General Discussion

General Discussionlist of people at high mmr that are garbage

list of people at high mmr that are garbage in General Discussion
elf wives cheat to ride m...

    IEF - spams earth spirit everygame and still loses. good job making the hero look balanced.
    devilish - picks earth spirit everygame. you are bad.
    star the one - stop playing mid and stop playing voker. you're not good at either. you'll win more often trust me.

    will add more later

    Ples Mercy



        I'm at low MMR AND I'm garbage TAKE THAT.

        Ye Season

          I saw someone with like 4600 MMR ask "How do you stop a split push?" lawl


            @murs You need to add yourself to that list in my humble opinion.Regards...


              il help u with list

     no idea about game
     how the fuck did he got into 5k+ matches ?
     holy effin shiet

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                elf wives cheat to ride m...

                  additions to list

                  the penis hare and the sea - how are you in my games lol
                  codehpro - oh my GOD YOU are so bad. you pick brood every single game and you're still not very good with the hero.
                  monkeys-forever - its SO FUCKING HARD winning with you on my team

                  elf wives cheat to ride m...
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                      es pickers in us east should consider suicide for the greater good, cba going through my matches to find their steam profile but every es i've encountered in US East (opponent team or my team) is on the same skill level as van-art and oh boy dont let me get started with that gypsy who plays in low priority + wisp/ursa or least played/limited hero pool to maintain 70~% winrate. the only decent es pickers so far in us east is bishmar, freshmeat and another dude whos name i forgot

                      then you have the pinoys in us east who think its fun to pick carries and then cry in voice chat "PLS CUM GANK" min 4-5 in game

                      i thought europe was bad but this is like another level of bad, i also think americans who think its fun to point out exactly everything with their mic is obnoxious as fuck and should be killed immediately

                      no wonder players like arteezy and envy went from 5.2k to 6k+ by playing us east :PPpPpPp im almost there too ,thank u friends for encouraging us east

                      also i forgot to mention this guy

                      why arent you banned from playing dota 2 again? you cant even maintain 2 kda with brood and you abandon in-game and during loading screen literally EVERY match you fucking impersonating cunt, die you fucking faggot
                      I DONT EVEN WANT TO KNOW IF YOU STILL HAVE 2.0 KDA SINCE U DISABLED DOTABUFF RETARD its probably 0.5 or something now

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                        On a more serious comment, everyone can't play like murs or vaikiss(playing different heroes generally) and stay in high tier mming.Thats something you have to deal with.I could pick same heroes and get like 5k but i would be in that garbage list probably so i will stay in 4.3k rate for a long time prolly

                        elf wives cheat to ride m...

                          =J03l=^^! - counterpicks me when i random and sitll loses


                            i pick shitty heroes like sf 95% of the times in solo ranked and i havent lost yet out of 20 games or so

                            maybe its because ur shit at dota imbapower


                              so now we can post ppl's name freely but when i did every scrubs hated me for doin it, i guess it was bad timing


                                @wave Maybe im shit at dota who cares ? Idc too much about it i just play it

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                                  I remember you playing brood mother.


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                                    elf wives cheat to ride m...

                                      ru the idiot with the macro at the start of the game


                                        Ples Mercy





                                                i get banned from posting on my main acc because i called the dotabuff guy "Jason" but spamming knowledgeable threads like these to raise awareness about bad players is completely fine

                                                oh well at least murs tried :PPPPPPPPPP

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                                                  elf wives cheat to ride m...

                                                    this guy

                                                    dcs everygame i'm against him and only plays it out if i'm on his team. he ONLY plays brood slark but he fucking sucks at the heroes and makes them look balanced.

                                                    elf wives cheat to ride m...


                                                      roams around aimlessly and accomplishes nothing three games in ar ow

                                                      elf wives cheat to ride m...

                                               leaves before he gets first blooded so game doesnt count

                                                        elf wives cheat to ride m...

                                                          spartt - spams earth spirit and still loses


                                                            how do you know they have high mmr? i got matched with merlini/against arteezy and i don't have high mmr (high = 5k+)

                                                            murs what's your alt i want to see you play more solo mm

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                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              Yeah murs who the fucks loses with earth spirit right ?


                                                              So you are literally flaming people for being bad at a videogame ? seriously ?

                                                              Take a look at your rage problems dude


                                                       bad mid player, 100% guarantee loss if hes in your team

                                                                elf wives cheat to ride m...

                                                                  i just assume their mmr is somewhere in the 4k-6k range if they are in the same game as me and repeatedly in games with me

                                                                  that was my first or second game with earth spirit. i know how he works now and his combos but i still refuse to pick the hero, only if i random him.

                                                                  i can confirm tendra is bad, i got him on my team a couple times when i was playing on eu west. lost with him and beat him i believe.

                                                                  elf wives cheat to ride m...

                                                                    JuanCTC - dumb peruvian loses his lane whines and complains everygame

                                                                    elf wives cheat to ride m...

                                                                      oh my fucking god why are russians queueing on us east

                                                                      elf wives cheat to ride m...

                                                                        and WHY ARE THEY PICKING PUDGE


                                                                          link to matchid



                                                                            spams well played and starts feeding in every match, avoid at all costs

                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                              Oh god this is so funny :D

                                                                              elf wives cheat to ride m...

                                                                                does the same stupid legion build every single game and takes safe lane and feeds


                                                                                  hey murs, play solo MMR as ES and get 65+% winrate in 15 games and i'll call myself trash. Kthx


                                                                                    lol devilish you are a scrub you used to stack with me to get your ursa winrate


                                                                             - picks slark, goes offlane, takes every rune, buys sny, afk farms, i think his first item with slark was bkb?

                                                                             - picks LC, cries like a bitch for jungling (lol), cant even kill cm/lion with bkb

                                                                             - safe lane mirana, never uses ulti for ganks or w/e, only 2 items at 40 minutes

                                                                                      vengeful in match id #484182499, waits patiently with stun/aura and says "sorry" and then asked me why im afk farming after repeatedly killstealing, didnt even need ganks from vengeful to win mid vs OD but somehow he thought it was partially because of his "ganks" on OD huhuhuhhu

                                                                                      im considering getting a degree in programming or something so i can end up as a valve developer and just give these niggers infinite time in low priority or something to keep them away from my games..

                                                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                        oh hey murs we met the same retarded legion picker :o)

                                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                                          Ok this thread should be deleted.


                                                                                            Just post more spider-man!


                                                                                              @joninja LOL. are u saying u carried me? Or are you saying that you think im at your level.

                                                                                              I used to stack with noobs like u to lower my used-to-be stupidly high MMR.


                                                                                                I love this thread.

                                                                                                elf wives cheat to ride m...

                                                                                                  i dont mind him picking lc its just him picking lc taking safelane farm getting the same stupid items everygame and having zero impact

                                                                                                  what a moron


                                                                                                    LOL. Everyone who commends in this thread is pro. hahaha. I would say you can add me to the list but im not in high mmr so blehh.

                                                                                                    Woof Woof