General Discussion

General DiscussionWon as meepo is this even dota?

Won as meepo is this even dota? in General Discussion

    Somebody randomed meepo so i saud that i will swap( I am really poor on that hero) thought it would be funny and we won i was very surprised and i didnt play that well and didnt carry completely but i got pick offs and did some rat dota. Has anyone else had the same experience were they are quite surprised they won, this is like the time i played 5 role spirit breaker.


      I've never been surprised when I've won, however I've been REALLY surprised on some of my loses.


        Umm.. Back in dota1, My team won a game where our Riki rushed a lothars (Shadowblade..)
        He was sitting with treads + lothars even at like the 40 min mark.. So, Yea.. Quite surprised we won that. ._.

        Then there was one 3v5 match, (starting from like the 6 min mark, where 2 of my teammates dc'd off and abandoned.)
        Which we won :3


          I used to be scared of chen, even tho my micro is decent. Never played him in wc3 and never picked it in D2, so when I randomed it, I has like ''ho shit, well.... why not''. I stomped with it and it became my 2nd or 3rd most played hero


            Nice, my micro is weak and i won as meepo and then lost as sylla :( But sylla wasnt my fauly i played and farmed well


              ^LOOK AT IT GOO


                I won as a randomed Chen that was forced to go mid...surprisingly effective...

                waku waku

         i totally carried that game


                    I randomed as Undying (A hero which I was really bad at) I went with our TimberSaw bot vs an Offlane Clock
                    2 of my teammates picked another 2 support vs a 3-lane with AM our supports were just towerhugging .
                    Our only carry which was LC went mid vs QoP and He Failed so Bad. They were ahead 7 kills on 15minute mark

                    AM got a 12minute Fury, And I already gave up. Was surprised that our TimberSaw is carrying us and was going 2v1 vs QoP + AM.

                    Unexpected win.


                      @community toxin no wonder you lost your item build is terrible

                      waku waku

                        but i won :3
                        nobody was thinking of going support so i decided to do just that
                        i got vladimirs before lone druid too

                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!