in match like this ??? No chance,zero.
                                                                        So,please,don't try to argue with me,i don't want to argue with anyone,just saying that i feel Relentless dissatisfaction,btw,you can't do anything about that Relentless,especialy in way you playing,similar to me,i can see from your picks,probaly waiting to pick last,trying to counter,mostly support,farm your carry and win/lose 50% of matches.That is the the way of Valve,the way for mass.


                                                                          lie to me agen fagt,
                                                                          For me to,win is everything,that is reason why i'm so tired from trying,but please tell me,after 7 loose strike matches where you played support,having better HD/TD than you carries,having better KDA from your carries,not to mention warding,healing etc,what to do???
                                                                          I know,pick carry first,they will pick supp,lol,they don't,if they pick supp they will buy courier and that it is.....I know most of the people who write on this forum are 4K MMR or better,but you don't have a clue how frustrating game can be on the lower levels.....


                                                                            I would like to point out again that I do not believe anyone is stuck at low MMR because of matching. I do think MMR should move faster on win/lose streaks like it used too do. But free wins are symmetrical with forced losses.

                                                                            This game is another example of where matching failed giving me an extremely easy game. It was so easy I was disappointed and bored. I laned silencer solo against PA and Storm. They should have been able to kill me or completely zone me out but because matching was a total disaster I actually kept storm mostly hiding and forced PA to get Ring of health to stay on the lane lasthitting with dagger. Meanwhile not only did my lane turn out to be very lopsided in skill the other two lanes were also in favor of my team.


                                                                              @lie to me agen fagt

                                                                              Dude stop crying. I've played in two matches with you in the past and you were GARBAGE. Like.. you were the worst antimage I've ever seen at that point in time. You used your damn ult at the start of a fight before anyone was missing any mana.. like.. wtf. You also blinked at the most retarded of moments. I supported you one game and I watched how you played and you auto attacked creeps instead of keeping the wave pulled in to allow for ganks and safer denies. We had ward vision and I even pulled the creep camps and you STILL FUCKED UP. I've only encountered you twice in match making (before ranked games) and you're terrible. Like.. grade A Uninstall terrible. You have no sense of when to fight who to focus or even how to focus. All you do is try to steal the kills from everyone.

                                                                              I've played with you twice in the past and you left such a bad impression I can't forget your name or your shit play-style, which doesn't exist.


                                                                                @ Arkas

                                                                                We should probably stop feeding the troll here so this thread can die finally. I've ended up matching with this guy but was on opp. teams and kept crying his team was a bunch of noobs etc etc. It's like if you don't like team based games go play starcraft 2 and see how much of a child/man/nerd you are when you 1v1 people all day.

                                                                                Can't blame your teammates then! XD


                                                                                  relentless that is not MM's fault, that is people playing like shit in a match and your team snowballing. Valve can not control people playing heroes they suck with......


                                                                                    i'm almost in elo heaven (5k+)

                                                                                    volvo plz give me 8 ez games (forced wins) in a row

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                                                                                      after ez winstreak, get this team :

                                                                                      4 times legion and rubick fed a double kill to axe in 2v1 situation, all that in like 15 min. they even muted and reported me after i called them retards! like wtf!

                                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                                        ^Why do you call people retard ? wtf is wrong with you ?

                                                                                        You probably should get lpq for a time if that its true.


                                                                                          stress runs in my blood

                                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                                            Chill bro if that happens just spam " UEHUEHEUHEUHEUH BRBR" like i do, you will feel better.

                                                                                            Plus this way you dont call anyone retard etc ...


                                                                                              After I won a game mm thought that shit is enough and gave me 3 imbecils: luna, tinker and potm.


                                                                                              Btw, luna lost solo safe to bh.

                                                                                              I'm so surprised, are you, kiddos?

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                                                                                                now muted for 48 hours after feeding when i miss first blood cause mu support was trying to steal it ~ggwp

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                                                                                                  And ofc after I win a game I get a full bunch of idiots wilth 3 null talismans afk farming furi, failed laneup, second wood hero, etc.


                                                                                                  Only a braindead man can insist that there are no forced losses.

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