General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play Ogre ?

How to play Ogre ? in General Discussion

    I was playing him as support but I end up with 45% wr
    Thing is, he is melee = hard to deward, deny, harass, also needs some items / farm
    so what to do ?


      praise lord gaben for multicasts

      Ples Mercy

        this may sound weird, but you simply has to play like an idiot. Ogre is a very tanky hero if u go up against ranged heroes just walk str8 up to their faces and rightclick them, get alot of regen with you if you expect alot of harrasment. Your only goal is to stay in lane until you're level 6, after that you just spam skills and hope for multicasts.


          Chase dwarves and try to avoid elves.


            Well, he's still a supporter with one to two stuns, a snare and a strong buff for carries while lacking endgame scaling on his autoattack.
            His disadvantage of being melee is somewhat balanced by the big damage potential of his nukes in the midgame, especially if you manage to get Aghanim's. And by his high Strength value for an Int hero.

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              The Ogre is a barrel of laughs.. your only worry is to have enough mana and HP regen to keep poking your enemies with your stun and snare... after you get that multicast you will laugh your arse off everytime it goes off and you just see people melting in front of you.

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                Don't lvl up ignite.
                Instead max stun then Bloodlust.


                  Why not? Ignite scales well and gets buffed quite alot with Scepter.... the cost of Fireblast rises exponencially with lvl and Multicast so its not like you will be spamming it that often, in the long run and for lanning and harrassment purposes Ignite is pretty good, slow and damage that more then not garantee you and your team mates a kill.

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                    I agree with Black Lion. Get 1 maybe 2 levels of bloodlust early and max your stun/slow first. Ogre is one of my favorite supports. He is very easy to be effective with.


                      This is the result of praying to the RNG gods and offering a sacrifice to Lord Gaben.



                        Starting out by roaming and ganking is best. Of course if you fail the timing it doesn't work at all. Its very important to

                        [1] Know where the fog is day and night. If they can see you, the gank fails.

                        [2] Smoke past wards if you need too. OM should only be visible on the map if you are killing someone.

                        [3] Understand when the position is right to attack, ideally you want to go when the enemy creep wave has 1 creep left and is pushing forward. But its good to attack whenever the enemy is too far forward.

                        [4] Check for mana on allies. If they can't cast, wait for them to have mana or try another lane. OM is fine standing around for quite a while waiting to gank provided no one saw you.

                        [5] Be patient. People can't stand to not lane. They will walk out and try to cs again. Most moves back to a tower are not really map awareness but coincidence. Wait for them to come out.

                        [6] OM is best when you have a carry that really benefits from extra move speed. Be sure to spam bloodlust. If things are going badly, just follow the carry around spamming blust. Their farm will pick up a lot this way and you will always be in position to save them from attacks. Get a medallion and put it on whatever the carry is hitting.

                        [7] Carry a quelling blade for wards. You can also use it to hide closer to gank targets and juke.

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                        Pilot Error

                          Ogre isn't really a good babysitter support since he's melee. He should be played more active and gank a lot in the early game. Orb of venom can be really strong combined with your slow (and yes, it's perfectly fine to skill it, the dmg got buffed real hard in 6.79).


                            very easy to be effective with?

                            actually I feel he is useless until u have blink/force staff and scepter

                            I will probably just stop playing him, bad hero :P

                            Ples Mercy

                              i usually have a hard time getting to lv 16 bcause the match is over by then...


                                like every support position is the key, to not fail in tf u stay behind, go for using spells, back off - repeat
                                the error that ppl makes with melee supports is that they go in for no reason and die instead of placing 10stuns in tf


                                  ogre is really fun to play with, roam a loot, buy smoke etc and u should help ur team get many kills
                                  just dont do what i see some people doing, building aghs then bloodstone or vice-versa..get some mobility and abuse the fact that u can instakill squishies when ure 16/with aghs (cross ur fingers)


                                    Sure he is fun :D ,
                                    but you cannot simply hit lvl16 as B-god said

                                    Gank a lot, might work, not sure if I can gank effectively tho, especially early without mobility
                                    also I was thinking about some simple hard lane combo with other ranged nuker

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