General Discussion

General Discussionhow can valve manage to do this?

how can valve manage to do this? in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    i'll post this here since on threads regarding MM get locked like hell

    I am not complaining but i am amazed. I won 2 ranked matches in a row. On my third match i was matched with russians in my team. Not even 1 word of english. They fed the entire game. How the hell does this MM work? Last matches i remember that i had no russians and now surprise!

    24 mins in the game it is 30 8(4 kills were made by me)

    27 mins gg


      mm doesnt know what language you speak if you select english preferences
      mm doesnt know if youre gonna have a bad game
      mm doesnt know if you have a real life issue interfering with your gaming
      mm doesnt know if the guy who gets 5k mmr in russia is bad compared to 5k mmr in eu west
      mm does tell you if the search range is getting too big when you queue for several minutes
      mm does tell you that you can expect lower rating players on your team if the queue takes a while
      mm does tell you that it tries to average out the teams by putting shitheads on your teams and putting average people on the enemy team (which is the only REAL issue here)

      Woof Woof

        trash system is trash go play hon see how things look there [russian free game] in past - pre region segregation if some tard would type in cyrylic on europe server people would just kick him from game i wont even mention many usefull tools that were developed by users like game dodging app with ban list / system to rate players and then if u get matched with them again u can see what rating u gave them before etc its just night and day when we compare this shit hole of a game with hon + they used to have reports for unskilled players dunno is it still there

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          I don't get people complaining about teammates in a 5v5 game. The answer is find teammates.
          I would like a system where you declare a lane and role before clicking find match and it matches you with others who have searched the other spots. Would probably take a while to find a game tho

          Hex Sigma

            what if i want to play solo?


              Then accept it or just afk fountain when the game is lost and ult tab to firefox coming back every 4 mins to move your hero so you dont get an abandon. Thats what I do with non English speaking bad teammates.


                ^That's not how a game should work, that's what happens when the people who run the game are lazy and don't know what they are doing. You can't just accept it and let the game be shit, you have to complain and hope it gets improved, and if it doesn't, then the game will fail. Look at Tera, there were THOUSANDS of complaints on the forums and nobody listened, the game went f2p 8 months after release.

                Hex Sigma

                  any suggestions?

                  Woof Woof

                    lose more than you win = better teammates guaranteed


                      Yeah, I suggest MM doesn't average out people's MMR across teams, but mirrors it. Instead of having 6000+5000+4000+3000+2000 vs a team of all 4000, MM should do 5000+4000+4000+4000+3000 vs 5000+4000+4000+4000+3000. Obviously with smaller MMR ranges (mm shouldnt put people with 4k differences together, or even 1k differences), but you get the idea.

                      The same should happen for stacks. It should never be 2 solos+party of 3 vs 5stack, MM should mirror stacks as well. 5man vs 5man, 4man+1 vs 4man+1, 3+2 vs 3+2.

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                      one and half gun

                        i wish dota had a lobby system instead of this "find a match" button

                        5500+ AP EU

                        and if somebody got 5k+ and everyone deem them not worthy i'd fucking ban them, games would be so much entertaining and comfortable


                          so you could have an easier time getting alt accounts into your games?


                          one and half gun


                            Hex Sigma

                              i was also considering into playing on another region like usw and use(just to get rid of the russians). But i am afraid that the ping will be unbearable


                                If you play in EUE or RU servers, DO NOT go to NAE or NAW servers because you will get 500+ ping easily. Also, we don't need more sub 50% players in our servers.

                                Este comentario fue editado

                                  wave go post the idea on dev mb it can happend

                                  Luxalpa, Primal Calamity


                                    Hex Sigma

                                      it was a lpq match you retard. I purposely fed on that one

                                      Woof Woof

                                        Raspharus in my experience playing on us was much better - way less russians people talking on mic etc and what surprised me the most back then no retarded picks (it was pre eu server split) but yeh i could feel difference in delay between eu and us east [eu 110 - us east 170/210]

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          clearly valve can fix the problem of

                                          -Xdire player got first blood-

                                          Radiant player in all chat - GG fucking 'Yradiant player' feeds blah blah blah

                                          team falls apart from constant fighting then the other team snowballs out of control

                                          at the end of the match you have 'random radiant player with blink/invis who managed to snag a few kills when they where diving tier 3 10mins in' look at my score I carried game and my teammates suck

                                          Hex Sigma

                                            @Sampson god man where were you in ti3?

                                            and yes valve can manage to do something by imrpoving the mm system

                                            and how can you carry a team that feeds from the first minute? enlighten me


                                              You could just not play ranked and just 5 stack with your friends atm if you think the system is broken.

                                              If nobody plays MMR, maybe that will give Valve insentive to improve the system.

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                someone feeding vs making someone feed. There seems to be alot of feeders on my opponent team when I play BH.....


                                                  you got a bad games stop crying.

                                                  Hex Sigma

                                                    as I got out of lpq now I have some tricks that I want to use and see if they work
                                                    1. Play on use and usw(the ping is not unbearable more like ~150 ms)
                                                    2. If that doesn't work I'll start playing heavy pushers(brood, np, lycan etc.)
                                                    3.If that doesn't work I'll play with my best heroes
                                                    4. And if none of these works I'll use and old account that has no games in it and I'll try to stomp my way to lv 13(I heard that mm takes into consideration your previous normal mmr when it gives you your ranked rating)

                                                    one and half gun

                                                      i dont wanna break it down for you but if you have 50% winrate and below 4.5k rating, its your fault and not where people come from

                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!