General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do so many people suck at this game?

Why do so many people suck at this game? in General Discussion

    I constantly get put with crap players in ranked and lose most single matchs.
    I do well in most matches (can't help much if I die after all my team fails).

    People using ults that do a lot of damage when they are trying to 1 vs 5 and fail every time (never learning and one of their best heroes).

    Man I just hate this system.
    Supports normally get put with crap teams in it.

    So many stupid people...


      most people suck at math
      most people suck at chess
      most people suck at singing
      most people suck at dota

      it's just how life works

      King of Low Prio

        good support players win games, plz stop using the 'I play a support I cant win games'


          Supports support others, it isn't their fault that their team members are morons and love to suicide.

          jess the goat

            well yes, the world is full of morons, billions of them


              stop talking shit, I know people who play mostly support and are over 4.5k MMR, while you are under 3k. stop whining, admit you're bad and start trying to improve... or keep playing with idiots forever and repeating it's not your fault

              King of Low Prio


                Quick maffs

                  You have more than 50 % winrate, in other words you are going up in rank, so what are you complaining about ?

                  btw you should stop getting those items on necro if you are playing him mid.


                    While I'm "Not" (idk how that didn't get in) top notch or even near really good, I get put with players that do not even know what their abilities do.
                    My previous game the person didn't even know Treant Protector healed towers until the game was mostly over.

                    I only play necro mid if the team has nobody that wants to.
                    I prefer safe lane and pushing with him.

                    Lately my winrate has been going down due to playing solo ranked lately.

                    I guess I'll join some group or something for more organized play styles.
                    Anyone have any references to some group sign-ups?

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                      Based tree you say?


                        ^^ Your last page of matches is almost a complete Necro spammage, what kind of servers are you playing in where so many people in so many matches don't want to go mid?

                        Este comentario fue editado

                          you're not top notch or near really good. dunning-kruger is strong with this one.
                          if you were indeed really good, you would pick tinker / storm / slark / qop and go 40/0 every game until you're 4.5k, because any really good player can win a 2.7k game all by himself with a good mid pick


                            Careful, you're going to rustle jimmies.


                              sano i think he said hes not near really got but the 'not' went missing


                                Idk how that not didn't get in there.

                                Quick maffs

                                  I agree with sano, now seriously try to play mid with necro and IF you are good you should be capable of carrying your team.


                                    Ignoring the troll answers.

                                    The reason is because dota is very complex. There are many heroes and hero interactions to mesmerize and item interactions to memerize (and practice with).
                                    It is a 5v5 team game that actually require coordination constantly, rather than something like an FPS where coordination is not as important.
                                    Compared to other Moba/arts, Dota is more difficult because of the diversity in the design of heroes, the complexity of the mechanics, and the extremely large number of specific mechanic/interactions that are the result of years of balancing patches and exceptions being made.

                                    Lastly, most players refuse to accept that other players will have bad games, or play heroes they aren't as good with sometimes resulting in a bad game. Sometimes a player will be beaten in lane. This doesn't mean that said player is significantly worse than the rest of his team mates.


                                      It's mostly delusions & dunning-kruger though.

                                      Feeder A) Sees sing play mid and going 7/0 with shadowfiend
                                      Feeder A) Remembers that one time he went 7/0 mid with shadowfiend
                                      Feeder A) Thinks he is sing
                                      Feeder A) Rages because he is placed with feeders
                                      Feeder A) Goes to social network to complain


                                        Yeah I kind of knew the answer to my own question :P
                                        Many players play solo and do not seem to play well in team coordination.
                                        It is just annoying when people play the ranked system and feed constantly...
                                        You can't get carried if you tower dive and fight out numbered every time.

                                        I should go lookup this sing guy, I hear him being mentioned on these boards quite a bit since I joined.


                                          It's possible to improve if you don't take that attitude. I accepted I am only 20% of the team and will not affect enough to win games. I also accept that I can have bad games. So I improved from like 47% winrate from when I started the game to 50%. (Without spamming too much Abaddon, either.)

                                          Buy the smoke. Check Roshan with your rocket flare. Ping people who are solo pushing far in. TP to ganked allies in laning. And always pick last.


                                            Sing is a 1600 MMR scrub who doesn't even play Dota2


                                              In your last 4 losses you've done less than 1000 tower damage total.
                                              You build Shadowblade on Crystal maiden (against a team with non-targetted stuns even).
                                              You build crits on Magnus immediately after Blink.

                                              Focus on your own mistakes.

                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                Not sure why u picking Necro if you're only rushing bloodstone. It's not as strong as it used to be with the HP regen nerf. You got a horrible Pugna. I would refrain from playing KOTL & Rhasta if you want higher winrate too.


                                                  Never play Magnus and it was single draft.
                                                  And the cm match was a sweep later in the game so I bought the sb for fun.

                                                  I don't really go ss/kotl in solo due to the lack of teamwork in the games.

                                                  I guess it's not too bad since I have over a 50% win rate and that is supposedly normal/decent.
                                                  Bs is always nice on necro for tank and spam q, idk what you are talking about with him.

                                                  The Pug was mostly support with ds. Bought the wards and couriers.


                                                    c'mon even pro player sometimes can get dunning-kruger too. XBOCT after TI3 for example.
                                                    it's like the nature of dota, it's just we have to learn to control it

                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!